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Strapping Machine in Chennai

Strapping is one of the most suitable packaging solutions for securing goods for transportation and storage. A strapping machine can be used to secure everything, from fragile and delicate products to burdensome loads. The parcels and items to be strapped are packed in cardboard or plastics. A strapping machine uses either sensor to detect the presence of an item or it has to be fed to the machine manually. <br>

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Strapping Machine in Chennai

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  1. LowTableTopSemiAutomatic StrappingMachine Description Low Table Top Strapping Machine is suitableforcartons,calcium-plastic cases, books, soft and hard packages as wellasallkindsofarticlesinsquare, cylinderorannulations.Themachinewith verylowtableissuitableforthepackages thatareverylargeorheavy. Grievanceofficer Mr.Vivek Joshi SmartPackagingSystem M-36,TradeCentre,18South Tukoganj, Indore452001 MadhyaPradesh,India Phone:0731-2526606,4076606 WhatsAppNo:9584179006 Email:smartpack786@yahoo.com , info@smartpackindia.biz Time:Mon-Sat(10:30-06:30)

  2. SmartPackagingSystem Semi-Automatic Strappingsps405 Specifications Value Model SPS405 StrappingSpeed (seconds) 1.5 StrapWidth(mm) 6-15 StrappingForce 450 WorkingTableHeight (mm) 750 PowerSource(V/Hz) 220/50,1/4HP Description:- Semiautomaticstrappingmachineissuitableforcartons,calcium-plasticcases,books,softand hardpackagesaswellasallkindsofarticlesin square,cylinderorannulations.Themachinewith high tableissuitableforgeneralobjects,whilethatwithtablein middleheightis suitable for thosepackagesthatarelargerorheavier.Strappingmachinewithverylowtableissuitablefor thepackagesthatareverylarge orheavy. Grievanceofficer Mr.VivekJoshi SmartPackagingSystem M-36, Trade Centre, 18 South Tukoganj, Indore 452001 MadhyaPradesh,India Phone:0731-2526606, 4076606 WhatsAppNumber:9584179006 Email:smartpack786@yahoo.com,info@smartpackindia.biz Time:Mon-Sat (10:30- 06:30)

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