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Baby Wearing Safety Tips Let's start with some simple, common sense safety tips that should be adhered to when you use a baby carrier: ● Never ride your bicycle while baby-wearing. ● Never drive your car while baby-wearing. ● Never drink tea, coffee, or any hot beverage while baby wearing. ● Be sure to check all buckles and fasteners. ● Being Careful While Baby Wearing How to Prevent Falls - The best way to prevent your child from falling is to make sure that he or she fits snugly and is secure in the baby carrier. All babies should be secure and carried close to your body. Young infants should also be in a carrier with a back that is high enough to support their head and neck. Take extreme care when you bend over to make sure that your baby does not spill out of his or her baby carrier. Do not bend over at the waist while using a baby carrier. If you have to pick up something, bend with your knees keeping your upper body (and carrier) upright. Always be sure that your baby is situated properly and securely in the baby carrier. It is also a good idea to always keep one or both hands on your baby until you become accustomed to your carrier. Health and Wellness Issues Head and Neck Support - Your baby's neck and head should always be supported properly. Four months seems to be the average age when babies are strong enough to keep their heads up without our help. A front carrying position with your baby facing out is definitely not recommended until he or she hold their head up comfortably. A carrying position on your back offers less support for your baby, and you cannot see what's happening back there. Subsequently, a back carrying position isn't recommended unt il your baby is six months old. Some parents keep using the front carrying position until their baby becomes a toddler. This is a wise choice. Keep Your Baby's Airway Free - Special care should be given to maintaining your baby's airway when using any type of carrier.
When baby-wearing, your baby should always be "kissing close" and his or her face needs to be visible. Be very careful not to block your child's airway, either with any part of the baby carrier or your body. If your infant is under four months old, the safest way to keep him or her positioned is with their head sideways and their cheek laying on your chest. This also keeps their chin up and off their chest and their nose and chin away from the baby carrier fabric. Hip Protection - If a child is going to have hip a development issue, it will usually occur before he or she reaches four months old. Be sure to give young infants occasional breaks to allow them to move and exercise their legs freely. The angle of a baby's legs while in a baby carrier is important, and you want to get a carrier that does not allow the baby's legs to "dangle". Baby carriers that don't adequately support an infants knees and allow "leg dangle" can potentially lead to hip problems. According to the International Hip Dysplasia Institute, Certain type baby carriers and other devices like slings. walkers, car seats and any items with molded seats can interfere with your baby's healthy hip positions. There is a potential risk of any of these baby items inadvertently putting your child in positions that are unhealthy for their hips. The hip joints of young infants up to four or five months old are still only partially developed. Much of the joint is soft cartilage which will become bone sometime between four and seven months old. Any carrier or device that puts an infant's legs in an improper position is potentially a risk to normal hip development. Always make sure that your baby carrier is appropriate for the size of your baby to eliminate improper hip placement. Do Not Use A Baby Sling Why? Because they are dangerous. Baby slings are simply unsafe. Over the past few years the CPSC (Consumer Products Safety Commission) has released several advisories warning about the dangers of baby slings. These advisories were primarily about the potential danger of suffocation to young infants, especially those four months old and younger. Baby slings have also been cited by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute for their potential risk to hip development. Since the year 2001 there have 16 baby deaths directly related to baby slings in the United States and Canada, and more recently 6 deaths in the United Kingdom. The majority of these deaths were from suffocation and some from falling. There are also dozens of injury reports of head injuries, skull fractures, abrasions and contusions that have occurred from babies falling out of baby slings.
Recent recalls of baby slings has prompted the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) to introduce new standards for baby slings. However, stricter standards still need to be put in place. The CPSC also warns about risks of death due to suffocation or "positional asphyxia," especially in babies under four months old. Always buy the soft and comfortable baby wear for your new born baby. Is Safe Baby Wearing Possible? Baby wearing is truly a great way to carry and bond with your baby. However, common sense and attention to safety must be any parents first concern. Although the use of baby slings is definitely not recommended, a good quality baby carrier is a more reliable option. A soft structured baby carrier is safe and keeps your infant close without the dangers associated with baby slings. There are many quality baby carriers available from trusted manufacturers. Regardless of which baby carrier you decide to buy, do your research. Don't rely only on the product description from the manufacturer. When buying online, read the customer reviews. These reviews are always better and more informative than the product descriptions from the manufacturers. Once you have chosen your carrier, check online for any history of problems or recalls. Finally, after you have received your new (never buy used) baby carrier, thoroughly inspect it to be sure everything is in working order and there are no defects. A good idea is to practice baby wearing with a doll before you actually put your child in the carrier. Take the time to be sure that anything that you buy for your baby is safe to use. Get the right baby carrier and you will have many great experiences with baby wearing.
HunyHuny Dress with Beautiful Headband, Elegant Bow at Waist and Back full of Princess frills for Newborn and Toddler Baby - Pink looks adorable and trendy on Newborn Infant and Toddler baby. Get in your best look for the baby girl with this new stylish dress. HunyHuny clothes for Newborn Babies are taken utmost care of fabric quality, standard comfort and safety majors. Your kid would love our clothes and you would love to see your baby happy and playing.