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Ryszard Lawniczak

Introduction/Content:. This presentation covers two important periods in Polish history:Partitions of Poland (1791

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Ryszard Lawniczak

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    1. Ryszard Lawniczak Culture in Polish History: King, Pianist, Pope, Presidents and Strategic Communication BledCom 2009

    2. Introduction/Content: This presentation covers two important periods in Polish history: Partitions of Poland (1791 1918) Post-communist Poland (1989 - present)

    3. I. Culture as a communication tool in times of Polands partitions

    4. Stanislaw August Poniatowski: the last king of Poland Patron of artists, collector of coins and art objects Advocate of political, economic, military, and cultural reforms Co-author of the Polish Constitution of May 3, 1791

    5. Communication strategy 1.Promotion of ideas of the Age of Enlightenment 2. Art and science cult 3. Applying culture and science for debates on Polish affairs

    6. Tools initiatives: Monitor Journal (1765-1785) The Warsaw Knight School (1765-1794) The National Theatre (1765) The Commission of National Education (1773) The Elementary Books Society (1775) The Thursday Dinners

    7. The Thursday Dinners Organized since 1770, modelled by Paris literary salons 3-4 hours long, held every week at the Royal Castle Artists met and discussed science, art and literature Pleasurable and Useful Plays magazine (1770-1777) promoting Thursday Dinner Enlightenment ideas

    8. Impact on Polish history King Poniatowskis reign ended in ignominious defeat occupation and partitions of Poland Dissemination of the Enlightenment ideas, development of art, culture, education Flourishing print media (Monitor, Pleasurable and Useful Plays, Warsaw News, Historical and Political Journal)

    9. Ignacy Jan Paderewski: world famous pianist and diplomat Acclaimed composer and world-famous pianist Politician Great statesman Generous philanthropist Cunning PR-expert

    10. Communication skills: A very well-paid virtuoso, performing for royals in Europe and in the most famous concert halls all over the world. The fortune gained from his fame spent on numerous foundations and funds as well as on jobless American musicians. The stuck record method: a fiery speech delivered before each concert for the sake of Polands independence.

    11. Communication skills (2) Enjoying a celebritys status Extreme reverence and popularity among Poles A strong network of political and artistic contacts Extreme oratory talent Perfect mediation and negotiation skills Diplomatic skills

    12. Communication strategy: After the outbreak of I WW, largely involved in diplomatic activities for the benefit of Poland. In 1917 submitted before President W. Wilson a memorandum on Poland, requesting support in regaining independence. In 1918 his address in the Poznan Bazar Hotel marked the outbreak of the Wielkopolska Uprising.

    13. Communication strategy (2) Taking advantage of his celebrity status to support the idea of Polands independence. Financing cultural projects in various countries resulted in befriending many foreign politicians.

    14. Communication tools: Lobbying Financing numerous international foundations. Charity and social activities. Fiery speeches for the sake of Polands independence. Establishing organizations to support independence activities.

    15. Impact on Polish history: Promoting Polish affairs in US after WW I Starting the successful Wielkopolska Uprising. Initialling the Treaty of Versailles the regions of Wielkopolska and Western Pomerania back in Poland. In 1919 held the position of the foreign affairs minister for several months.

    16. II. Culture as a communication tool in times of Polands political transition (1989 - )

    17. It was not the Fall of the Berlin Wall which marked the end of communism it had all begun in Gdansk owing to

    20. John Paul II: the Polish Pope A Polish cardinal, elected the first non-Italian Pope on 16 October 1978 (died 20 April 2005). Also a poet, actor, polyglot, playwright and educator.

    21. Communication skills: Exceptional charisma and communication skills; he communicated not only with words but resorted to non-verbal communication: his smile and gestures hence reaching anyone; Communicated in several languages. He was the only pope in the Churchs history so frequently asked and listened to by world audiences.

