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The demand for more news at a faster pace has changed the way the media reports the news. This means that businesses have to change too - these 5 media trends are opportunities a business can tap into in 2013 to increase online visibility and earned media mentions.
5 Media Relations Trends to Watch in 2013 Media Relations Trends 5 ways to increase your reach and media coverage in 2013
Rebecca Lieb Digital Advertising & Media Analyst, The Altimeter Group Author of Content Marketing: Think Like a Publisher - How to Use Content to Market Online and in Social Media Rebecca Lieb Digital Advertising & Media Analyst, The Altimeter Group Author of Content Marketing: Think Like a Publisher - How to Use Content to Market Online and in Social Media
Trends Visual Storytelling Be a resource for the media Brand Journalism Build a distribution network Make your online newsroom a collaborative content hub Trends Visual Storytelling Be a resource for the media Brand Journalism Build a distribution network Make your online newsroom a collaborative content hub
Why these trends matter now Technology Lack of resources in newsrooms Public demand for faster access to news Desire to see and experience the news Why these trends matter now Technology Lack of resources in newsrooms Public demand for faster access to news Desire to see and experience the news
“Visual information reigns supreme,from video to images toinfographics.Overwhelmingly, marketers plan toadd more video to contentmarketing initiatives, necessitatingincreased investment in bothtechnology and productionresources.Marketers’ confidence in andreliance on content marketing isbeginning to diminish their relianceon print and broadcast advertising,as well as public relations.”Altimeter Group “Visual information reigns supreme,from video to images toinfographics.Overwhelmingly, marketers plan toadd more video to contentmarketing initiatives, necessitatingincreased investment in bothtechnology and productionresources.Marketers’ confidence in andreliance on content marketing isbeginning to diminish their relianceon print and broadcast advertising,as well as public relations.”Altimeter Group
Images Page views were 94% higher for pages with visual content than pages that only contained text (Skyword) 44% are more likely to engage with brands if they post pictures than any other media (ROI Research) 63% regard the quality of a product’s image is more important than product- specific information 53% sat good images are more important than reviews (MDG) Images Page views were 94% higher for pages with visual content than pages that only contained text (Skyword) 44% are more likely to engage with brands if they post pictures than any other media (ROI Research) 63% regard the quality of a product’s image is more important than product- specific information 53% sat good images are more important than reviews (MDG)
Instagram/TwitterInstagram has disabled Twitter appears poisedphoto integration with to take on InstagramTwitter. As a result, directly by offering setsphotos are no longer of photo filters throughappearing in Tweets or its mobile apps,user photo galleries. according to a report in The New York Times Instagram/TwitterInstagram has disabled Twitter appears poisedphoto integration with to take on InstagramTwitter. As a result, directly by offering setsphotos are no longer of photo filters throughappearing in Tweets or its mobile apps,user photo galleries. according to a report in The New York Times
Video Over 80% of media website use video Most don’t have video production capabilities Video Over 80% of media website use video Most don’t have video production capabilities
. “What kind of content could weoffer that would be interesting,inspiring and entertainingenough to attract the peoplewe’re looking for?”
. Results “The people we wanted to talk to became members; they opted in; they read. Social media, which we started to employ in 2008, offered new opportunities to expand our branded media in ways that facilitated a new type of customer relationship.” Ilana Rabinowitz, VP Marketing Lion Brand yarns. When they announce a new product in the newsletter, people go to thousands of stores nationwide that sell Lion Brand yarns and ask for it. When they opened their retail showplace in New York City to display their products they promoted the event in their own media. The day it opened there were 50 people standing in line waiting for the doors to open.
. Results Seen by 4 million adults Awareness of the brand increased by 54% Consideration of the Prius when purchasing a vehicle jumped from 5th to 1st position.
. More than one audience Journalists Bloggers Influencers Evangelists Interested public
. Journalists Make a media list Muckrack JournalistTweets Follow them Retweet them Read their work Comment on their blogs and articles
. Bloggers Find the right bloggers Look at their influence scores as a starting point Kred, Klout, Peer Index Read their blogs Comment Find them on twitter and follow them Retweet them and engage with them there
. Build a Network of Influencers Relevant to your space They have a following/audience They trust your content They would share your content Create a list of like- minded people who want to support each other
. Newsroom Checklist A simple, easy-to-use content management system, so you can add items without the need for IT or a webmaster A custom URL - news.yourcompany.com Brand consistency in design, look and feel Ability to categorize content by topic or subject
. Newsroom Checklist News feeds on all news categories Easy, one-click feed subscription Ability to subscribe to the feeds by email, if preferred Your logo displays in the feed content
. Newsroom Checklist Ability to post news in either traditional format or social media release format (categories and tags) Image gallery Video gallery Embed codes for all visual material
. Newsroom Checklist Automatically add multimedia content from the galleries to a release or news item PDFs Word documents Slide Decks Infographics Web page
. Newsroom Checklist Press contacts Company Info pages Executive bios Experts database with bios and videos
. Newsroom Checklist Easy one-click sharing icons for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and StumbleUpon Share This feature with a list of all social bookmarking sites Prepopulated sharing messages with a link
. Newsroom Checklist Displays corporate blog posts Displays company Twitter feed
. Newsroom Checklist Add tags to all content A tag cloud that highlights your focus of content and acts as a search function A custom Google search on the newsroom and other owned websites or blogs
. Newsroom Checklist Connections to all social media content Able to add new social accounts quickly and easily
. Newsroom ChecklistHas a "dark" section ofthe newsroom that canbe activated in case ofemergency or crisis
. Questions?@sallyfalkowsally@press-feed.com@lieblinkrebecca@altimetergroup.com