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Summary of Gitas in English rhyme

Gitas in English rhyme - Summary

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Summary of Gitas in English rhyme

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  1. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Agastya Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E Agastya Gita explains of Moksha dharma clearly, Rituals, liberation, Samkhya evolution philosophy, How Jivatma can attain Paramatma in actuality, With devotion, renunciation and Guru’s grace truly. It is in two parts, Purvabhaga, Uttarabhaga clearly, Or two planes: concrete and abstract categorically, Concrete shows characters figuring in the stories, The abstract by qualities they represent actually. B ook: AM AZON

  2. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Anu Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*G OOG L E B &N*A PPL E*K OB O Anu Gita in fourteenth Parva of Mahabharat be, After restoring to Pandavs, their realm actually, Arjun asked Krishna to repeat but categorically, That He had told Arjun at battle field previously, What Sri Krishna stated to Arjun subsequently, It a discourse of Sri Krishna's with Arjun clearly, On transmission, liberation and the gunas three, Ashramas, dharma, attaining tapas and austerity. B ook: AM AZON

  3. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Ashtavakra Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E The Ashtavakra Gita is a dialogue and an enquiry, Between King Janaka and sage Ashtavakra clearly, About self, path to self-realization, nature of reality, It one of the most leading books on Advait does be, It represents the very philosophy of the non-duality, Offers a radical version of non-dualist philosophy, Insists on the external world’s complete unreality, Atma, Parmatma, Oneness – rest just illusion be. B ook: AM AZON

  4. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Avadhuta Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*K OB O G OOG L E*B &N*A PPL E Avadhuta Gita on idea when true Self known be, All distinctions and divisions are dispelled fully, It describes self-realization, who living in truth be, As: I free of grief of attachment, I the One Reality, There is no pot and no pot's interior space clearly, No individual soul nor form of individual Atma be; Renounce, renounce world and renunciation fully, Even give up the absence of renunciation totally. B ook: AM AZON

  5. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Bhagwat Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E Bhagwat Gita is about life, purpose, living virtuously, Not succumbing to temptation or the dreams worldly, Experiencing life, of self-discovery and self-mastery, Shows the three paths to attain the true life destiny, It speaks of Karma, without expecting its fruit truly, Existence of Atma, Brahman in all – The true reality, Sattva, rajas and tamas - The basic three qualities, Meditation, aim of life, exploring within, without fully. B ook: AM AZON

  6. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Brahma Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*G OOG L E B &N*A PPL E*SCRIB D Sri Brahma Gita a part of the Brahma Puran hoary, Provides an understanding of Supreme Atma truly, A deep knowledge of perishable, imperishable fully, Unity, diversity and Vidya, Avidya concepts simply: When Lord Shiv calmed down after death of Sati, Daksha asked forgiveness and became devotee, Paid obeisance to Shiv, eulogized him reverently, This the core essence of the Brahma Gita does be. B ook: AM AZON

  7. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Brahman Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON(IN D IA ) G OOG L E*B &N*A PPL E Brahman Gita explains the concepts of duality, Atma, Brahman, vital processes, mind purity, Absolute exists in all being, eternal Atma truly, How by restraining, the senses overcome be, Illusory world duality and liberation got lastly, How bonds of maya and illusion overcome be, How the highest state of liberation is got truly, Which the goal of all the human existence be. B ook: AM AZON

  8. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Devi Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*G OOG L E B &N*A PPL E*SCRIB D The Devi Gita – the song of the Goddess does be, A part extracted from Devi Bhagwat Puran actually, A dialogue between king Himavan and Mahadevi, On how the full universe created and protected be, By Female all-powerful, all-knowing, all-caring truly, She powerful, compassionate, benign, beautiful be, The consciousness, the universal cosmic energy, She who but resides in each being, life universally, B ook: AM AZON

  9. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Ganesh Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E Ganesh Gita discourse given to King Varenya be, By Ganesh during his incarnation as Gajanan truly, On Yoga: minus true spiritual knowledge practice be, Who overcome hunger, thirst, desire for progeny. Self-delight: who unattached to his own self be, Attains bliss, eternal happiness and is sense free, Removes obstacles, liberates, shows path clearly,. Helps rid desire, anger, fear of death, emotion fully. B ook: AM AZON

  10. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Guru Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :B &N*A PPL E* SCRIB D*OVE RD RIVE*VOXA Guru Gita a conversation between Shiv and Parvati, Parvati enquires how to attain liberation unfailingly, Shiv responds by relating the guru principle clearly, Proper ways to worship Guru and its benefits truly, Guru Gita a diagram of the awakening process be, Transmission of Shaktipat from Guru to disciple fully, Guru’s importance, nature, what Guru's grace be, Importance of devotion and service to Guru actually. B ook: AM AZON

  11. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Hamas Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK : A M A ZON*G OOG L E B &N*A PPL E*SCRIB D Hamas Gita is a part of the Shrimad Bhagwat hoary, Explains the core content of the Vedantic philosophy, On Supreme Brahman, Supreme Consciousness fully, That all transcendental qualities, beyond nature be, How self-realized Atma awakens to absolute reality, Who highly situated in the perfect stage of yoga be, Surrenders not to manifestations of material body, Knowing it just as a body visualized in dream only. B ook: AM AZON

