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How to get pregnant

There are a series of hormonal changes in your body that cause an immature egg in the ovary to grow and mature. Every woman's cycle is different, and it takes about two weeks on average, beginning with a woman's menstrual period.<br>

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How to get pregnant

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  1. How to get pregnant How to get pregnant There are a series of hormonal changes in your body that cause an immature egg in the ovary to grow and mature. Every woman's cycle is different, and it takes about two weeks on average, beginning with a woman's menstrual period. If the egg is fertilized by a frame during this time period, the egg will be kept travelling down towards the uterus, and it will be implanted into the uterine lining. The key is to have sex days before and during the time of ovulation; that way, the cells are in the fallopian tube when the egg is released; this makes the fertilization process easier also, sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract up to four or five days. Things to keep in mind while you’re trying to conceive You don’t need to plan everything, but some things which should be looked after while you're conceiving that must be given attention to are : 1 get a preconception checkup Before you start officially, get a checkup. Ask your doctor about your concerns and prenatal vitamins that have folic acid that helps protect against some birth defects. Folic acid works during the early stages of pregnancy, so that's why it's important to make sure you're getting enough folic acid even before you get pregnant. Do this before you start trying so that if you have any medical problems, they can be controlled before you can safely become pregnant. 2 get to know your cycle Understanding your menstrual cycle and when is that you are most fertile may help you to know the right time to have sexual intercourse. The time when you're ovulating can be known by being aware of signs such as a change in your cervical mucus, It is more thin and slippery, and that's when you're most fertile. 3. Don't worry about the positions for getting pregnant

  2. It is a myth about the best position for getting pregnant, but they are just myths; there is no scientific evidence that being on top or bottom will help maximize the chance of getting pregnant; however, gravity-defying positions such as sitting or standing may discourage the sperm from travelling upstream. 4 stay in bed right after intercourse It is a piece of good advice to lay in bed for 10-15 min after intercourse, but you don't need to put your feet up in the air, your pelvis does not move when you put your legs in the air, and if you wait 10-15 mins, the sperm that is going to get into the cervix will be in the cervix. 5. Don't overdo it Having sex every day while you are ovulating is not necessary. It will increase your chances of getting pregnant. In general, every other night around the time of ovulation helps increase your chances of getting pregnant. Since sperm lives up to 5 days inside your body, the best suggestion is to have regular sex when you're ovulating and when you're not. Wearing tight clothes can negatively affect sperm count. Also, spending too much time in a hot tub or jacuzzi, the cell phone habits may also need some work here and there. How to get pregnant using natural ways There are a number of factors that need to be taken care of when you are trying to conceive, such as ovulation period, your partner's sperm quality, and your lifestyle and diet, as there are plenty of natural and home remedies you can try to get pregnant faster, most of which are foods which you can include in your daily routine Some natural ways you can use in your daily routine to help you get pregnant: 1-eat food rich with antioxidants Antioxidants help in improving fertility for both men and women, such as folate and zinc. They deactivate the free radicals in your body, which can damage both sperm and egg cells. Foods such as fruit, vegetables, nuts and grains are packed full of beneficial antioxidants like vitamins C, E, folate, beta carotene and lutein; eating more of this healthy food shouldn't hurt in the effort. 2-eat a bigger breakfast Eating a bigger breakfast may help women with fertility problems to improve the hormonal effects of any medical conditions such as PCOS, which is a major of infertility, so eating more calories at breakfast can help in reducing insulin levels by 8% and testosterone levels by 50%, a high level can contribute towards infertility. It's important to know that if you increase the size of breakfast without reducing your evening meals, it may result in weight gain. 3- eat a few refined carbs Redefined carbs can be a little problematic as they include a high level of sugar, and processed grains, including white pasta, bread and rice, can spike the insulin level,

