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Scalewala | Buy Best Weighing Scale | Mumbai

We are known weighing scales machine whole seller in Mumbai, India.We provide high quality digital weighing scales at affordable price.<br>

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Scalewala | Buy Best Weighing Scale | Mumbai

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  2. We “Vijay Lakshmi Enterprises” have set up in the 12 months of 2010, as the main producer, provider, dealer, wholesaler, exporter, and dealer of Weighing Solutions. Theproductrangesuppliedviausincludesfirst-classnice Health Scales, Retail Scales, Laboratory Scales, Industrial Scales and Balances. These products are notably demanded and liked by using some of the customers becauseoftheirmostreliableperformance,hassleloose operating, and longer purposeful lifestyles. Offered products are designed and fabricated by using thinking about top-quality fine components according to the laid enterprise standards and norms. To fit our patron base requirement in a satisfactory possible way, we’re presentingthesemerchandiseinaramificationofspecs. Moreover,ourclientscanavailofthoseproductsfromus atthemainmarketfee.WeareexportingGlobally. ABOUTUS

  3. Kaata,Kata,Vajankata,Elelctronicweighing Scale,DigitalWeighingScale,Weight Scale,Scale,DigitalScale,ElectronicScale,Weighing Scale,Rashankata,Tabletopweighingscale,Platfoem weighing scale,Kitchen weighing scale,Chicken weighing scale,Bathroom scale,Body weight scale,Indutrialscale,Heavyweightscale SERVICES

  4. MaxCapacity PanSize MinCapacity Display Material BatteryType 10Kg/20kg 175*220mm 40Gm DualDisplay,GreenLED Iron Rechargeable HAVELLSMSMINI TABLETOP

  5. Brand Name Plateform Size PlateformMaterial BatteryType MaxCapacity MinCapacity SonyElectronics 400*400 mm Iron Rechargeable 100Kg 200Gm PlatformWeighingScale

  6. PanSize Material Battery Type MaxCapacity MinCapacity 240*295 mm Iron Rechargeable 30Kg 4Gm HavellsMSPoleTableTop

  7. E-mail Website Phone Address scalewalamumbai@gmail.co mhttps://www.scalewala.com/ 9870955667 Sr.No.22,HissaNo.3,Gala No. 2, Shri Vitthal Rukvasai Palghar City-Vasai CONTACTUS

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