    22. His skills included exceptional communication, media handling and sense of humour

    23. Communication strategy: The first so-called media pope in the history of the Church, enjoying considerable press, TV and radio coverage; The first pope to cruise the world with his papa mobile

    24. Impact on Polish and world history John Paul II was the first Polish pope and the first bishop of Rome of non-Italian origin for 455 years; Electing pope from Poland largely contributed to abolishing real socialism in Central Europe and to structuring the new political and economic systems.

    25. Lech Walesa: an electrician who abolished communism

    26. The charismatic leader of 1988 co-organized the second strike at Gdansk Shipyard, 10 December 1983 awarded the Peace Noble Prize 1990 - 1995 President of Polish Republic

    27. Communication skills: a charismatic leader A leader with a working class background Leadership skills Using a simple language to get the message across among workers Referring to religious symbols of importance to Polish people.

    28. Symbols as communication tools:

    29. Symbols (2) An image of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa in his lapel The Black Madonna of Czestochowa- Queen of Poland Reference to Poles Christian values

    30. (3) The huge Ballpoint bearing an image Of the Pope...

    31. Impact on Polish history: Polish affairs attract the international audiences attention. Parliamentary elections in June 1989 Establishing the first non-communist government after WWII with Tadeusz Mazowiecki in lead

    32. Aleksander Kwasniewski: the communist who defeated Walesa

    33. Communication skills: A natural PR talent for building relationships Command of foreign languages (English, Russian, German) Network of international contacts from the times of university activities A sense of humour

    34. Appreciating advice from the worlds best PR scholars

    35. Communication tools: Politics of rallies Disco-polo music Gadgets The snowball effect Contacts with the electorate KWAK bus (outdoor) 120 cities and towns, 23 000 km The only one to have used local media Efekt kuli snieznej Kwasniewski pokazywany byl w tlumie, by pokazac, jak wielu obywateli go popiera. Skoro oni go popieraja, to moze ja tez powinienem? Poruszal sie autobusem, co odrznialo go od innych kandydatw, jezdzacych od miasta do miasta drogimi samochodami.Efekt kuli snieznej Kwasniewski pokazywany byl w tlumie, by pokazac, jak wielu obywateli go popiera. Skoro oni go popieraja, to moze ja tez powinienem? Poruszal sie autobusem, co odrznialo go od innych kandydatw, jezdzacych od miasta do miasta drogimi samochodami.

    36. Communication strategy: 1995 Presidential Elections Advisors Jacques Sgul a French political marketing specialist Kwiatkowski a strategy specialist Kwasniewski wygral wybory, bo przekonal wszystkich niezadowolonych ze sposobu sprawowania wladzy przez Lecha Walese, ze to wlasnie on, a nie symbol "Solidarnosci", bedzie skutecznie laczyl Polakw. Kwasniewski byl faworytem we wszystkich sondazach opinii publicznej od 1994 r. Jako pierwszy kandydat skorzystal z pomocy specjalistw ds. wizerunku.Kwasniewski wygral wybory, bo przekonal wszystkich niezadowolonych ze sposobu sprawowania wladzy przez Lecha Walese, ze to wlasnie on, a nie symbol "Solidarnosci", bedzie skutecznie laczyl Polakw. Kwasniewski byl faworytem we wszystkich sondazach opinii publicznej od 1994 r. Jako pierwszy kandydat skorzystal z pomocy specjalistw ds. wizerunku.

