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Fazeela Yoouf Senior Project Officer, Department of National Planning . Introduction. Collects details of age, sex, and other characteristics of that population in a defined period and also information of the demography, society and the housing of the country. First Census 1911
FazeelaYoouf Senior Project Officer, Department of National Planning
Introduction • Collects details of age, sex, and other characteristics of that population in a defined period and also information of the demography, society and the housing of the country. • First Census 1911 • In 1985, it was decided that census would be held at an interval of 5 years. • However due to the Tsunami Disaster, the census which was scheduled for March 2005 was rescheduled to 21 -28 March 2006.
Introduction Pop - 289,968 Mlae – 151,459 Female – 147,508
The Census Organization • Organized and conducted by the DNP • Small committee of 18 members were formed (health, education, gender, fisheries, employment and tourism) • Almost 90% of DNP was involved during 2006 census. • Master training and training of trainers round was conducted. Participants of TOT trained the enumerators, all around the country.
The Census of Population and Housing • Next Census is planned for March 2011. • Census statistics are used as the basis for estimating the population at the national level. • The data collected by the census is important to determine the pace of the economic and social development, assess the level of achievement and to bring necessary changes to the development effort to meet the goals identified in the Development Plans.
Objectives of Census • To have the most up to date data as the country is in the stage of graduating from least developed countries. • 2011 marks the 100th Year of Maldivian census and 2011 round would give a picture of 100 years demographic development. • Basic demographic data collected is a base for the island registers and strengthen basic data to establish the island councils.
Objectives of Census • The current administration’s policy is to develop seven provinces in the country. Hence 2011 census data could be a base to identify the change in migration pattern to the capital Male’. As 2006 census had temporary shelters in other islands and due to the government policy of decentralization, connecting each and every island by a transportation network there could be a major change in the migration pattern.
Data Items • 1. HAA FORM - Listing of Places First stage of census is to estimate the population and housing through the HaaForm a nationwide housing listing was be taken on the first day of census. The listing estimated the population and housing in the Maldives. The listing will include all the houses in the census block except the vacant houses. • 2. SHAVIYANI FORM - Individual Information ShaviyaniForm will be completed from the second day of census by visiting the households listed in the Haa Form on the fist day. • 3. NOONU FORM - Information of on the work places (public/private offices) for social and economic purpose including the number of people employed.
Data Items • 1. SHAVIYANI FORM • Household information • Individual Information • General information on individuals • Education • Employment • Marital Status • Fertility
Census Publicity • Census logo and character • TV Spots • Documentary • Posters
Engendering Census • Efforts were made to capture women's economic work in 2006 census • Paid receives direct income work for the Example: government employees Unpaid activities that result in only a product which is used for own consumption or family use Example: growing fruits and vegetables at home
Analysis • Census data analysis's done in 2008 which consists of 15 chapters. • Previously analysis was only done on demographic factors which are fertility, mortality , nuptiality and migration.
Analysis • The 15 chapters are • 1. History of Censuses taking in Maldives • 2. Population Growth size and structure • 3. Lifetime Migration in Maldives • 4. Nuptiality • 5. Fertility levels patterns and differentials • 6. Mortality levels patterns and differentials • 7. Education • 8. Labour Force and Employment • 9. Family Structure and Households • 10. Youth Population in the Maldives • 11. Gender Analysis • 12. Situation of Population displaced by Tsunami • 13. Population Projections 2006 – 2050 • 14. Housing Conditions and Household Amenities • 15. Establishments and Economic Activity
Data Dissemination • Summery table • Analytical Report • Indicator sheet • Research papers • Data dissemination Workshop • Census data • Why sex desegregated data • How to use data in development planning
Gender Concerns • The collection and utilization of gender is crucial in the formulation of the gender sensitive policies plans and projects . • Efforts were made to accurately capture information related to the economically active women in the country. • Review of questionnaire • Sensitization of census officials • Public awareness campaign - Data collection process ensured that gender perspective was incorporated
Gender Concerns • Gender Analysis • analysis of the comparative position of the household • economic dimension • educational status • in addition gender sensitive indicators such as - sex ratio - educational attainment - employment rates - living conditions
Gender Concerns • The goal of the current administrations on gender is to Ensure that equality of women and men are upheld, women and girls enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms on an equitable basis, and both women and men, boys and girls are able to realize their full potential and participate in and benefit from democracy and development both in public and private life. Three main policies of the sector are:
Gender Concerns- Policies • Policy 1: Develop and activate the necessary policy, legislative and institutional framework for gender equality • Policy 2: Empower women to facilitate their equal access to available opportunities with equal outcomes/ results • Policy 3: Cultivate a culture of non discrimination and respect for women's right
Gender Concerns- Who is implementing • Presidents Office – gender mainstreaming • Depart of National Planning – Disseminating gender data • DGFPS / Presidents Office : Gender-based constraints arising from unemployment, unequal burden of family responsibilities on women, violence against women and girls and increasing religious extremism are key issue which are negatively impacting gender equality and women’s empowerment in Maldives. High female unemployment, low political participation, gender based violence, high divorce rate and male migration leading to almost 47 percent female headed households, are major issues experienced by women of the Maldives.
Lessons learned • Labour Force Participation rate of women increased from 45.3% in 2000 to 52.9 % in 2006. • LFPR of women in the atolls increased • Awareness increased on the dual role of women and made themselves accept that they are part of the work force of the country. • School drop out (both girls and boys) IDP • Unemployment rate for female higher in IDP (forgo the opportunity to study in order to find jobs)
Its important to engender census specially on labor force participation, • Important engender on education , health and migration.