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Dental Oral Hygienist Course

Additionally, in the healthcare industry, it is referred to as a Dental Hygienist or Dental Health Worker.

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Dental Oral Hygienist Course

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  1. Dental Oral Hygienist Course Additionally, in the healthcare industry, it is referred to as a Dental Hygienist or Dental Health Worker. It is a dental allied professional who focuses on preventative oral health, primarily on oral hygiene procedures. Dental Oral Hygienists are responsible for removing plaque and cleaning and polishing teeth with scaling devices and a spinning polisher.

  2. Training Outcomes • Demonstrate the dental assistant's responsibilities in several dental situations. • Demonstrate proficiency in setting up and maintaining a clinical environment for a variety of clinical procedures. • Demonstrate the ability to record information about a patient's dental and oral tissues that are provided to them by a dental professional. • Discuss the best practices for maintaining patient confidentiality and data protection. • Demonstrate how to preserve personal and dental team health and safety, as well as the health and safety of patients and visitors. • Demonstrate professionalism and proficiency in one's field of expertise. • Demonstrate how to prevent cross-infection. • Demonstrate how to combine materials and medications to facilitate therapy. • Demonstrate your willingness to assist the clinician throughout therapy. • Demonstrate the ability to administer basic life support and assist the dental team in the event of a medical emergency. • Demonstrate the proper preparation of dental radiography equipment and supplies. • Demonstrate how dental films are processed. • Demonstrate how to maintain thorough, accurate records. • Demonstrate the proper procedure for referring patients to other healthcare professionals. • Discuss with patients how to maintain good oral health. • Demonstrate ongoing support for and monitoring of the patient. • Demonstrate how to schedule and keep dental visits.

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