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Expose Gonorrhea with a DIY Rapid Test Kit

Take control of not just your sexual health, but your overall health as well with the finest, highly reliable Gonorrhea test kit. This easy to use, accurate DIY rapid test Kit - manufactured under strict quality controls - helps you get instant results in just 10 minutes.

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Expose Gonorrhea with a DIY Rapid Test Kit

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  1. Expose Gonorrhea With A DIY Rapid Test Kit – Head Start Testing

  2. OurServices

  3. Gonorrhea Testing • It is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Many people show no symptoms initially but if left untreated it may spread to heart valves and eventually leads to death. • Symptoms: • To understand the symptoms of STD can be a difficult task in itself because it initially shows no symptoms. • Some major symptoms are: • Thick discharge from the penis or vagina. • Burning sensation when urinating. • Heavy menstrual bleeding. • Painful and swollen testicles and many more.

  4. Prevention: You can reduce the risk of this infection by using condoms correctly. Maintaining a monogamous relationship and not having intercourse with an infected person can save you from the risk of getting infected.After any unprotected sexual contact, testing is very important if you want to cure this fatal disease within the right time. So, detect it soon with a Gonorrhoea rapid test kit – available online at Head Start Testing. 

  5. Syphilis Testing Syphilis is one of the most common types of STD that usually spread through vaginal, anal and oral sex. This disease starts just as a painless sore that can be on your genitals, rectum or mouth. And it can spread from one person to other people through skin contact with these sores. Symptoms:- Syphilis often develops in stages, and its symptoms vary with each stage. But the stages may overlap. Its symptoms don't necessarily occur in the same order. It may happen that you are infected with syphilis and don't notice any symptoms for a long time. The common symptoms are skin rash, skin growth on vulva in women and around the anus in both sexes, fever, headaches, hair loss etc.

  6. Tests for Syphilis:- If you have symptoms of syphilis and if the question that do I have syphilis, is bothering you, then you definitely need diy test for syphilis.  The most specific test for establishing syphilis is the Fluorescent Treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) test, which uses a fluorescent marker to identify T pallidum antibodies in a blood or spinal fluid sample. However, this process doesn’t differentiate between T pallidum and other strains of bacteria that can affect other diseases and can only be managed successfully during the first 3 to 4 weeks after the appearance to syphilis. The cure for Syphilis:- Syphilis can be easily cured by using antibiotics if treated properly during its initial stages. During the beginning stages of syphilis, a single dose of penicillin is effective for treating and curing syphilis. In the later stages, a higher dosage of penicillin is required. The damage to organs such as heart or nervous system damage typical of the third stage of syphilis, cannot be altered. For a year after treatment of syphilis, a schedule of follow up tests is certainly required.

  7. What is Chlamydia? Chlamydia is the most common Sexually Transmitted Disease that is caused by bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis.  How do you get Chlamydia? Chlamydia is usually spread through sexual contact so it cannot be via casual contact such as - sharing food or drinks, kissing, hugging, holding hands, coughing, sneezing, or sitting on the toilet. can get it: by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has chlamydia. if you are a pregnant woman, then you can also pass chlamydia to your baby during childbirth. by using shared sex toys that aren't washed or covered with a new condom each time they’re used. if you come into contact with infected semen (cum) or vaginal fluid or get them in your eye. by touching of genitals together.

  8. Thank You For Watching For more information, feel free to contact us here. 14601 North Bybee Lake Court Portland, Oregon (561) 459-2054 https://testkitlabs.com/ info@headstarttesting.com

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