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WORKSHOP ON HOW TO WRITE CVs AND LETTERS. Designed and conducted by: MINOO ALEMI. Objectives of the Workshop. At the end of the workshop, the participants are expected to be able to: Write their own CVs Distinguish between a good CV and bad CV Write a CV cover letter
Objectives of the Workshop At the end of the workshop, the participants are expected to be able to: • Write their own CVs • Distinguish between a good CV and bad CV • Write a CV cover letter • Write different types of letters • Use proper letter formats
Important Points About Writing Your CV • Appearance • Keep headlines to a minimum • Not too overqualified • Do it now • Edit and edit again • A covering letter
Major Headings in a CV • Personal information • Educational background (Qualifications) • Employment • Publications • Published articles • Research interests • Research activities • Teaching experiences • Supervision • Translations • Administrative responsibilities • Hobbies • References
Terms related to employment • Chancellor / President • Vice-Chancellor • for Education • for Research • for Logistics (Administrative and Financial Affairs) • For Students’ Affairs • Dean of the school • Associate Dean • A member of the society of …… • The head of the physiology department • Chair of …… Committee • Director of the Educational Development Center
Terms related to job specification • Full Professor • Associate Professor • Assistant Professor • Lecturer • Faculty Member • Part-time Lecturer • Guest Lecturer
Terms related to educational background • PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) • Specialist in….. • MD (Medical Doctor) • GP (General Practitioner) • MSc (Master of Science) • BSc (Bachelor of Science) • BA (Bachelor of Art) • Higher Diploma • Diploma • Six-month training course in …… • Awarded on • Expected to be awarded on/in • Forthcoming/in press • Honors and awards • Merit award based on control of epidemic of cholera • Awarded gold medal by the chancellor of……
Personal Information • First name: ALEXIA • Surname: SAMPRAS • Date of birth: November 25, 1962 • Nationality: Canadian • Gender: Male • Home Address: 121 Miracle Mile, Any City, FL 12345 • Tel: (305) 555-5555 • E-mail: asampras@umiami.edu
Education • May 2004Doctor in Curriculum and Instruction; Emphasis: Developmental Reading University of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California. • May 1999 Master of Arts in Elementary Education- Bilingual Emphasis Lewis and Clark University, Portland Oregon. • May 1994 Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Elementary Education University of Hawaii, Manoa, HI, Cum Laude
Work Experience • May 2002 - present Research Assistant, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA • June 2000 - May 2001 Teaching Assistant, College of Education, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA • May 1998 - June 1999 Supervisor-Student Teacher, Lewis and Clark University Santa Barbara, CA • April 1997- May 1998 Classroom Teacher, International School of Shangai, Shangai, China • May 1993 - March 1994 Program Supervisor, Department of Education, Honolulu, HI
Publications • Sampras, A.R. (in press). Learning Styles and Missing The Grade. Current Issues in Education. 25-36. • Sampras, A.R. (2001). Preschool Readiness and Intercultural Expectations. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood.14-21. • Sampras, A.R., & Fine, B.E. (2002). Cognitive Abilities and Reading Strategies of Four-year-olds. Journal of Early Childhood Education. 115-122.
Articles • Articles Presented in Conferences • Bilingual Training: Successful Strategies, Address at Washington State Bilingual Conference, Seattle, WA, May, 2003 • Parent Collaboration in Bilingual Settings, Guest Speaker, Oakland City & Schools Consortium, Oakland, CA, December, 2002 • Technology and Second Language Acquisition, Panel Member, State Conference on Educational Technology, Los Angeles, CA, March, 2001
Awards and Honors • Executive Officer, Pi Lambda Theta • Chair, Region 10 Education Early Childhood Advisory Council, Board Member, Idaho Council • Bilingual Education, President, Pacific Council on Head Start • Representative, Education Committee, Region 10 Informational Sciences Board
CV Covering Letter Before sending CV, write a letter and repeat some important points from your CV.
The Body of a Covering Letter • Begin by introducing yourself and indicating what position you are applying for; • Point to qualifications you want the reader to focus on; • Show what you’re willing to do more tasks than cashiering; • End by nothing where I can be reached to set up an interview.
