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IBS Treatment In London

Vitahealth Coach is a health coach with a private clinical practice based in London, providing bespoke programmes to help my clients. We provide the best IBS Treatment In London.

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IBS Treatment In London

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IBS Treatment In London

  2. About Us • Vitahealth Coach is a health coach with a private clinical practice based in London, providing bespoke programmes to help my clients. • We provide the best IBS Treatment In London. • It has an immense passion for the healing power of lifestyle medicine having experienced its effects first hand. • It is our mission to reverse the statistics on preventable, lifestyle-related chronic diseases, such as IBS, digestive disorders, autoimmune conditions and obesity, and help people create long, healthy and vibrant lives.

  3. IBS Consultation And Sessions • IBS Consultation And Sessions. • Current diet and how it may trigger symptoms. • Cultivating new behaviours around the healing potential of food. • Develop an understanding of how the gut and brain work together. • Identifying common lifestyle stressors at work and home. • Recognise underlying worries or fears that contribute to IBS symptoms. • Learning relaxation techniques and ways to manage stress. • Incorporating movement techniques into daily life. • Learn how to recognise and manage your own symptoms going forwards.

  4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  5. Contact Us To avail the best IBS Treatment, get in touch with us. Phone : 07949 074558 E-mail : stacey@vitahealthcoach.com Website : www.vitahealthcoach.com

  6. Thank You

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