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A birthstone is a gemstone that represents a person's month of birth. These are associated with each month of the calendar year. The stones can either be precious stones or semi-precious. They are worn for good health, luck, prosperity, and protection. Many people believe that when wearing them during the month that they are associated with, the birthstones have increased healing powers. These are not only used for jewelry making but also tend to be a very personal choice. When shopping for birthstone jewelry, to find a quality stone, just look at such features as the color, brilliance, and clarity. A birthstone with a deeper color tends to be more valuable than a lighter color birthstone. More at: https://en.tatias.com/SG/pages/company/birthstone.html
Discover the Birthstone Colour according to your birth Month for Titanium Jewelry. A birthstone is a gemstone that represents a person's month of birth. These are associated with each month of the calendar year. The stones can either be precious stones or semi-precious. They are worn for good health, luck, prosperity, and protection. Many people believe that when wearing them during the month that they are associated with, the birthstones have increased healing powers. These are not only used for jewelry making, but also tend to be a very personal choice. When shopping for birthstone jewelry, to find a quality stone, just look at such features as the colour, brilliance, and clarity. A birthstone with a deeper colour tends to be more valuable than a lighter colour birthstone.
Garnet is the birthstone for January, and its red shade is very similar to that of Ruby For this reason, garnets are easily confused with rubies. There is a misconception that all the Garnets should be red. In fact in the nature garnet species are found in many colours including red, orange, yellow, brown, yellowish green, green, purple, black and colourless.
The gemstone Amethyst is the Birthstone for February and is associated with sincerity and peace of mind. Amethyst is a variety of quartz ranging in colour from nearly transparent pale lilac to a rich reddish purple colour. Of all semiprecious stones, amethyst is the most prized. Although somewhat lacking in fire flower and lustre, this stone has a wide variety of colours. Up until the 18th century, amethyst was one of the most valuable gemstones that are associated with wealth and aristocracy. However, since the discovery of extensive deposits in Brazil, Amethyst has lost most of its value. Even then, a good quality Amethyst is intrinsically more valuable than today's pricier gemstones.
Having a delicate blue or turquoise color, suggestive of the tint of seawater, the gemstone aquamarine is the blue-green or aqua variety of the mineral beryl. It is the birthstone for March. The name Aquamarine comes from the Latin 'aqua' (water) and 'mare' (sea), and received its name through the stone's beautiful sparkling colour that resembles the ocean waters. Traditionally, this stone is believed to be a universal symbol of eternal youth and happiness, and is said to specifically bring hope and health. In the Middle Ages aquamarine was also believed to give the wearer insight and foresight.
As the king of the crystals’, diamonds may only be the crystal structure of carbon, however these stones are the hardest known natural minerals. A volcanic pipe containing diamonds is known as a primary source of diamonds. Diamonds are brought close to the Earth′s surface through deep volcanic eruptions by magma. Diamonds have also rarely been found in rivers by glaciers. Most of diamonds originate from Central Africa and in Russia. To get one carat (0.2 gram) of diamonds it is necessary to mine 250 tons of rock, sand or soil in average.
Emerald is the most representational green gemstone amongst other varieties of mineral beryl. It also boasts the beauty of Mother Nature. Emerald, often regarded as the ‘King of Green Gemstones,’ was the first of many gemstones to be used as decorative jewellery and was most loved by Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt.
Pearls, birth stone found in the sea, symbolize health, longevity, and wealth. Pearls are living gemstones that breathe and grow in shells. It possesses a mysterious glow of light that is loved by many. The pain endured to birth these beautiful pearls is a reason why pearls have been loved by many for a very long time. Pearls are formed within the freshwater and sea living shelled mollusc such as oysters and blue mussels. Pearl jewelry is a result of painstakingly capturing and wrapping any grain of sand or parasite entered into the shell using the secretory fluids and building them up in a lump.
Ruby is a traditional birthstone for July and symbolizes passionate love and affection. The word ‘ruby’ comes from the word ‘rub rum,’ Latin for red. A ruby is clear and red, and is a variety of the gem species corundum (aluminium oxide). Others are referred to as sapphires. Ruby is considered as one of the most beautiful and expensive jewelry among other corundum. Even if the two sibling stones, ruby and sapphire, are polished and weigh the same, the price of ruby is significantly higher than the price of sapphire.
Light green collared peridot and sardonic with layers of reddish banding marks are birthstones for the month of August. Peridot, which is said to bring happiness to marriages and harmony between friends, is one of the minerals making up the lava. It is also found in meteorites. One can even say that period is the only jewelry among all others given to us from the universe. Most small meteorites typically explode after entering the Earth’s atmosphere, but a small number make it to earth ground. Meteorites are categorized in one of the three main groups: stony meteorites, iron meteorites, and stony-iron meteorites.
Sapphire is the birthstone of September which reflects the clear blue sky. Blue is by far the most popular colour for sapphires, and their transparency is higher than rubies. The size of their rough stones is also larger than rubies. One of the largest known rough sapphires is a 2,302 carat which was found in Australia in 1935.Sapphires are a symbol of virtue, benevolence, sincerity and truth. So in the 12th century, sapphires were the most appropriate stone for ecclesiastical rings.
Opal is the birthstone of October which displays rainbow-like hues. The glowing light from the stone is hard to find in other gemstones. So it is very easy to distinguish between opal and other gemstones. English name “Opal” comes from Greek Opallios, meaning "Precious Stone.”. Opal diffracts the light and change its colours as it is rotated and tilted. This light diffraction is called “play-of colour” and it determines the value of opal. The colour of opal may fade after time passes and sometimes changes to white. Also opals are highly sensitive to chemicals. Especially when you put opal into sulphuric acid, it changes to grey. The intensity and distribution of the colour flashes are determining factor in the value of an opal, so keep it in a safe place.
Topaz is the birthstone of November which has beautiful transparency. It is a symbol of hope, innocence and friendship. It comes in a wide range of natural colours and shades. Brown like the eyes of a tiger, pink like the eyes of a peacock and green like a mean cat. It also comes in blue like aquamarine, but yellow is the most common topaz colour. There was a time that every yellow gemstones were called Topaz. Topaz is very rare, beautiful gemstone. But common yellow stones like yellow citrines were also called as Topaz since ancient times, so topaz has been misidentified for centuries as a common gemstone
Turquoise and lapis lazuli has been remained popular over thousands of years. The name turquoise, from the French expression Pierre Torques or Turkish stone, originated in the thirteenth century. At the same time, it describes the fact that turquoise was first brought to Europe from Turkey. To Native Americans, turquoise is a symbol of sanctity and power. They believed that turquoise stole its blue colour from sky and sea. Apaches attached turquoise to arrows and weapons believing that the shot sped from the weapon would go straight to its mark. Ancient Egyptians wore turquoise jewelleries in BC5500, and there are relics proving that Chinese artists carved turquoise 3000 years.
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