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A Potential Regimen to Treat Acne-Prone Skin

Acne-prone skin is one of the most difficult skin types to take care of, <br>requiring you to go above and beyond with your skincare and even <br>cosmetics routine. But using high-quality acne skincare <br>products can make all the difference.<br>

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A Potential Regimen to Treat Acne-Prone Skin

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  1. A Potential Regimen to Treat Acne-Prone Skin Acne-prone skin is one of the most difficult skin types to take care of, requiring you to go above and beyond with your skincare and even cosmetics routine. But using high-quality acne skincare products can make all the difference.

  2. What Is Acne and How Does It Affect You? Sebaceous glands produce sebum, an oily substance that keeps your skin moisturised and lubricated. Excess sebum production clogs follicles on your skin and their openings called pores, resulting in irritation and pimples. Whiteheads and blackheads are clogged pores that aren’t inflamed and either open onto the surface of the skin or don’t. What Causes Acne? When it comes to acne causes, hormones are the most common culprit. Acne is more common in teenagers and adolescents since this is when their bodies begin to produce testosterone, which aids your sebaceous glands in overproducing. Genetics also have a role. If one or both of your parents have acne, this could be one of the reasons you have it as well. Acne outbreaks appear to be linked to stress in certain persons. How to treat acne-prone skin? Wash your face twice a day- It is recommended that you wash your face when you wake up and before you go to bed. Unless you’re really sweaty, doing it more than twice a day will irritate your skin. O3+ BHA Purifying Face Wash is suitable for daily use, and consistent use will result in glowing and vibrant skin. Apply gentle exfoliants- Be gentle to your skin. Scrubbing harder and using harsh exfoliants won’t help and can cause more irritation and redness. Using acne skincare kits and packs once or twice a week can be helpful.

  3. Avoid picking and popping- It’s quite tempting to squeeze that pimple. However, this can result in scarring. It can also spread bacteria to neighbouring pores, turning a little pimple into a deep, inflammatory acne. Watch your diet- One of the most important aspects of acne therapy is to keep track of what you consume. A high-glycemic-index diet can exacerbate your acne problem significantly. To raise blood sugar levels, avoid refined carbohydrates and sugars, as well as highly processed foods that are quickly broken down in the gut. Refrain from touching your skin- To avoid bacterial transmission, avoid contacting your skin frequently. Also, use an antibacterial wipe to clean your phone, and wash your pillowcase, or anything else that comes into direct touch with your face, on a frequent basis. Mild acne is frequently treatable with medications. If it doesn’t get better, you might need to see a dermatologist. Acne is classified as moderate or severe, such as cystic acne, or acne that is scarring your skin. These conditions necessitate the use of prescription medication. Source Url - https://medium.com/@skincareiqrar/a-potential-regimen-to-treat- acne-prone-skin-d11bc9bb85a0

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