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BLOOMING. HIBISCUS (in the pot, New Delhi) 12 of 50. If you have ... You will get very good quality of flowers and organic tasty vegetables for years. ...
PCRA Conservation of Recourses for better future 2 of 50
Recycle the Waste and save Nature 3 of 50
Bio-degradable waste 4 of 50 Kitchen / Canteen Waste : unused vegetable cuttings, fruits peel offs, tea/coffee powder, coconut fiber egg shells, non-veg waste, stale/left over /rotten food etc. BIO- DEGRADABLE WASTE INCLUDES 5 of 50 Flowers/garlands Hair, cut nails Excreta of the pet animal, cow dung etc. Horticultural waste like dried leaves, mowed grass, cut trees, up rooted weed. 6 of 50 Will it have a stink / foul smell? No. Not at all ! How can we do that? Just have some pots with plants you desire ---- Very simple Can we convert this Bio-degradable waste to manure at Home? Yes ! It’s possible 7 of 50 Step-1 : Take a set of 7 pots of 12 - 14 inches diameter for 7 days of week. Step-2 : Clear 2 - 3 inches of the soil from top. Step-3 : Make 7 equal parts of 1 packet of bio-catalyst. ( Bio –catalyst is only one time requirement) Step-4 : Mark the 7 pots as M,Tu, Wed ….. Or 1,2,3……. Step-5 : Sprinkle 1 part of bio-catalyst in 1 pot i.e. 7 parts in 7 pots. PROCEDURE FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN HOME Contd.... Note : The Process can be implemented at existing plants also PCRA 8 of 50 Step-6 : Put some water to make soil wetStep-7 : Put 500 gm of waste ( family of 4 persons) in the 1St potStep-8 : Next day 500 gm of waste in the 2nd pot. 3rd day in the 3rd pot & so on……Step-9 : On 8th day again you can put 500 gm of waste in the 1st pot. Then 9th day in the 2nd pot Step – 10 : Like this you can continue the cycle. No smell whatsoever ………………………….xxx…………………………… Note : Water the plants normally. It will take about 6 MONTHS to fill up the space of 3” in the pot. 500 gms of waste goes into each pot once in 7 days. Plants start getting the benefit of manure in 3- 4 weeks time & they grow extremely well. PROCEDURE FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN HOME PCRA PCRA PCRA 9 of 50 A typical Pot - Bio composting Fibrous Material (like coconut fiber, cooler pads, Sugarcane bagas.) 2 inch layer of soil Drain Hole Bio-catalyst Bio-degradable waste 10 of 50 Potted Orange Plant Pot showing kitchen waste on top Konark Apartment Kalkaji, New Delhi 11 of 50 BLOOMING HIBISCUS (in the pot, New Delhi) 12 of 50 If you have terrace-- You can make it green. By just using Bio-degradable waste which otherwise is thrown to MCD Bin You can convert terrace into the kitchen garden Giving you lots of tasty vegetables and flowers Keeping your house cool! Making you happy and proud of joining clean environment team! Here is the simple procedure--- 13 of 50 PROCEDURE FOR IMPLEMENTATION ON TERRACE 1. Lay 1.2 m x 1 m polythene sheet On the terrace/balcony. 2. Place the bricks in the form of a rectangle 3. Fill the inside area with soil up to a height of 3” 4. Plant saplings of your favorite flowers or vegetables. 5. Spray bio-catalyst on soil. (only one time requirement!) Contd.... New Delhi 14 of 50 6. Spread daily vegetable & horticultural waste on the soil 7. Water Normally 8. Waste gets converted into Bio-compost in 3-4 weeks 9. There will be absolutely no smell whatsoever 10. You will get very good quality of flowers and organic tasty vegetables for years. PROCEDURE FOR IMPLEMENTATION ON TERRACE 15 of 50 FLOWER BED ON TERRACE (New Delhi) 16 of 50 New Delhi CAULIFLOWER ON TERRACE 17 of 50 PUMPKIN ON THE TERRACE New Delhi 18 of 50 19 of 50 PAPAYA TREE ON THE TERRACE (Ms. Jyoti) 20 of 50Slide 21:BANIAN TREEONTERRACE(Mrs.Lata)
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GAUVA PLANT ON TERRACE Ms. Jyoti 22 of 50 GAUVA PLANT ON TERRACE 23 of 50 Community Bio - Composting in Residential Colonies & Schools 24 of 50 Anywhere Bins Along boundary wall(inside) Bins outside compound wall Small portion of garden (bin can be surrounded by plants and creepers) Terrace 25 of 50 Where it can be done