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How to reach Trimbakeshwar?

There are three ways to reach the Trimbakeshwar such as by air, by road, by rail. Trimbakeshwar is located 28 km away from Nasik (which is one of Maharashtra's popular cities). Nasik is connected to other cities quite well through roadways. Many trains connected to this route. Major cities include Pune, Mumbai, thane, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, etc., for train routes. The nearest airport to the Trimbakeshwar is Nasik airport, whereas the nearest international airport is Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport, Mumbai (166 km). The frequent availability of public and private transportations.

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How to reach Trimbakeshwar?

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  1. "वयंरा?ेजागृयामपुरो?हता""वयंरा?ेजागृयामपुरो?हता" "वयंरा?ेजागृयामपुरो?हता" How to Reach Trimbakeshwar Temple Official Website of Trimbakeshwar Temple Purohits The opening and closing time of the Trimbakeshwar Temple is 5.30 am to 6.30pm. Devotees need to come to Trimbakeshwar in the darshan timings only. There are three ways to reach the Trimbakeshwar such as by air, by road, by rail. Trimbakeshwar is located 28 km away from Nasik (which is one of Maharashtra's popular cities). Nasik is connected to other cities quite well through roadways. Other nearest popular cities are Shirdi which is just 116 km far, then thane (163.2 km), Pune (240.5 km), Aurangabad (224 km) Mumbai (185.7 km). Trimbakeshwar is 40 km away from the Nasik road railway station. Many trains connected to this route. Major cities include Pune, Mumbai, thane, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, etc., for train routes. The nearest airport to the Trimbakeshwar is Nasik airport, whereas the nearest international airport is Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport, Mumbai (166 km). The frequent availability of public and private transportations make visitors journey relatively easy. More about: How to reach Trimbakeshwar www.trimbakeshwar.org info@trimbakeshwar.org

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