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Squirrel: A decentralized peer-to-peer web cache. Paper by Sitaram Iyer, Antony Rowstron and Peter Druschel (© 2002) Presentation* by Alexander Prohaska. *Slides partly taken from [2]. Little motivation for Squirrel.
Squirrel: A decentralized peer-to-peer web cache Paper by Sitaram Iyer, Antony Rowstron and Peter Druschel (© 2002) Presentation* by Alexander Prohaska *Slides partly taken from [2]
Little motivation for Squirrel • Large organizations sometimes have clusters of more than 20 machines acting as web cache to handle peak loads • Expensive hardware and administration • Decentralized peer-to-peer web cache • Every computer in the intranet takes a little part of the web caches job • Got the web cache for free! What? Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Overview • Web caching • Pastry • Squirrel • Evaluation • Conclusion Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Web caching • Goals • Principle • Web cache • Cooperative web cache • Decentralized web cache • Centralized vs. decentralized web cache Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Goals of web caching • Goals • Reduce latency • Decrease external traffic • Reduce load on web servers and routers Deployed at corporate network boundaries, ISPs, etc. • Assumptions for corporate LAN • Located in a single geographical region • Latency between two LAN PCs << latency to external servers • Inner-LAN bandwidth >> external bandwidth Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Principle of web caching • Web browser makes HTTP GET requests for internet objects • Serviced from • local browser cache • web cache(s) • or origin web server depending on which has a fresh copy of the object Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Principle of web caching (2) • Object is not in local browser cache (cache miss or object is uncacheable) • Forward request to next level towards origin server • Object is found in local browser cache • Check for freshness • If fresh, object is returned to the web browser, • otherwise local browser cache issues a conditional GET (cGET) request to the next level for validation • Typically an If-Modified-Since request with timestamp • Responses to cGET are the new object or “not modified” Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Web cache browser cache browser client web server centralized webcache browser cache browser client corporateLAN internet Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Cooperative web cache browser cache webcache browser webcache client web server webcache webcache webcache browser cache browser cluster client corporateLAN internet Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Decentralized web cache Squirrel browser cache browser client web server Squirrel browser cache browser client corporateLAN internet Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Centralized web cache Administrative costs Dedicated hardware Scaling implies upgrading Single point of failure Decentralized (Squirrel) Self-organizing network No additional hardware Resources grow with clients Resilient of concurrent node failure Centralized vs. decentralized Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Overview • Web caching • Pastry • Squirrel • Evaluation • Conclusion Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
ObjectIds NodeIds Features of Pastry • Self-organizing, decentralized & scalable DHT • Circular 128-bit namespace for NodeIds and ObjectIds (uniformly, random) • Objects are mapped to the live node numerically closest to ObjectIds • A pastry node can route within log2bN routing steps to the numerically closest node for a given ObjectId • Automatically adapts to the arrival, departure and failure of nodes Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Overview • Web caching • Pastry • Squirrel • Evaluation • Conclusion Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Squirrel • Environment • Scheme • Mapping Squirrel onto Pastry • Home-store model • Directory model • Comparison Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Environment of Squirrel • 100 - 100.000 desktop machines in a corporate LAN • Located in a single geographical region, e.g. a building or campus • Each node • runs an instance of Squirrel, • disables the browsers cache and • sets Squirrel as the browser’s proxy Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Scheme of Squirrel • Web browser issues requests to Squirrel proxy • Squirrel checks if the object is cacheable • If it’s cacheable and already in the cache, Squirrel checks freshness • If it’s not fresh, Squirrel maps the object to another Squirrel node using Pastry • That’s the home node for the object Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Mapping Squirrel onto Pastry • Client nodes always cache objects locally • Two approaches • Home-store model • Home node also stores object • Directory model • Home node remembers a small directory of (up to e.g. 4) pointers to recent clients (delegates) • Home node forwards subsequent requests to randomly chosen delegates with fresh object Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Home-store model (first request) = in cache after request URLhash 1. client 4. 2. web server home 3. LAN internet Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Home-store model (second request) = in cache before request = in cache after request 1. URLhash client 2. web server home LAN internet Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Directory model (first request) pointer to node with object in cache = in cache after request 1. 3. web server client 4. “not cached” 2. internet LAN home Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Directory model (second request) pointer to node with object in cache = in cache before request = in cache after request 1. 3. web server client internet LAN 2. home Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
More on home-store model • Advantages • It’s simple • Hash function does mapping of objects to nodes, so popular files are uniformly distributed • Disadvantages • Stores objects at home nodes and wastes storage • Copies of objects in the cache of non-home nodes are not shared in the network Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
