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As there is an increase in the number of coworking spaces globally, entrepreneurs are thinking of it as a good business idea. <br><br>So here is an overview and insight to start a website to book coworking space by RentALL. <br><br>Link: https://www.rentallscript.com/will-coworking-space-rule-world/ <br><br>#airbnbclonescript #RentALL #coworkingspace #sharingeconomy
What is coworking space? • It is a private workspace for working professional such as: • freelancers • work from home professionals • startups with limited employees • independent contractors • research fellows in exchange of a monetary fee. • It was first started by Brad Neuberg in 2005 at San Francisco.
How coworking space is different from incubator or accelerator? Incubator A place where startups are nurtured by giving office space, mentorship, training, investment support, and other shared resources until the startup idea is fully developed. It is like taking care of the baby bird until it is ready to fly and take care of his own. Accelerator It comes into play after the startups have a clear vision and roadmap for the goals. They provide mentorship, office space, investment in return of equity. Coworking space It is apart from these two. It provides office space and community connections for the startups, freelance workers and other working professionals who want to work together and yet be independent. They should provide a monetary fee to the renters depending upon the resource and the size of the space.
Predicted number of coworking space by 2022 According to GUCU survey, it is been estimated to produce approximately 31,000 coworking space around the world. It is a good sign to the future of sharing economy business
As there is an increase in coworking space, it crops a question whether they actually make a profit out of it. Yes, they do in fact. The three important people in this business are the landlords, coworking operators, and working professionals. Landlords Coworking operators Working professionals
For Landlords Real estate people started to rent the space to the coworking operators. Sometimes the landlord himself enters the market and self operate the shared space. Benefits: • Owners won’t have much loss. • Renting to big MNCs generate high revenues.
For Coworking operators Opening a coworking space in big cities increase the revenue Bigger space, refreshments and a space to thrive different communities would increase the membership subscription. Advertising and word-of-mouth play an integral part in expanding the business.
For working professionals • Freelancers and work from home professional benefit from quiet spaces and yet feel connected with the community. • Interaction with like-minded people.
Providing office space Networking with professional and exchanging new ideas Providing helping hand to startups Benefits Meeting new clients Flexible working hours
WINDING UP The demand for coworking space is high but the supply is not met. That makes coworking space soar higher and prosper.
Want to build your own coworking space platform? Choose RentALL
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