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Five Truths & Myths About Teeth Whitening

The Teeth Whitening Fairies whitening powder is a unique and effective way to achieve brighter teeth. Our natural ingredients work to remove surface stains and discoloration, revealing your true smile. With regular use, you'll see a noticeable difference in the whiteness of your teeth.

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Five Truths & Myths About Teeth Whitening

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 5 TRUTHS & MYTHS ABOUT TEETH WHITENING Teeth Whitening Fairies will promise to make your teeth look amazing after just one session!

  2. CONTENTS 01 About 02 Myth 03 Truth 04 Ending Up! 05 Contact Us

  3. About. Your bright smile should not be unnoticed. It's one of the first things people notice about you when they meet you. A whiter, brighter grin may boost your confidence and make a good first impression. When it comes to teeth whitening, we all have different preferences and needs. Everyone looks forward to having their teeth whitened at some time in their lives, whether for a wedding, a significant occasion, or simply because they want whiter teeth.

  4. Myth 1: Enamel damage from teeth whitening is the number one myth people believe. Truth Teeth whitening, as a type of dentistry, should only be performed by a dentist, dental hygienist, or dental therapist, even if the treatment is completely safe and does not harm tooth enamel unless wrong proportions are used.

  5. Myth 2: It Causes Tooth Sensitivity Truth Individuals who already have dental sensitivity may feel transient irritation throughout the whitening procedure. Dentists, on the other hand, can use various gels to minimize sensitivity before, during, and after treatments. Alternatively, you might consult a doctor before purchasing a non-sensitive whitening foam.

  6. Myth 3: Rubbing fruit on teeth can help eliminate stains, which is untrue. Truth We've all heard the urban legend that if you want a whiter, brighter smile, go for some strawberries, lemons, or even banana peels. The stains will not be eliminated, and your teeth will be severely harmed. Because of the acids in fruits and other foods and liquids we consume, tooth enamel peels away and teeth become stained and yellow.

  7. Myth 4: Teeth may be whitened and stains removed using only natural remedies Truth It is commonly known that many people report reading about teeth whitening procedures on the internet. These are fake and may even harm your teeth' health. Many fruits contain acids that can erode tooth enamel, causing discoloration and an increased risk of cavities.

  8. Myth 5: Tooth whitening is permanent, and results can be seen in the long run Truth Even though the color change is permanent, your teeth will continue to be yellow as you age. Touch- ups are necessary to maintain whiteness. As a result, there is no indication that it may harm the teeth. As a result, one can choose teeth whitening therapy for the health of their gums without anxiety.

  9. Ending Up! I hope you've decided whether or not to get a teeth whitening kit. If you're seeking for the greatest teeth-whitening treatments, Teeth Whitening Fairies is the place to go. The teeth whitening clinic in Dublin is well-known for delivering high-quality care at reasonable pricing. You may rely on them for general dentistry, and we are also open on Saturdays for your convenience. They can also help you with the process of whitening your teeth, including providing you with home-based remedies. More information may be found on their website!

  10. THANK YOU 0879920559 www.teethwhiteningfairies.ie Crumlin 199 Crumlin Road, Dublin 12,

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