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Steel Construction Detailing Pvt Ltd is your one-stop destination as well as a service provider that serves its clients globally by providing all major types of steel detailing services, BIM services, PEB services, precast panel detailing services, rebar detailing services, MEP services, and a lot more.
Steel Construction Detailing SteelConstructionDetailingPvtLtdisyourone-stopdestinationaswellasa serviceproviderthatservesitsclientsgloballybyprovidingallmajortypesofsteel detailingservices, BIMservices, PEBservices, precastpaneldetailingservices, rebardetailingservices, MEPservices, andalotmore. STRUCTURAL STEEL DETAILING SERVICES Shop Drawings Structural shop drawings to detail drawings is the set of drawings that specifies or shares the details of individual steel pieces and components. The components here are specified and made by the steel fabricators and this list includes columns, beams, joists, braces, Erection Drawings To get the specifications of each steel components in the overall structure, erection drawings is taken into consideration. The core reason to it is because it portrays the accurate dimension plans and shares the specific information that are must needed. Shop Fabrication Drawings We produce detailed drawings that are ready to be installed and can be fabricated as an when required. Here all the steel members or the elements need to be fabricated and are being drawn individually by sharing the information that has individual calculations of dimensions, locations, points, etc that are clearly displayed. 315, Patel Avenue S G Road, Ahmadabad-380059, INDIA Contact Us WEBSITE http://www.steelconstructiondetailin g.com/steel-detailing-services.html E-MAIL info@steelconstructiondetailing.com