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Looking for a roof coating for your roof? Coating your roof with a durable, and highly reflective coatings can protect it from extreme weather conditions such as water pondering, sun damage and water leakage. And when it comes to choose the best roof coating for your roof, there are tons of options to choose from. Here are some of the most popular roof coatings you can choose from.<br>
So monsoon is coming. And w i t h that annoying roof enemy k n o w n as water pondering and hail m i g h t also appear. The rainy storms and continuous rainfall definitely remi nd you of many roof problems that you have been pushing off for a while. Or you have just found out now. It’s an indisputable fact that replacing or repairing a residential roof can be an expensive road to take.
How about taking a road less traveled? The one where you can potentially save tons of money and don’t even have to worry about roof repairs and replacements. Of course, everybody wants to protect their roofs from harsh weather and climate that change almost every three months while saving money. A roof coating is a great way to protect your roof from problems like water pondering, hail, sun damage and more. Moreover, it saves you hundreds of dollars in the long run.
There are a wide range of benefits that come w i t h using reflective roof coatings on your roof. From fixing a leak in your roof to preventing water pondering probl em and saving money on electricity bills, you can enjoy tons of benefits w i t h roof coatings.
But which roof coating should you choose?
If the concept of roof coatings is new to you, you m igh tn ot b e aw are of t h e t yp e of coat in gs you can choose from. As a matter of fact, there are many coatings available on the market to choose from. How ever, w h en it com es t o ch oosin g t h e b est roof coat in g for you r roof, you n eed t o k eep few t h in gs in m i n d such as: The coating you choose should offer m a x i m u m durability. The primary reason of choosing a roof coating is to protect your roof from sun damage, water pondering p r o b l e m and other weather - related conditions. You w a n t to coat your roof w i t h a coating that reflects the UV radiations and stands the test of the time.
It should also have higher dirt pickup resistance. Aft er all, you w ou ld n ’t w an t you r roof t o look d irt y w i t h i n a day or two. Another factor that you should consider is low temperature flexibility. H o w flexible is your roof coating in extreme weather conditions? Is it able to survive cold or hot conditions? The coating you ch oose m u st b e ext rem ely flexib le so t h at it d oesn ’t crack or damage in extreme weather conditions.
Herearesomeof roof coatings you can choosefrom:
Elastomeric roof coating- Elastomeric roof coatings are extremely popular. They contain rust inhibitors and have highly reflective surfaces. This means you can save money on your electricity bills while protecting your roof from sun damage. Silicone roof coating- As the name suggests, this type of roof coatings include silicone that is sprayed onto the roof. They provide the best value and good for most weather conditions. However, they lose their reflectivity over ti me as rain acts as a cleaner and removes its reflectivity.
Polyurethane roof coating- Aromatic and Aliphatic are t w o most popular types of polyurethane roof coatings. By far, they are considered the best roof coating as they are more i m p a c t resistance and handle other problems effectively. However, they are more expensive than other types of coatings. But considering all the benefits it offers, it can prove to be a w o r t h w h i l e investment. There are tons of options to choose from when it comes roof coatings. Take your time and choose the coating that is best for your roof.
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