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Are you looking to plunge into online business? Let us tell you this is the right time to do so. You need an e-commerce platform that can handle a variety of products, different clients, customers, and orders.<br><br>
visit :www.sphinx-solution.com Call :+91-020-26434646 Select The Right E-commerce Platform For Your BusinessNeeds Areyoulookingtoplungeintoonlinebusiness?Letustellyouthisis therighttimetodoso. You need an e-commerce platformthat can handle a variety of products, different clients, customers, andorders. A shopping cart offering flexible design, easy user interface and a huge opportunity of customization will definitely fulfill the expectations of your clients and consumers. Many retailershavecommittedthemistakeofselectingawrongplatformfortheire-commerce web store and are paying compensation for thesame. Hereis acomparisonbetweenfewtope-commerceplatformsthatwillhelpyoutakean informeddecision. Youcanreadtheoriginalblog:FINDTHERIGHTE-COMMERCEPLATFORMSUITINGYOUR BUSINESSNEEDS Magento: Magento has been around since 2007, now acquired by eBay Inc. this platform is immensely versatile promising new improvements and futuristic opportunities. One of the best thing about Magento is itcomes in both forms as a free version as well as a paid version.
Pros: • Richinfunctionalityandfeaturesofferingin-depthandpowerfule-commerceplatform forstores. • Itis easytocustomizeMagentotomeetdemands and expectationsofyourwebstore • Ifyouhavetherightinfrastructure andsupport,Magentois thebestoptiontoachieve speed andagility. • Cons: • Althoughthecommunityeditionisfree,updatesarepaidmakingittroublesomefor small and medium sized online businesses to affordregular updates. • OpenCart: Based in Hong Kong, OpenCart is a very easy e-commerce tool thatcame into existence around 2008. It is flexible enough to manage the unique needs of basic and advanced online stores with similarease. • Pros: • Itis OpenSourceplatformofferingconsiderableeasetoinstall andsetupwithoutany expert help leading toa shorter learning curve. • Itis oneofthemostflexiblee-commerceplatformsasitofferscompletecustomization and ease of managing and controlling multiple stores using a singleconsole. • Cons: • When it comes to performance, OpenCart lags behind, as users have todeploy additional plugins like SEOSuites • WooCommerce:WithanintentiontoofferWordPressusersacustomizedshoppingcarttool, WooCommerce came into existence in2011. • Pros: • Itis freeandopen sourcee-commercepluginfortheWordPressContentManagement Systemcosting absolutely nothing to buildan e-commerce site • Ithasveryfewlimitationssince itis developedexclusivelyfor WordPressCMS,offering fullcustomizationandconfigurationoptionitprobablyis the easiestcarttodevelop • Cons: • WordPressisupdatedatregularintervals anditis necessarytokeeptheplatformupto date; however, some plugins and add-ons fail to adapt with the updates leaving you with non-workingplugins.
Cart:Recently merchantsinneedofrobustlicensede-commercesolutionshavevotedX-Cart as one of the preferred e-commerceplatforms. • Pros: • Opensourceplatformprovidingcompletecontroloversitealongwithitslook,feel, and functionality • X-Cart has a unique extension store wherein you willfind hundreds of extensions and add-onsthatcanbefreelyutilizedtoenhancethefunctionalityofonlinestore. • Cons: • Thetemplatesareallbasicandlimitedneedinganexpertprogrammertocarryout changes, customization or tweaks leading toa higher learning curve. • Consider this as a basic guide before approaching any website development company. We also recommendtoreadthefullblogforbetterunderstanding.
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