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Subliminal Perception Lecture 7 (last 1 for Test 1) 2/11/04 …You Decide Could 1/30 th of a second really influence impressions of Al Gore? SUB -liminal Perception? Minimum stimulation necessary to detect a particular stimulus Normal senses can
Subliminal Perception Lecture 7 (last 1 for Test 1) 2/11/04
…You Decide Could 1/30th of a second really influence impressions of Al Gore?
SUB-liminal Perception? • Minimum stimulation necessary to detect a particular stimulus • Normal senses can • smell one drop of perfume in a 3-room apartment • See a candle 30 miles away • Hear a watch ticking 30 feet away • What about stimuli below the absolute threshold? • Can they influence us?
Sensation without perception? Subliminal = stimuli that sensory systemresponds to, but due to short duration or subtle form, don’t reach threshold of cognition • Can’t report the info was perceived • “Awareness” of info about environment depends on variety of cortical areas • Many studies demonstrate perception without awareness… Many call them hoaxes…
Quick Survey • Do you think you are influenced by subliminal messages in advertising? • Do you think you are influenced by everyday advertisements that you perceive consciously (e.g. laundry detergent, beverages)?
3. Suppose you had a choice to listen to one of two speeches that argued against a position you believe in, such as whether marijuana should be legalized. In speech A, the person presents arguments against your position; in speech B, all arguments are presented subliminally. Which speech would you rather listen to?
80% college students preferred not to receive a subliminal message b/c they thought it might influence them in an undesirable way. • 28% preferred not to receive a regular ad b/c it might influence them undesirably. • 69% chose speech A; 31% chose B (subliminal) • Why are people afraid? Should you be?
Subliminal Persuasion • New Jersey, 1957: • Over 6 weeks, 45,699 ppl • “Eat Popcorn” – 57.5% • “Drink Coke” – 18.1% • “Minds have been broken and entered”
More recently… • 2 teenage boys committed suicide after listening to Judas Priest… • Lyrics promoted Satanism and suicide • Rock music w/ satanic messages when played backwards • Beatles, The White Album: “John is dead now, miss him, miss him, miss him.” • Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven • “Human brains are capable of receiving, scanning, deciphering, storing and later reacting to subliminal or subconscious messages”
Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven • "I sing because I live with Satan. The Lord turns me off. There's no escaping it. Here's to my sweet Satan. Whose power is Satan. He will give you 666. I live for Satan." • Examples: Madonna, Backstreet, Metallica
Not the last of it… • Sexual imagery in ads • Wilson Bryan Key: “sex” in ice cubes, nude figures in images from butter to icing in cake mix ads. • Even if images aren’t consciously perceived, they put us in good mood and pay more attention to ad
Vokey & Read, 1985 • Recorded sentences • Backmasked • What did you perceive? • Gender (m – f) • Type (? - statement) • Meaning similarity, meaning vs. nonsense… • Behavioral influence? • Homonym task (“Climbing a mountain…”)
Perceptual set • Perhaps listeners can “hear” a “message” that actually isn’t there • Jabberwocky and Psalm 23 • “I saw a girl with a weasel in her mouth” • When instructed to listen • 90% hear • Yes, messages are there, but are not effective
Can subliminal messages influence you in a desirable way? • Subliminal self-help tapes - $50 million • Relax, you are good, you are capable, calm • Utah’s South Pt. Prison • Texas Rangers’ Pitching Staff • Department Store Music
Contents vs. Expectation • Greenwald, et al. 1991 • Fill out self esteem scales; memory tests • Self-help tapes: Improve memory or boost self-esteem • Every day for 5 wks. • Hear classical musical… • The Catch
Where would you predict an increase? ACTUAL Expectation
The Results ACTUAL Expectation
Evidence For… In lab • Flashed • Kitten & romantic couples VS. • Werewolf & dead body • Pictures of people • Perceived a flash of light, BUT • Rated people associated with kittens & couples more positively
More FOR • How much do you like these Chinese ideographs?
Word search puzzle • Hidden primes: Neutral vs. achievement words • Buzzer stops P’s at 3 minutes • Hidden cameras detect who keeps working • 57% achievement condition
Conclusions so far • Subliminal cues in a controlled lab setting • Simple judgments & actions • Short term effects • Conscious perception • influences long term purchases • Health • Although we can perceive subliminal cues, won’t persuade us to take action unless already motivated or expecting…
Extrasensory Perception An ability to perceive in absence of ordinary sensory info • 57% Americans believe in ESP • 3 types: • Telepathy- • Clairvoyance- • Precognition-
The Case For • Rhine, 1934 • Special ESP deck • Guess symbol on each card • Telepathy- sender looked, P read mind • Clairvoyance- cards placed face down • Precognition- predicted before deck shuffled • 100,000 responses • Using 25 cards, P’s averaged 7.1 correct!
High followed by low • Methodological problems • Hoaxes • Live stage psychics have associates circulating through crowd, spying on conversations… • Uri Geller- bend metal without touching it • James Randi- same stunts through trickery • “Mind sees what it expects to see.” • PERCEPTUAL SETS
James Randi Educational Foundation offers $1 million “to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.”
Ganzfeld Procedure • Bem & Honorton, 1994 • All sensory information reduced • “receiver” in reclining chair in sound proof chamber with ping-pong balls, red light, earphones, white noise • In Separate room, “sender” concentrates on visual stimuli • 32% hit rate > chance!
WHY? • Illusions of Connection • PPl mistakenly attribute coincidences to Psi as false alarms • Perceptual system creates patterns and connections that do NOT exist • Illusions of Control • PPl mistakenly feel in control of what are really chance events • Illusions of memory • Selective memory makes coincidences appear to occur more frequently than they actually do
TEST: Monday • Lectures 1-7 & Chapters 1-5 • Focus on ideas, not facts • Understand, don’t memorize • Apply studies discussed to overall themes • What’s the point? • Focus on important diagrams & terms, not minor details • Study together