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What happens when you have an Underbite

The most important aspect of personal well-being is oral health. You must keep your smile healthy. To<br>detect and treat hidden conditions, having your teeth cleaned at least once a year is a good idea.

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What happens when you have an Underbite

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  1. What happens when you have an Underbite? Only a small percentage of people actually have perfectly aligned teeth, contrary to what magazines and movies might tell us. Most people do not have completely straight teeth at birth. Teeth that are slightly out of place typically don't need medical attention. However, fixing an underbite might be very beneficial if an underbite is severe. An underbite is a condition in which the patient's lower jaw extends beyond their upper jaw. This causes the bottom teeth to be in front of the top teeth when the mouth is open. An underbite is also known as Class III Malocclusion. It can occur in various ways and is usually caused by genetics. Underbite can also be caused by childhood behaviours like thumb-sucking, breathing in the mouth, and prolonged use of a pacifier. Do you need to correct an underbite? Depending on the severity of the underbite, complications can vary from mild to severe and affect mental and physical health. Many patients with an underbite experience some issues, which include: Self-esteem - Underbite drastically changes a person’s facial shape. It causes the chin to protrude and makes it look larger than it really is. Chronic pain and strain can make someone look older. The result can be extreme self-consciousness. Speech - To make sounds like "f" and "s", the top and bottom teeth must align. If the teeth aren't aligned correctly, it can make it difficult to pronounce certain letters. This problem can cause self-consciousness and anxiety, especially in adolescence and teenage years. Smiling - A dominant lower lip can lead to a limp, swollen smile. Underbite sufferers often have trouble moving their mouths into traditional smiles, leading to self-scrutiny. 1/2

  2. Chewing - Misaligned teeth can make chewing difficult. Because of their inability to properly chew and swallow their food, severe underbites are at greater risk of choking. Jaw pain - When it's impossible to keep your teeth aligned (as in the case of an underbite), you will experience increased pressure which causes jaw pain and headaches. TMJ can cause a sensation of the jaw being stuck or locked. TMJ can lead to chronic jaw pain. It can also cause side effects like chronic headaches and toothaches. What is the treatment for an Underbite? In severe cases, surgery may be required to align your jaw manually. There are other less invasive options to align your upper and lower jaws. As their jaws are still in formation and can be easily manipulated, it is best to get treatment early. Treatment options often recommended for malocclusion patients vary depending on their age, health history, and severity of the condition. An Upper Jaw Expander - This device is placed on the roof and widened every night as the treatment progresses. Over time, the arch of the teeth will become larger, and the lower and upper jaws will align. A reverse pulls face mask - This is similar to a headgear. The apparatus wraps around the head and attaches to the back upper teeth with metal bands to move the upper jaw forward to align it with the lower jaw. A chin cap - This device prevents the lower jaw from growing further by wrapping around the lower jaw and chin. This is an excellent option to stop the improper growth of the lower jaw for teenagers or children whose jaws still need to be formed. Braces and veneers - Traditional braces may be used for mildly misaligned smiles. Veneers can also be placed on the upper teeth to align the top and base jaws. Tooth removal - Relieving the pressure caused by overcrowding can allow the jaw to relax and return to a natural position. Next steps Malocclusions impact more than just the aesthetic. They can affect the growth of your jaws and cause various dental problems. Surrey dental professionals can assist you if your underbite affects how the jaw grows. Contact a dental professional to book a consultation and learn more about the treatment options. 2/2

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