The First Draft of a CV Covering Letter Personal Manager EatWell Markets 845 Scotia Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Dear Sir: In answer to your ad in last week’s Gazette, I want to apply to work for EatWell as a part time cashier-stocker. As you can see from the enclosed resume, I have experience as pricing and stocking. I can work on an electronic cash register. And I feel sure that I can work in fresh produce, in the delicatessen, or in the bakery. I am prepared to begin training by November 1. If you want to interview me, call me at 829-7974 any day before ten. I can also come in to fill in an application. Sincerely,
Sweep 1: • In answer to your ad in last week’s Gazette, I want to apply for work as a part time cahier-stocker. A friend of mine, Doreen Arlesky, works at your North Lake store. She assures me that I would do well and enjoy the work. I am a student at Red River Community College. • I enjoy working with people and I can remain helpful and cheerful even under the pressure of lines and people’s impatience. • As you can see from the enclosed resume, I have experience in retail grocery cashiering with an electronic cash register and taking inventory as well as pricing and stocking.
Sweep 2: • I am writing in response to your ad in last week’s Gazette. As a student at Red River Community College, I want to apply for work as a part time cashier-stocker. • A friend of mine, Doreen Arlesky who works at your North Lake store, assures me that I would do well and that I would enjoy the work. • I have experience in retail grocery cashiering with an electronic cash register, in taking inventory, and in pricing and stocking. • If you want me to come in for an interview or to fill in an application, call me at ……….
Final Version • 1129 N, 18th Ave. • Winnipeg, Manitoba • October 13, 1997 • Personal Manager • EatWell Markets • 804 Scotia Street • Winnipeg, Manitoba • Dear sir or Madam: • I am writing in response to your advertisement in last week’s Gazette. As a student at Red River Community College, I would like to apply for work as a part-time cashier-stocker. A friend of mine, Doreen Arlesky, who works at your North Lake store, assures me that I would do well and that I would enjoy the work.
Final Version • As you can see from the enclosed resume, I have experience in retail grocery cashiering with an electronic cash register, in taking inventory, and in pricing and stocking. • I enjoy working with people, and I can remain helpful and cheerful even under the pressure of lines and other people’s impatience. • I am prepared to begin training by November 1. If you would like me to come in for an interview or to fill out an application, please call ma at 827-7974 any weekday before 10 a.m. • Sincerely yours, • Tracy Wheeler
Examples of a Letter for Applying for a Job: #1 24 Manfield Cheadlee Manchester M23 4DJ Tel: (0161)2341234 3 January, 2000 Mrs. Jane Smith, Personal Manager, Allied Foods Limited, P.O.Box 337, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 4ET Dear Mrs. Smith, Ref: BD/133 Quality Assurance Manager Your advertisement for the above position has interested me very much and I would like to apply.
Examples of a Letter for Applying for a Job: #1 As you will see from my CV, I am currently working for Gepo Foods as the Senior Quality Assurance Technician. In my present position I am responsible for managing all quality assurance in Gepo Food’s Manchester factory. I have worked closely with the Production Department and have been able to identify problems before they affected production deadlines. Over the last year, I have implemented BS 5750/ISO 9000 throughout our factory. This meant rewriting many of the company’s procedures and in some cases creating new procedures. I successfully obtained accreditation at the first attempt within the Board’s six-month timescale. With my proven ability to manage and maintain the highest QA standards whilst minimizing costs. I feel that I would be able to make a significant contribution to your company’s management team. Your sincerely, Christopher Jones
Examples of a Letter for Applying for a Job: #2 Miss J. Anderson Recruitment Manager Human Resources Department Megabright Ltd. 44 Strand Green London SW1 4PQ Dr. William Wilkinson 16 Wilson Street London EC2 0PY 1st October 1996 Dear Dr. Anderson Re: Lecturer of Biochemistry I am writing in response to your advertisement of 30th September for the above position. I enclose my Curriculum Vitae for your consideration.
