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Things you must know about selecting lipstick before you buy one

Lipstick is not only meant for coloring the lips but is also a cosmetic product that protects a woman's lip. It is made up of oil, waxes, pigments and various other ingredients. There different kind and color of lipstick that one can find in the market. It is the product that keeps a woman’s lip hydrated.

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Things you must know about selecting lipstick before you buy one

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Things you must know about selecting lipstick before you buy one

  2. Lipstick Lipstick is not only meant for coloring the lips but is also a cosmetic product that protects a woman's lip. It is made up of oil, waxes, pigments and various other ingredients. There different kind and color of lipstick that one can find in the market. It is the product that keeps a woman’s lip hydrated.

  3. Things to know about Luminous Lipsticks All the lipsticks of Shadia Elamin brandhave been made with different oil extracts and therapeutic substance. This helps the buyer with the following benefits: • Nourishes the lip • Add of glamour and glaze • Makes a woman look even more attractive

  4. various kinds of lipstick that can be purchased from this brand

  5. Things to consider before buying a lipstick • Check the dates- Usually; most lipsticks have a validity of 3yrs. In case a woman buys a year old lipstick then she will only get to wear the lipstick for two years. • Remember the type of requirement- matte touch lipstick stays in the lip for the longest time. So if one wishes to wear lipstick for the entire day, then she must choose this type of lipstick. However, if they have a different need, they can go for cream, shimmering or other kinds of lipstick. • Apply it before buying- regardless of the business and hurry an individual should never buy a lipstick without applying it in their skin to understand if it suits them or not.

  6. Email: shadia@shadiaelamin.com Phone No: 917-930-5884 Website: https://shadiaelamin.com/ Address: 178 Columbus Avenue P.O. Box 230174,New York, NY 10023-9998 https://www.instagram.com/shadiaelamin933/ https://www.pinterest.com/shadiaalamin/ https://www.facebook.com/shadiaelamincosmetics/ https://twitter.com/elamin_shadia

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