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Natural Language Processing Applications. Lecture 7 Fabienne Venant Université Nancy2 / Loria. Information Retrieval. What is Information Retrieval?.
Natural Language Processing Applications Lecture 7 Fabienne Venant Université Nancy2 / Loria
What is Information Retrieval? • Information retrieval (IR) is finding material (usually documents) of an unstructured nature (usually text) that satisfies an information need from within large collections (usually stored on computers) • Applications: • Many universities and public libraries use IR systems to provide access to books journals and other documents. • Web search • Large volumes of unstable, unstructured dat • Speed is important • Cross-language IR • Finding documents written in another language • Touches on Machine translation • ....
Concerns • The set of texts can be very large hence hence efficiency is a concern • Textual data is noisy, incomplete and untrustworthy hence robustness is a concern • Information may be hidden: • Need to derive information from raw data • Need to derive information from vaguely expressed needs
IR Basic concepts • Information needs : queries and relevance • Indexing: helps speeding up retrieval • Retrieval models: describe how to search and recover relevant documents • Evaluation: IR systems are large and convincing evaluation is tricky
Information needs • INFORMATION NEED : the topic about which the user desires to know more • QUERY : what the user conveys to the computer in an attempt to communicate the information need • RELEVANCE : a document is relevant if it is one that the user perceives as containing information of value wrt their personal information need Ex : • topic “pipeline leaks” • relevant documents : doesn’t matter if they use those words or express the concept with other words such a « pipeline rupture ».
Capturing information needs • Information needs can be hard to capture • One possibility : use natural language • Advantage: expressive enough to allow all needs to be described • Drawbacks: • Semantic analysis of arbitrary NL is very hard • Users may not want to type full blown sentences into a search engine
Queries • Information needs are typically expressed as a query : • Where shall I go on holiday? holiday destinations • Two main types of possible queries • How much blood does the human heart pump in one minute? • Boolean queries : heart AND blood AND minutes • Web types queries : human biology
Remarks • A query : • is usually quite short and incomplete; • may contain misspelled or poorly selected words • may contain too many or too few words • The information need : • may be difficult to describe precisely,especially when the user isn't familiar about the topic • Precise understanding of the document content is difficult.
Persistent vs one-off Queries Queries might or not evolve over times • Persistent queries : • predefined and routinely performed : • Top ten performing shares today • Continuous queries : persistent queries that allow users to receive new results when they become available • typical of Information extraction and News Routing systems • One-off (or ad-hoc) queries • created to obtain information as the need arises • typical of Web searching
Relevance • Relevance is subjective • ’python’ : ambiguous but not for user • Topicality vs. Utility: a document is relevant wrt a specific Goal A document is relevant if it addresses the stated information need, not because it just happens to contain all the words in the query. • Relevance is a gradual concept (a document is not just relevant or not; it is more or less relevant to a query) • IR systems usually rank retrieved documents by relevance • But many algorithm use a binary decision of relevance.
Terminology • An IR system looks for data matching some criteria defined by the users in their queries. • The langage used to ask a question is called the query language. • These queries use keywords (atomic items characterizing some data). • The basic unit of data is a document (can be a file, an article, a paragraph, etc.). • A document corresponds to free text (may be unstructured). • All the documents are gathered into a collection (or corpus).
Searching for a given word in a document • One way to do that is to start at the beginning and to read through all the text • Pattern matching (re) + speed of modern computer grepping through tex can be a very effective • Enough for simple querying of modest collections (millions of words) • But for many purposes, you do need more: • To process large document collections (billions ot trillions of words) quickly. • To allow more flexible matching operations. For example, it is impractical to perform the query Romans NEAR countrymen with grep, where NEAR might be defined as “within 5 words” or “within the same sentence”. • To allow ranked retrieval: in many cases you want the best answer to an information need among many documents that contain certain words -- >You need an Index
Motivation for Indexing • Extremely large dataset • Only a tiny fraction of the dataset is relevant to a given query • Speed is essential (0.25 second for web searching) • Indexing helps speedup retrieval
Indexing documents • How to relate the user’s information need with some documents’ content ? • Idea : using an index to refer to documents • Usually an index is a list of terms that appear in a document, it can be represented mathematically as: index : doci→ {Uj keywordj} • Here, the kind of index we use maps keywords to the list of documents they appear in: index′ : keywordj → {Ui doci} • We call this an inverted index.