  12. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Hanuman & Vanar Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E Hanuman Gita, a song as a discourse does be, Given by Sri Ram, Ma Sita to Hanuman explicitly, Where they disclose about their true selves fully, How life be conducted for gaining salvation clearly; Vanar Gita a song from the Parasar Samhita be, Narrated by Agastya Maharshi to many wise rishis. It teaches how this worldly ocean can actually be, Crosses and the true salvation is achieved finally. B ook: AM AZON

  13. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Ram & Lakshman Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E Sri Ram Gita condenses Vedantic teaching basically, Herein Shiv imparts to Ram knowledge of life, liberty, Giving the life lessons from the Ramayan with clarity, How Truth triumphs, what bad company’s power be, Sri Lakshman Gita from the Ramcharitramanas be, Part of the Ayodhya Kand, a dialogue on life simply, And Lakshman, the teacher, explains categorically, To the The Nishad chief - the essence of life actually. B ook: AM AZON

  14. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Moksha Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON(IN D IA ) G OOG L E*B &N*A PPL E Moksha Gita highest wisdom of Advaita Vedanta be, It is also known as the "Song of Liberation“ simply, It teaches of liberation from all bondage completely, Delight in the Self, Contentment with the Self be, The Self-realization, the Self-fulfilment completely, On Moksha – the liberation and actual immortality, All illusory duality rid from the mind of a devotee, Freedom, bliss – the union of Atma, Parmatma be. B ook: AM AZON

  15. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Rudra Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E The Rudra Gita also known as Yoga Desa does be, Sacred prayer to Lord Narayan, loving his devotees, Praises Lord, Absolute controller, displays in Prakriti. Herein, Lord Shiv offering prayers to Lord Almighty, These prayers in the form of catur-vyuha does be, Krishna expansion of Vasudeva, Sankarshan truly. B ook: AM AZON

  16. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Sampaka Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :B &N*A PPL E* SCRIB D*OVE RD RIVE*VOXA Sampaka Gita a part of the ancient Mahabharat be, Dialogue between Yudhishtira and Bhishma clearly, Herein Bhishma, the wise, explains but obviously, To Yudhishtira, who had made the basic enquiry, On how happiness, misery achieved by all does be, On the different practices and the rites but worldly, Concluding that he regards Renunciation plainly, To be the foremost of all the things unquestionably. B ook: AM AZON

  17. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Sanatan Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E Parmatma - supreme form, true pure energy, Infinite, unending, the source of all certainly; To create, convert Parmatma has the ability, It origin, vigor, force, light, the final destiny; It energy - Creator, Preserver, Destroyer be, Indestructible, boundless, originator certainly. B ook: AM AZON

  18. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Sankhya Gita In English Rhyme Sankhya Gita is part of Shrimad Bhagwat hoary, Explains fully the profound Sankhya philosophy: Nature modes fusing into unmanifest nature be, That unmanifest form merges into time clearly. Time in Supreme, omniscient Maha-purush be, Original activator of all, all life merges into Me, Unborn Supreme Atma, alone, within self be, From Him creation, annihilation manifested be. eB OOK :A M A ZON*G OOG L E B &N*A PPL E*SCRIB D B ook: AM AZON

  19. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Shiv Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E Shiv Gita Vedantic Saivism text of Kurma Puran be, Focuses on Lord Shiv, who essence of all Vedas be, It also reveals the path to liberation very evidently, Is similar to Bhagwat-Gita, focused on Shiv solely, In the Shiv Gita, the teacher is Lord Shiv actually, The disciple is Sri Rama, and the narrator Suta be, This text considered a good source of wisdom truly, For a spiritual seeker who not part of any sect be. B ook: AM AZON

  20. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Sruti Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E The Sruti Gita a wake-up call to the Antaryami be, Atman (soul) within each one of us unquestionably, It very authoritative, hoary sacred heard texts be, From Srimad Bhagwat, cryptic, esoteric unfailingly, Reveal the true nature of Nirguna Brahman truly, Beyond the rajsik, Tamsik, satvik concepts surely, Of the Absolute Truth beyond material words be, And the Path to tread to achieve liberation finally. B ook: AM AZON

  21. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Vidya Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E Vidya Gita means the Song of Knowledge actually, And is a story about a group of sages deep enquiry, It a very important part of the Tripura Rahasya be, Explains the very depth of the true bliss specifically Herein The Guru, the teacher is Sri Tripura Sundari, And disciples are the legendary hoary sages holy, The who inquiring into Knowledge of Awareness be, The bliss, Non-dual Brahman-Consciousness truly. B ook: AM AZON

  22. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Vyas Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E Sri Vyas Gita is a part of the Brahma Puran hoary, It the best self-help guide book for the reader be, Providing understanding of the Supreme Atma truly, Knowledge of perishable, imperishable evidently ~ “There will be no fear in absence of duality, Fear will be till there is the sense of duality; What seen apart from Self perishable be, What is perishable involves loss fear truly.” B ook: AM AZON

  23. Website: https://HinduismBook.com/ Blog: https://MunindraMisra.blogspot.com/ Yama Gita In English Rhyme eB OOK :A M A ZON*B &N A PPL E*G OOG L E The Yama Gita states qualities of Vishnu devotee, Expounds that a person is not the physical body, States a person is reflection of Lord and infinity, Which cannot be created or destroyed certainly, It shows self Atma, part of the Parmatma does be, Brahmin notion, attaining moksha, liberation truly, How to achieve the freeing the self ‘Atma’ totally, From the cycle of rebirth and be one with Divinity. B ook: AM AZON

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