  3. and the consistently elevated insulin can cause the body to produce fewer hormones because it thinks it doesn't need it and this can contribute to lack of egg maturation and ovulation. 4- consume high-fat dairy products Women who consume one or two servings of high-fat dairy products have a higher chance of getting pregnant; just add some dairy products to your diet. 5- add protein source and fibre to your diet Protein should be an important part of your diet, but one should try to consume protein sources other than meat which reduce the risk of infertility. Vegetable protein sources are found to be more beneficial and improve the chances of getting pregnant. Better, some of them include beans, seeds and nuts For the fibre, it helps in removing excess hormones while keeping your blood sugar levels in control; foods such as fruit, veggies, whole grain and beans might want to be the base of your diet and try not to go overboard with them. 6- exercise Being obese or overweight can really impact your possibility of conceiving, and other than that, being good for your overall health, regular and moderate exercise can help in achieving a normal weight and increase the chances of pregnancy. Include small walking or light physical activity to get your body in shape and ready for pregnancy; it's important to not overwork yourself. Some Home Remedies to Help You Get Pregnant faster Home remedial measures that may help you get pregnant and fulfil your dream of becoming a parent. Though there are no full-proof home remedies that are guaranteed to lead to conception, the following ways may help you to conceive faster. Vitamin D A lack of Vitamin D in your body may lead to infertility and even miscarriage among women who may have lost a previous pregnancy. Vitamin D is a very important nutrient for the body: it strengthens bones, teeth and muscles and improves calcium absorption. The best way to get Vitamin D into your system is by basking in the early morning sunlight for 10 minutes (but be sure to apply sunscreen!), or you can even eat vitamin D-rich foods such as egg yolk and cheese. However, make sure not to take too much Vitamin D, as that can have an adverse impact as well. Holy Basil Holy basil has been used to cure various medical ailments and health conditions. Consumption of holy basil has also proved effective in curing female infertility. Few leaves of holy basil (three to four) can be chewed daily, followed by a glass of milk to improve your chances of getting pregnant. Alternatively, the seeds of basil can be eaten to enhance fertility. Chasteberry

  4. Chasteberry is very beneficial for women who struggle with hormonal imbalance. Increased prolactin levels in the body due to hormonal imbalance may lead to infertility. Consumption of chaste berry helps to combat PCOS and improve ovulation. Take a spoonful of dried chaste berry and infuse it for 10 minutes in boiling water. Drink this tea once a day for a few weeks to enhance fertility. Fennel and Butter This combination is ideal for improving fertility in women who are overweight or heavy. You may take fennel powder (approximately 6 grams) and mix it with 2 parts of pure butter and consume this mixture for three to four months. Additional tips on how to get pregnant naturally 1 limit caffeine intake The high amount of caffeine can be a hindrance and absorb iron in your blood, causing dehydration. It may lead to infertility in women and can cause conceiving problems and the risk of miscarriage or premature labour. 2-avoid sugar Carbs are the main source of sugar; eating more than the required amount of carbs or sugar may lead to disruption in insulin levels which can cause resistance in the body and may cause problems if you are planning to conceive, so switch to natural sweetness like fruits or a healthy substitute of sugar. 3- drink adequate water Drink a good amount of water if you're planning to have a baby because water keeps the uterus healthy and increases cervical mucus; the sperm attach better to the cervix, which is thick, the main reason you get them pregnant. It keeps you hydrated, and a good flow of water inside the body is important. 4-stay fit It Is important to maintain an accurate weight of your body, for that you need to exercise every day, if you are heavier side on the scale, then it's a good idea to lose some weight and get into shape as it would improve the chances of getting pregnant, and if your underweight you may have problems with ovulation, maintain a healthy and fit body it helps a healthy blood flow and increase the chance of getting pregnant. 5-have a good sleep It is really important for a woman who is trying to conceive to have a night of proper sleep for the proper functioning of her internal organs; disruptive sleeping habits can take a toll on your hormones, a balanced sleep helps you stay healthy and fresh, and you don't feel tired or lazy, while a disrupted sleep may lead to hormonal imbalance leading in conceiving problems. 6-don't take the stress Stress may lead to health complications and problems, an increased level of stress may impact the hormones that are responsible for releasing the egg from the ovaries and may lead to delayed or no ovulation at all. 7 –quit drinking and smoking

  5. Women who smoke or drink take longer to conceive, and while you're consuming such harmful substances, it may be a risk while delivering the baby leading to genetic abnormalities. Drinking may lead to an irregular menstrual cycle, ovulation problems and affected hormonal levels. Conclusion In general, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the most effective way to boost fertility for both men and women. Although it is unclear whether this can counteract the natural decline in fertility with age, it may delay the onset of menopause. There are also many effective medical therapies available that can increase the chance of a successful pregnancy.

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