Indexing documents • The set of keywords is usually called the dictionary (or vocabulary) • A document identifier appearing in the list associated with a keyword is called a posting • The list of document identifiers associated with a given keyword is called a posting list
Inverted files The most common indexing technique • Source file: collection organised by documents • Inverted file: collection organised by terms
Inverted Index • Given a dictionary of terms (also called vocabulary or vocabulary lexicon) • For each term, record in a list which documents the term occurs in • Each item in the list: • records that a term appeared in a document • and, later, often, the positions in the document • is conventionally called a posting • The list is then called a postings list (or inverted list),
Inverted Index From « an introduction to information retrieval », C.D. Manning,P. Raghavan and H.Schütze
Exercise Draw the inverted index that would be built for the following document collection • Doc 1 breakthrough drug for schizophrenia • Doc 2 new schizophrenia drug • Doc 3 new approach for treatment of schizophrenia • Doc 4 new hopes for schizophrenia patients For this document collection, what are the returned results for these queries: • schizophrenia AND drug • schizophrenia AND NOT(drug OR approach)
Indexing documents • Arising questions: how to build an index automatically ? What are the relevant keywords ? • Some additional desiderata: • fast processing of large collections of documents, • having flexible matching operations (robust retrieval), • having the possibility to rank the retrieved document in terms of relevance • To ensure these requirements (especially fast processing) are fulfilled, the indexes are computed in advance • Note that the format of the index has a huge impact on the performances of the system
Indexing documents NB: an index is built in 4 steps: • Gathering of the collection (each document is given a unique identifier) • Segmentation of each document into a list of atomic tokens tokenization • Linguistic processing of the tokens in order to normalize them lemmatizing. • Indexing the documents by computing the dictionary and lists of postings
Manual indexing • Advantages • Human judgement are most reliable • Retrieval is better • Drawbacks • Time consuming • Not always consistent • different people build different indexes for the same document.
Automatic indexing • Using NLU? • Not fast enough in real world settings (e.g., web search) • Not robust enough (low coverage) • Difficulty : what to include and what to exclude. • Indexes should not contain headings for topics for which there is no information in the document • Can a machine parse full sentences of ideas and recognize the core ideas, the important terms, and the relationships between related concepts throughout the entire text?
Stop list • The members of which are discarded during indexing • some extremely common words which would appear to be of little value in helping select documents matching a user need are excluded from the vocabulary entirely. • These words are called STOP WORDS • Collection strategy : • Sort the terms by collection frequency (the total number of times each term appears in the document collection), • Take the most frequent terms • often hand-filtered for their semantic content relative to the domain of the documents being indexed • What counts as a stop word depends on the collection • in a collection of legal article law can be considered a stop word • Ex: • a an and are as at be by for from has he in is it its of on that the to was were will with
Why eliminate stop words? • Efficiency • Eliminating stop words reduces the size of the index considerably • Eliminating stop words reduces retrieval time considerably • “Quality of results” • Most of the time not indexing stop words does little harm • keyword searches with terms like the and by don’t seem very useful • BUT, this is not true for phrase searches. • The phrase query “President of the United States” is more precise than President AND “United States”. • The meaning of “ flights to London “ is likely to be lost if the word to is stopped out. • .....
Building the vocabulary • Processing a stream of characters to extract keywords • 1st task: tokenization, main difficulties: • token delimiters (ex: Chinese) • apostrophes (ex: O’neill, Finland’s capital) • hyphens (ex: Hewlett-Packard, state-of-the-art) • segmented compound nouns (ex: Los Angeles) • unsegmented compound nouns (icecream, breadknife) • numerical data (dates, IP addresses) • word order (ex: Arabic wrt nouns and numbers)
Solutions for tokenization issues: • Using a pre-defined dictionary with largest matches and heuristics for unknown words • Using learning algorithms trained over hand-segmented words
Choosing keywords • Selecting the words that are most likely to appear in a query • These words characterize the documents they appear in • Which are they?
The bag of words approach • Extreme interpretation of the the principle of compositional semnaics • The meaning of documents resides solely in the words that are contained within them • The exact ordering of the terms in a document is ignored but the number of occurrences of each term is material
BoW “Not the same thing a bit!” said the Hatter. “You might just as well say that ‘I see what Ieat’ is the same thing as ‘I eat what I see’!” “You might just as well say,” added the March Hare, “that ‘I like what I get’ is the same thing as ‘I get what I like’!” “You might just as well say,” added the Dormouse, who seemed to be talking in its sleep, “that ‘I breathe when I sleep’ is the same thing as ‘I sleep when I breathe’!”
Bags of words • Nevertheless, it seems intuitive that two documents with similar bag of words representations are similar in content..
What’s in a bag of words? • Are all words in a document equally important? • stop words do not contribute in any way to retrieval and scoring • BoW contain terms • What should count as a term? • Words • Phrases (e.g., president of the US)
Morphological normalization • Should index terms be word forms, lemmas or stems? • Matching morphological variants increase recall • Example morphological variants : • anticipate, anticipating, anticipated, anticipation • Company/Companies, sell/sold • USA vs U.S.A., • 22/10/2007 vs 10/22/2007 vs 2007/10/22 • university vs University • Idea: using equivalence classes of terms, • ex: { Opel, OPEL, opel } opel • Two techniques: • stemming : refers to a crude heuristic process that chops off the ends of words in the hope of achieving this goal correctly most of the time • Lemmatisation : refers to doing things,properly with the use of a vocabulary and morphological analysis of words, normally aiming to remove inflectional endings only and to return a dictionary form of a word, which is known as the lemma. • NB: documents and queries have to be processed using the same tokenization process !
