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Inconel 625 Tube

Om Tubes is a standard producer and exporter of Tubes. We specialize in producing Tubes in many alloys, especially high resistant ones like Inconel 625. This highly durable and robust alloy is manufactured in our factories according to the given specifications of the clientele. Any size, dimensions and finishing are provided by Om tubes when once contacted.<br>Our products are 100% tested and verified by standard issuing authorities. Our quality program is a 3 layered independent department check for various factors including Dimensional Check, Visual Inspection, and Finishing, Burr level, Leakage Test, Pressure Rating test, Chemical inspection and Mechanical properties verification. We carry more than 2 decades of experience in high nickel based compounds. As of 2015, we stocked more than 500 tons of Inconel 625 tube. Satisfying our customers is our ultimate goal to achieve. Our customers receive world-class buying experience at Om tubes.<br>To know more: http://omtubes.com/inconel/inconel-625/inconel-625-tubes/<br>

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Inconel 625 Tube

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  1. Inconel 625 Tube Om Tubes is a standard producer and exporter of Tubes. We specialize in producing Tubes in many alloys, especially high resistant ones like Inconel 625. This highly durable and robust alloy is manufactured in our factories according to the given specifications of the clientele. Any size, dimensions and finishing are provided by Om tubes when once contacted. Our products are 100% tested and verified by standard issuing authorities. Our quality program is a 3 layered independent department check for various factors including Dimensional Check, Visual Inspection, and Finishing, Burr level, Leakage Test, Pressure Rating test, Chemical inspection and Mechanical properties verification. We carry more than 2 decades of experience in high nickel based compounds. As of 2015, we stocked more than 500 tons of Inconel 625 tube. Satisfying our customers is our ultimate goal to achieve. Our customers receive world-class buying experience at Om tubes. To know more: http://omtubes.com/inconel/inconel-625/inconel-625-tubes/

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