More on directory model • Advantages • Avoids storing unnecessary copies at the home node • Rapidly changing directory for popular objects seems to improve load balancing • Disadvantages • Only requesting clients store objects in cache, so • active clients store all the popular objects and • inactive clients waste most of their storage • Seems to decline load balancing • Improving or declining load balancing? Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Overview • Web caching • Pastry • Squirrel • Evaluation • Conclusion Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Evaluation • Trace characteristics • Total external traffic • Latency • Load • Fault tolerance Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Trace characteristics Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Total external bandwidth • The number of bytes transferred between Squirrel (LAN) and the internet (lower is better) Redmond Cambridge Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Latency (Redmond) • Home-store needs between 3 and 4 hops to locate home node + 1 hop for the return path (mean 4,11 hops) • Directory needs as many hops as home-store + 1 for forwarding to delegate (mean 4,56 hops) • Additional, there are other cases 100% 80% 60% % of cacheable requests 40% 20% 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total hops within the LAN Centralized Home-store Directory Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Latency (Cambridge) • Like the Redmond trace, only shifted left by app. 2 • Home-store: mean 1,8 hops • Directory : mean 2,0 hops 100% 80% 60% % of cacheable requests 40% 20% 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total hops within the LAN Centralized Home-store Directory Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Peak load on single nodes • Home-store model • Directory model Home-store model (hash function) causes drastically lower load compared to the directory model (access pattern) Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Fault tolerance • Sudden node failures result in partial loss of cached content • Home-store: proportional to failed nodes • Directory: more vulnerable • If 1% of all Squirrel nodes abruptly crash, the fraction of lost cached content is: Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Overview • Web caching • Pastry • Squirrel • Evaluation • Conclusion Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Conclusions • Possible to decentralize web caching • Performance comparable to a centralized web cache • Better in terms of cost, scalability and administrative effort • Under the made assumptions, the home-store scheme is superior to the directory scheme Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
References [1] Sitaram Iyer, Antony Rowstron, Peter Druschel, Squirrel: A decentralized peer to peer web cache, July 2002,http://research.microsoft.com/~antr/PAST/squirrel.pdf [2] Sitaram Iyer, Presentation slides from PODC, 21-24 July 2002, Monterey, CA., http://research.microsoft.com/PAST/squirrel-podc.pdf [3] Antony Rowstron, Peter Druschel, Pastry: Scalable, decentralized object location and routing for large scale peer-to-peer systems, November 2001, http://research.microsoft.com/PAST/pastry.pdf [4] Miguel Castro, Peter Druschel, Y. Charlie Hu, and Antony Rowstron, September 2002, Topology-aware routing in structured peer-to-peer overlay networks, http://www.ece.purdue.edu/~ychu/publications/fudico02.pdf Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Finish • Thanks for your attention • Any questions? Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Outtakes • The following slides were taken out for timing reasons. Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Pastry • Features • Node state • Routing table • Routing • Routing example • Self-organization Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Pastry node state – an example Set of nodes with |L|/2 smaller and |L|/2 larger numerically closest NodeIds Prefix-based routing entries |M| “physically” closest nodes Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Routing tables in Pastry • NodeIds are in base 2b • One row for each prefix of local NodeId (log2bN populated on average) • One column for each possible digit in the NodeId representation (2b -1) • Configuration parameter b defines the tradeoff: • (log2bN) * (2b -1) entries to route within • log2bN routing hops • Typical value for b is 4 Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Routing with Pastry • No guarantee to find shortest path • Gives rise to relatively good path • Next node is chosen from an exponentially decreasing number of nodes • Distance during each successive routing step is exponentially increasing • Dist(A,B)<Dist(B,C) • … E B A C D Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
An example for routing in Pastry 3xxx 0xxx 1xxx 2xxx 1XXX 2XXX 3XXX 0XXX 0112 2321 START 0112 routes a message to key 2000. 2032 First hop fixes first digit (2) 2001 Second hop fixes second digit (20) END 2001 closest live node to 2000. Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Self-organization in Pastry • Node arrival • Compute NodeId X (typically SHA-1 hash of IP address) • Find an nearby Pastry node automatically • Send special “join” message to X • Pastry will route this message to the existing node numerically closest to the new node • All nodes that route or receive the message update their state table and send it to X • Build up own state table by taking the appropriate parts of the received state tables Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Self-organization in Pastry (2) • Node departure • Nodes may fail or depart without warning • Pastry guarantees that each node lazily repairs its leaf set unless |L|/2 nodes with adjacent NodeIds have failed simultaneously • L is the second configuration parameter, typical value is between 16 and 32 • Inaccurate routing table entries must be replaced to preserve the integrity of routing tables • Meanwhile, messages are routed over a node that is numerically closer to the destination than the current node Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
More on directory model (2) • Load spike example • Requests for web pages with many embedded images will all be served by a few recent clients • Many home nodes point to such clients • Declining or improving load balance? • Evaluation will show Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache
Hit Ratio • Defined as the fraction of all objects that are serviced by the web cache • Hit ratio of the Squirrel cache is indirectly related to the external bandwidth • Squirrel approaches hit ratio of centralized cache with increasing per-node contribution • At about 100 MB per node cache size, Squirrel achieves 28% and 37% for Redmond and Cambridge traces (out of possible 29% and 38%), respectively Squirrel - A decentralized P2P cache