Stemming and Lemmatization • Role: reducing inflectional forms to common base forms, • Example: • car, cars, car’s, cars’ car • am, are, is be • Stemming removes suffixes (surface markers) to produce root forms • Lemmatization reduces a word to a canonical form (using a dictionary and a morphological analyser) • Illustration of the difficulty: • plurals (woman/women, crisis/crisis) • derivational morphology (automatize/automate) • English Porter stemming algorithm (University of Cambridge, UK, 1980)
Porter stemmer • Algorithm based on a set of context-sensitive rewriting rules http://tartarus.org/~martin/PorterStemmer/index.html http://tartarus.org/~martin/PorterStemmer/def.txt • Rules are composed of a pattern (left-hand-side) and a string (right-hand-side), example: (.*)sses \1 ss sses ss : caresses caress (.* [aeiou].*)ies \1i ies i : ponies poni, ties ti (.* [aeiou].*)ss \1 ss ss ss : caress caress • Rules may be constrained by conditions on the word’s measure, example: (m > 1) (.*)ement \1 replacement replac but not cement c (m>0) (.*)eed -> \1ee feed -> feed but agreed -> agree (*v*) ed -> \1 plastered -> plaster but bled -> bled (*v*) ing -> \1 motoring -> motor but sing -> sing
Porter StemmerWord measure • Assumed that a list of consonants is denoted by C, and a list of vowels by V • Any word, or part of a word has one of the four forms: • CVCV ... C • CVCV ... V • VCVC ... C • VCVC ... V • These may all be represented by the single form • [C]VCVC ... [V] where the square brackets denote arbitrary presence of their contents. • Using (VC)m to denote VC repeated m times, this may again be written as • [C](VC)m[V]. • m will be called the measure of any word or word part when represented in this form. • Here are some examples: • m=0 TR, EE, TREE, Y, BY • m=1 TROUBLE, OATS, TREES, IVY • m=2 TROUBLES, PRIVATE, OATEN, ORRERY. • (m > 1) EMENT -> • This would map REPLACEMENT to REPLAC, since REPLAC is a word part for which m = 2.
Exercise • What is the Porter measure of the following words (give your computation) ? • crepuscular • rigorous • placement cr ep usc ul ar C VC VC VC VC m = 4 r ig or ous C VC VC VC m = 3 pl ac em ent C VC VC VC m = 3
Stemming • Most stemmers also removes suffixes such as ed, ing, ational, ation, able, ism... • Relational relate • Most stemmers don’t use lexical look up • There are shortcomings: • Stemming can result in non-words • Organization Organ • Doing doe • Unrelated words can be reduced to the same stem • police, policy polic
Stemming • Popular stemmers • Porter’s • Lovin’s • Iterated Lovin’s • Kstem
Lemmatization • Exceptions needs to be handled: • sought seek, sheep sheep, feet foot • Computationally more expensive than stemming as it lookups words in a dictionnary • Lemmatizer for French • http://bach.arts.kuleuven.be/pmertens/morlex/ • FLEMM (F. Namer) • POS taggers with lemmatization: TreeTagger, LT-POS
What is actually used? • Most retrieval systems use stemming/lemmatising and stop word lists • Stemming increases recall while harming precision • Most web search engines do use stop word lists but not stemming/lemmatising because • the text collection is extremely large so that the change of matching morphogical variants is higher • recall is not an issue • stemming is imperfect and the size and diversity of the web increase the chance of a mismatch • stemming/tokenising tools are available for few languages
Example Text Representations Scientists have found compelling new evidence of possible ancient microscopic life on mars, derived from magnetic crystals in a meteorit that fell to Earth from the red planet, NASA anounced on Monday. Web search: scientists, found, compelling, new, evidence, possible, ancient, microscopic, life, mars, derived, magnetic, crystals, meteorite, fell, earth, red, planet, NASA, anounced, Monday Information service or library search: scientist, find, compelling, new, evidence, possible, ancient, microscopic, life, mars, derived, magnetic, crystal, meteorite, fall, earth, red, planet, NASA, anounce, Monday
Granularity • Document unit : • An index can map terms • ... to documents • ... to paragraphs in documents • ... to sentences in document • ... to positions in documents • An IR system should be designed to offer choices of granularity. • For now, we will henceforth assume that a suitable size document unit has been chosen, together with an appropriate way of dividing or aggregating files, if needed.
Index Content • The index usually stores some or all of the following information: • For each term: • Document count. How many documents the term occurs in. • Total Frequency count. How many times the term occurs accross all documents “popularity measure” • For each term and for each document: • Frequency : How often the term occurs in that document. • Position. The offsets at which the term occurs in that document.