Examples of a Letter for Applying for a Job: #2 As you will see I have had considerable experience of teaching biochemistry courses in three universities during the past eight years. My experience in research into issues related to the areas of your concern had added to the fact that I can fit into that job perfectly well. Running the biochemistry lab for more than sixteen years has developed a number of the skills mentioned in your advertisement, particularly team working and meeting deadlines, and I think that I could bring ideas and enthusiasm to the job. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely (name) Enc: My CV
Examples of a Letter for Applying for a Job: #3 Dear Miss. Anderson I am writing in response to your advertisement of 30th September for the above position. I enclose my Curriculum Vitae for your consideration. As you will see I have had considerable experience of press officer work during my years at University. I was responsible for all press contacts for our student union and for the production of press releases for number of events. My work experience during vacations has developed a number of the skills mentioned in your advertisement, particularly team working and meeting deadlines, and I think that I could bring ideas and enthusiasm to the job. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely (name) Enc: My CV
Parts of a letter • Sender’s address • Date • Receiver’s address • Letter reference • Salutation • Body • Closing phrase • Blank space for signature • Your typed name • Your title • Enclosures and • Copies
Sender’s address: Dr. Jane Broadfoot, 22, Berkeley Sq. Bristol, BS8 EUG • Date: 2nd January 2002 • Receiver’s address: Ms Marry Anderson, Administrative Officer, School of Education, 35 Berkeley Sq. BS5 OUG • Letter Reference (Re): Re: Fellowship Re: Sabbatical Re: Applying for a job Re: Requesting for admission Re: Purchasing new washing machine
Salutation: • Dear Mr. Anderson • Dear Ms. Anderson • Dear Miss Anderson • Dear Mrs Anderson • Dear Sir/Madam • To whom it may concern
The Body of the Letter • Reference • Information • Purpose • Conclusion/closing sentence
Closing Phrases • Truly yours (Yours truly) • Sincerely yours • Faithfully yours • Respectfully yours • With respect • Thanking you • Thanks • Regards • Best regards • With love • Forever yours
Enclosures and copies • Enc: my CV • Cc: Dr. P. Broadfoot (carbon copy) • Bcc: Mr. Robinson, Gen. Man. (blind carbon copy)
Body: Reference (the first paragraph) • Following your letter dated 17 June 2001 regarding …… • On May 1st, 2000, I sent you a check (Bank Melli, account # 0098) for a one-year subscription to your journal ….. • I came across your advertisement regarding …….. • I am an assistant professor of Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services …… • One of my friends (name) advised me to get in touch with you for further information regarding ……
Body: Information • Employing a Lab Technician • and as of this date, I have only received two issues (May & June 2000). • available grants for overseas students • and I am interested in your post-doc program of anatomical sciences • fellowship in infectious diseases and a part job as a GP
Body: The purpose • I would like to inform you that I am very much interested in the job and I have the relevant qualifications and experiences. • Please adjust your records accordingly and forward the remaining issues. • I am an overseas student and my qualifications and experiences meet your requirements. The relevant documents are attached. • I would appreciate if you could send me the relevant information.
Body: The purpose • I would like to participate (enroll) in your Master Program of Medical Education. Could you inform me with necessary information and requirements for the course? • The washing machine that I have bought from one of your dealers is leaking. It is still under guarantee. Could you arrange for replacing or repairing machine?
Body: Conclusion / closing sentence • I am looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. • Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. • Thank you for considering my application. • I would appreciate your sending me ……. • I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. • I sincerely hope you will be able to help me in this matter. • I enclose a check for …… • Would you please let me know as soon as possible whether …..
Body: Conclusion / closing sentence • I enclose a sample of material you required (my resume, the laboratory result, etc)
Your name • Your address • Your telephone • Your fax • Your e-mail • Date • Name of receiver • Tile of receiver • Address, telephone and fax # Re: subject of letter Dear Mr./Mrs…. Following to our telephone conversation earlier today, please would you reserve two tickets and rooms (single) to the international exhibition and be kind enough to send me a letter of invitation which I shall need to apply for my visa to visit your country. I understand that the cost for each room and ticket to exhibition will be $ 1,000 per day. Does this fee include any meals? I am enclosing a money order in amount of $ 4,000 for the deposit on my membership in the exhibition. Should there be any personal costs, please inform me. I look forward to hearing from you soon in this regard. • Your sincerely, • (your signature) • (your name) • (your title) • Enc.: • C.c.:
211 Amboy Road Hutchison, KS 1222 May 11, 1997 Ms. Amy Bascom Parent Coordinator 48, Main street. Lawrence, KS 14332 Dear Ms. Bascom: I am planning to move to Lawrence at the end of August and will be enrolling my two children, ages 9 and 11, in local schools. I need to know the following: What documents should my husband and I send to you from the old school? Does the Lawrence school district offer bus service? What special programs are available, and what are the deadlines for applying? What are the dates for new student enrollment? Thanking you for your help. Sincerely yours, Arlene Rambeau