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Every woman desires beautiful, healthy hair, and many go the extra mile to maintain it. But it is not an easy task with 4C Natural Hair, considering how fragile and dry this hair type is!

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  1. HOW TO STOP BREAKAGE ON 4C NATURAL HAIR 4c natural hair Every woman desires beautiful, healthy hair, and many go the extra mile to maintain it. But it is not an easy task with 4C Natural Hair, considering how fragile and dry this hair type is! So, how can you minimize this to the fullest extent possible while still ensuring that your natural hair continues growing long and strong? We'll break it all down for you. We'll go over why natural hair breakage occurs, as well as the best techniques to prevent it so you can have the healthy 4c hair you've always wanted.

  2. Why Is Your 4c Hair Experiencing Breakage? 3 reasons for 4c hair breakage ●Extreme Heat Exposure: The tight, coily pattern of 4C Hair Type makes it inherently brittle, causing it to break easily, and adding frequent heat styling is one of the biggest causes of breakage. ●Excessive Strain: You could be contributing to breakage by tugging and pulling your hair too hard while brushing or styling it. ●Using Chemical Treatments: Your 4c hair might be experiencing breakage from chemical treatments like relaxers, protein treatments, and bleach.

  3. 5 Ways To Stop 4c Natural Hair Breakage 5 proven ways to combat breakage 1. Detangle With Fingers You're probably aware that finger detangling your 4c hair can be a time-consuming process, but if you want to minimize breakage, you have to do it! When you remove knots with your fingertips, you put less strain on your hair strands, which equals minimal breakage. 2. Stop Towel Drying Your 4c Hair Your 4c hair is most fragile when it's damp. Drying your hair with a towel can be disastrous since the abrasive fibers tug on your strands. This results in dry, weak strands that are vulnerable to breakage. To dry your 4c hair type, use a microfibre towel or a delicate t-shirt and prevent rubbing. Instead, squeeze extra water out using the towel. That's all there is to it.

  4. 3. Stop Heat Styling 4C Natural Hair Hair breakage is primarily caused by heat. Blow dryers, curlers, and flat irons remove moisture from your natural hair, resulting in split ends and breakage. Compared to the 4A Natural Hair, 4c is naturally drier, so why would you want to remove whatever moisture is left? We always recommend air-drying and using a heat protectant before putting your hair through any heat! 4. Reduce Breakage with Protective Styles Breakage is reduced when there is less interference. As most women know, protective hairstyles are essential for keeping 4c natural hair healthy and moisturized while minimizing breakage. Protective hairstyles give your hair a well-deserved rest and a safe place to thrive without being damaged. If you have been wondering how to grow 4c hair, this is it! 5. Use a Bonnet To Minimize 4C Hair Breakage You must avoid sleeping on cotton pillows with 4c natural hair right away. Rough cotton fibers cause tangling and breakage. Cotton also dehydrates 4c hair type by draining every ounce of moisture from already dry hair. Instead, cover your hair and bind it with a satin bonnet before going to bed. Satin additionally aids retain moisture in the hair, resulting in stronger and healthier 4c hair over time. Conclusion These are the 3 reasons why your 4c hair is experiencing breakage and the 5 proven ways to stop it from further breakage. Follow them strictly, and you will notice the difference yourself!

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