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Using everyday situations to teach people about a religious idea. ... To learn some bible quotes that back up these ideas. The Old Testament (Bible) Amos (a ...

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Presentation Transcript

    Slide 1:Religion, Poverty and Wealth

    Christian Teachings about helping the poor.

    Slide 2:Parables

    Can you remember What is a Parable? A story with a religious meaning. Using everyday situations to teach people about a religious idea.

    Slide 3:Aims

    To understand why Christians should try to help poor people. To learn some bible quotes that back up these ideas.

    Slide 4:The Old Testament (Bible)

    Amos (a Prophet) Let justice flow like a river and let goodness flow like a stream. Whoever gets rich by mistreating the poor and gives presents to the wealthy will become poor

    Slide 5:The New Testament Jesus

    HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN Rich man asking Jesus how he can get to heaven. Jesus told him to sell everything, he didnt want to. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than to enter the Kingdom of Heaven SHEEP AND GOATS If you dont help people who are in need then you will go to Hell. EXAMPLE Jesus, a perfect example of Love in action (agape).

    Slide 6:Practical Help Church

    Aid Agencies Tearfund Christian Aid (protestant) CAFOD (Roman Catholic) Collect money / clothes / goods. Take and deliver to people who need it. (UK and abroad) Christians can work for these organisations. The Salvation Army. General Booth You cant save a mans soul until hes got shoes on his feet. Homeless Needy Old Prostitutes Missing persons Aid work over sea's. Consider themselves to be saved to serve. Telling people about Jesus by the way that they act and help others.

    Slide 7:At Home

    Summarise the 3 categories of Christian teachings: Bible Church Jesus Outline, in your own words, the story of The Sheep and The Goats

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