

Swine influenza Update May 26, 2009 Public health officials say an influenza pandemic could kill 71 million people worldwide. To fend off catastrophe, the U.S. and other governments around the world are spending billions to stockpile antiviral drugs and vaccines. Keep a positive outlook on life! If you stay positive, your body will be under a lot less stress. The less stress your body is under, the healthier your body will be, the healthier you'll look, and the longer you'll live. So whenever things get gloomy, try and look at things in a positive light. Many people have had many questions about the safety of the H1N1 vaccine risks and benefits. Bill Marr told his viewers that they would be "idiots" to get the vaccine. A poll shows that 40% of people surveyed said that they would not get the H1N1 vaccine. Others have desired to get the H1N1 vaccine risks and benefits but were turned away after waiting in line for hours because of shortages of the H1N1 vaccine risks and benefits. President Obama declared the H1N1 flu an emergency. The H1N1 vaccine risks and benefits has brought up many questions and concerns. The antiviral drugs oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for treatment and prevention of Swine Flu. If you have the virus, these drugs can make the illness milder and recuperation quicker. Does your business need a steady supply of raw goods or supplies to function? Call your vendors and confirm their ability to deliver, ask for the cell phone numbers of the principals. School nurses will be busy teaching children ways to prevent spreading the flu like swapping sandwiches and, sharing drinks, and playing together. Hey will be taught to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze. They should be required to wash their hands before they enter the classroom. All diabetic patients should call their doctor if they suspect that they have the flu because people with diabetes are at higher risk for complications from the flu. These complications include hyperglycemia, dehydration, pneumonia and confusion. If you have diabetes and suspect that you have the flu call your doctor. Your doctor may recommend that you be seen in the office or may prescribe medications to help reduce your risk of flu complications. These medications work best if they are taken with 72 hours of the first flu symptoms. Unlike a common cold, it's unlikely you'd feel able to go back to work after a couple of days, drag yourself to the shops or, in many cases, even get out of bed to make a cuppa. It will usually take at least a week out of your life and you won't feel well again for a further week. How effective have vaccinations been? In the medical journal Lancet, an article released in September 20, 2005 states that there is an increasing resistance to anti-flu agents and that Flu vaccines have only modest ability to prevent influenza or it's complications. This was based on a worldwide study over the past 40 years. Gee...that does not seem like a surefire thing, does it? Are you still willing to risk it?


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