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Common Medical Conditions Treated at Urgent Care

An illness or injury that is not life-threatening but needs medical attention at the earliest can benefit from the treatments offered at urgent care services.

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Common Medical Conditions Treated at Urgent Care

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  1. Common Medical Conditions Treated at Urgent Care 1 results in an abrasion, a blister, a skin laceration that is not too deep, or a minor injury, you can get yourself treated at an urgent care clinic. Wounds and Lacerations If you meet with a mishap at home that 2 common reasons for people to consult the urgent care center. The most frequently treated respiratory illnesses are common cold, sore throat, bronchitis, influenza, and sinusitis. Respiratory Illnesses Respiratory diseases are among the most 3 Diarrhea and Nausea The urgent care center is a good option in such cases where the physicians can attend to the patient almost immediately. In the case of nausea, too, our doctors will help identify the problem and offer appropriate treatment. 4 Skin Allergies and Insect Bites Our team will diagnose the skin condition, whether it is an insect bite or an allergic reaction, and recommend a treatment that may include over-the-counter skin creams to prescription drugs. An illness or injury that is not life-threatening but needs medical attention at the earliest can benefit from the treatments offered at urgent care services. www.urgentcarebakersfield.com (661) 464-5000

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