    37. 1995 Presidential Elections Lets choose the future Niebieski w tamtych latach symbolizowal koniec komunistycznego chaosu i porzadkowanie rznych spraw, dlatego dzialal na wyborcw jak balsam. Jasny plaszcz umozliwial szybka lokalizacje Kwasniewskiego w tlumie obywateli. Efekt aureoli ludziom przystojnym przypisuje sie inne pozytywne cechy Milosnik sportu Kwasniewski gral w tenisa ziemnego, mozna go bylo spotkac na boisku pilkarskim jak i na torze zuzlowym Wypowiedzi: Gladkie, poprawne, sympatyczne, potoczyste Dodatkowa informacja: Ubir polityka powinien byc wiec odpowiedni do sytuacji: ani nie niedbaly tam, gdzie wymagana jest powaga urzedu, ani nie przesadnie oficjalny podczas wizyt w terenie. Pamietal o tym prezydent Kwasniewski wybierajac sie na tereny dotkniete powodzia: "W helikopterze Kwasniewski przebiera sie: granatowy garnitur zastepuje jasnymi spodniami i koszulka polo" relacjonowal PAP. Niebieski w tamtych latach symbolizowal koniec komunistycznego chaosu i porzadkowanie rznych spraw, dlatego dzialal na wyborcw jak balsam. Jasny plaszcz umozliwial szybka lokalizacje Kwasniewskiego w tlumie obywateli. Efekt aureoli ludziom przystojnym przypisuje sie inne pozytywne cechy Milosnik sportu Kwasniewski gral w tenisa ziemnego, mozna go bylo spotkac na boisku pilkarskim jak i na torze zuzlowym Wypowiedzi: Gladkie, poprawne, sympatyczne, potoczyste Dodatkowa informacja: Ubir polityka powinien byc wiec odpowiedni do sytuacji: ani nie niedbaly tam, gdzie wymagana jest powaga urzedu, ani nie przesadnie oficjalny podczas wizyt w terenie. Pamietal o tym prezydent Kwasniewski wybierajac sie na tereny dotkniete powodzia: "W helikopterze Kwasniewski przebiera sie: granatowy garnitur zastepuje jasnymi spodniami i koszulka polo" relacjonowal PAP.

    38. Debates The first debate with Walesa (12 Nov. 1995) getting late personal assets declaration The second debate with Walesa (15 Nov. 1995) Excuse me, you are threatening me A hand-shake after the debate- Walesas Reaction: You deserve my leg-shake rather than my hand shake. Spznienie w ten sposb od poczatku wyprowadzil Walese z rwnowagi Oswiadczenie majatkowe wreczyl Walesie swoje oswiadczenie majatkowe, by udowodnic swoja uczciwosc i poprosil Walese o to samo W trakcie calej debaty spokojny, usmiechniety, wypowiadal sie plynnie, co odrznialo go od kontrkandydata Ja przepraszam, Pan straszy cytat Kwasniewskiego, ktry podczas calej debaty byl spokojny i opanowany Podanie reki po debacie Walesa byl zaskoczony, skomentowal to stwierdzeniem, ze w koncu Kwasniewski zachowuje sie kulturalnie, bo wszedl jak do oborySpznienie w ten sposb od poczatku wyprowadzil Walese z rwnowagi Oswiadczenie majatkowe wreczyl Walesie swoje oswiadczenie majatkowe, by udowodnic swoja uczciwosc i poprosil Walese o to samo W trakcie calej debaty spokojny, usmiechniety, wypowiadal sie plynnie, co odrznialo go od kontrkandydata Ja przepraszam, Pan straszy cytat Kwasniewskiego, ktry podczas calej debaty byl spokojny i opanowany Podanie reki po debacie Walesa byl zaskoczony, skomentowal to stwierdzeniem, ze w koncu Kwasniewski zachowuje sie kulturalnie, bo wszedl jak do obory

    39. Achievements: Successful foreign politics, A non-aggressive political style, looking for compromises, An ideal diplomat and lobbyist Was the first on the Polish political arena to successfully apply PR.

    40. President Lech Kaczynski: world champion in applying culture for strategic communication He and his brother promoted Walesa for President in 1990. Since 2006 President of the Republic of Poland

    41. 1962 Lech and Jaroslaw Kaczynski as two protagonists of a childrens movie A story about two boys who stole the moon

    42. 2006 President Lech Kaczynski nominates his twin-brother Jaroslaw as Prime Minister

    43. CONCLUSION 44 years back the Kaczynski twin-brothers applied culture as a tool of long-term strategic communication in politics. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ?

    44. Thank you for your attention r.lawniczak@ue.poznan.pl

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