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How To Apply Henna on Hair At Home professionally for Maximum Colour?

In this blog, you will find the simple steps of how can you apply henna on hair at home. Henna has been the Hero in the industry of hair colour for a long time. Even after the launch of hair dyes, people tend to use Henna for colouring or covering their greys. Henna has not only covered the ages of people but in Indian weddings, girls are crazy for Mehendi (henna) as the imprints of it leave a good colour and design which stays put for 10 days or longer.

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How To Apply Henna on Hair At Home professionally for Maximum Colour?

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  1. How To Apply Henna on Hair At Home professionally for Maximum Colour?

  2. In this blog, you will find the simple steps of how can you apply henna on hair at home. Henna has been the Hero in the industry of hair colour for a long time. Even after the launch of hair dyes, people tend to use Henna for colouring or covering their greys. Henna has not only covered the ages of people but in Indian weddings, girls are crazy for Mehendi (henna) as the imprints of it leave a good colour and design which stays put for 10 days or longer. Henna does not only cover your greys but also helps your hair by nourishing them and providing nutrients to them, which makes your hair stronger. Are you not sure of Henna yet? But you know what, you can apply Henna at home EASILY! You just need to make a paste, For the paste, you need the Henna powder and some hot water to go with it. Leave it for 12 hours or overnight to get a dark stain.

  3. How to Apply Henna (mehendi) on Hair at Home:- 1. 2. 3. 4. Wash your hair with shampoo just as you do on a regular basis. Pat dry your hair with a towel or cotton T-shirt. Make a few sections for the easy application of henna. Do not forget to apply some petroleum jelly or some oil on your forehead and ears to prevent colouring over unwanted areas. Start applying Heena from roots to the length. Wash it off when it dries and starts to come off. 5. 6. Henna is a plant-based substance that makes it safe for everyone as it does not contain any harmful chemicals. The natural colour a Mehendi holds is reddish-brown but you can change it by adding a few things.

  4. Preventive tips to avoid staining & damage during Hair Application at Home When you are applying henna on hair at home so you should be taking care of every little thing. Thus, below are the preventive steps you should follow to avoid any negligence & issue. 1. 2. The paste must be thick and ensure whether you have put it aside for a couple of hours, Applying it on washed hair is better for great results so use a mild shampoo but not a conditioner as it prevents Mehendi from penetrating, Apply it on dry hair, and if you are sweating, then I would advise drying your hair first, Apply some petroleum jelly or oil on your hairline, forehead, neck, and ears to avoid any kind of staining, Apply Mehendi evenly on your hairs, when you are applying on a section you can add more paste if necessary, Wear old clothes and cover your skin perfectly so that your Mehendi can’t stain your skin, To protect your hands & nails from staining, gloves are advisable. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

  5. There are a few tips and tricks to change a bit of a shade of Henna according to your preference. 1. If you want a burgundy shade on your hair you can add the juice of beetroot to it as the colour of the juice is dark red which will give a shade of Burgandy to your henna. To have a shade of dark reddish-brown you can add lemon juice, curd, or tea decoction( the leftover of tea left in the stainers). If you want to get a dark black shade you can add black coffee to it and leave it for 2 -3 hours. 2. 3.

  6. Best listed Mehendi for your hair Shahnaz Husain Henna Precious Herb Mix NatureBay Naturals Henna Powder Biotique Bio Henna. ● ● ● Always try to choose the right brand for the Henna as some brands use chemicals to provide a darker shade which can affect your growth and can also lead to hair loss. If you feel like your forehead is getting red or anything wrong on your face is happening that means that the Henna is not of good quality and has some preservatives which are damaging your hair and skin. To prevent any damage you can stain your finger to check the shade and the quality of the Mehendi so that you can be sure of what you are putting yourself into. If you find applying henna on hair at home difficult on your own you can book Yes Madam for the service. Product will be yours and service will be ours.

  7. What is the difference between Henna and hair colour? Henna is enriched with multiple benefits for hair that offers improved shine, body, and volume of hair naturally. The hair color comes with a chance of split ends & dry hair. For a detailed review on which one is better Henna or Hair Color, you can check out our previous blog difference between henna & hair color

  8. How to apply henna on hair at home? You can simply apply henna (Mehendi) on hair at home by following these easy steps: 1. First, you should mix water in the henna powder to make a paste, 2. Add water accordingly so that the paste can be thick but easily spreadable, 3. Keep the paste aside for an hour and go for shampoo, then dry your hair, 4. In the next step, you have to put some oil on your hairline, neck, ears, and forehead to avoid stains, 5. Comb your hair to part them so that Mehendi can spread evenly on your hairs, 6. Always use a piece of cloth to cover your skin from any staining, 7. Now start from the small section and apply it evenly, 8. Add more paste if needed, 9. Once applied, twist the hair on top of your and pin it to make a bun, 10. Then start applying paste to the next section, 11. Keep pinning those sections in the bun, 12. Continue the application till all your hairs are covered in the paste, 13. If you are in a hurry, you can wash it after 3 hours, but leaving it overnight will bring promising results, 14. The last would be washing it with a mild cleanser and using a wide tooth comb.

  9. What to add in Mehendi for silky hair? For silky hair, you can add some magical elements to your Mehendi that will give you a shining appearance. Here are they: 1 tablespoon Henna Powder, 1 tablespoon egg white, 2 tablespoon fenugreek powder, 2 tablespoon yogurt, 2 tablespoon lemon juice, Mix all of these elements in your Henna paste till it goes smooth. Ensure, there should be no lumps and you can also add some water if needed.

  10. How long should I leave the henna on my hair for a dark appearance? You should apply henna when you are going to sleep. Because leaving it overnight will give you promising results. Else, 2 to 4 hours are also ideal to set the vibrant colour on your hair. Click Here: Aloe Vera: The At-home Fix For All Hair Problems

  11. Should I add tea to Henna? Yes, you can add tea to change the natural shade and to make it leave a better and darker shade on your hair. The natural colour of the Henna is reddish-brown but there are people who do not want to turn their heads totally red to improvise the shade according to their preferences they add the decoction of the tea. The colour gets a bit darker and changes the nature of the colour as after that it will be a little darker than the usual one.

  12. Is it good to add egg to Henna for hair? Adding the egg along with a spoon of curd can help you in conditioning your roots without making your scalp dry and flaky. You can make a paste by adding one egg and a tablespoon of curd, mix it well and let it sit for overnight to have a better and smooth texture of Henna and this will leave your hair all silky and flowy.

  13. Can I mix coffee with Henna? You can mix coffee as well but this will not leave much of a colour to it this can be done as a good thing for the people who cannot tolerate the smell of Henna and need some fragrance to deal with it. A little tint can be seen of blackish tone but majorly coffee helps to take over the smell of the Henna Outsourcing: https://www.yesmadam.com/blog/hair-care/best-way-to-apply-henna-at-home/

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