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How to Get Pregnant Naturally-IUI procedure Step By Step Guide for Couples Trying To Conceive – V Conceive

This IUI procedure Step By Step guide will help couples prepare their bodies to conceive in order to increase their chances of success and avoid costly fertility treatments. This article covers How long it takes most women to become pregnant on averageThe factors that affect how long it takes a couple to conceive and whatu2026<br>

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How to Get Pregnant Naturally-IUI procedure Step By Step Guide for Couples Trying To Conceive – V Conceive

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  1. How to Get Pregnant Naturally:IUI procedure Step By Step Guide for Couples Trying To Conceive – VConceive This IUI procedure Step By Step guide will help couples prepare their bodies to conceive in order to increase their chances of success and avoid costly fertility treatments. This article covers •How long it takes most women to become pregnant on average •The factors that affect how long it takes a couple to conceive and what they can do about them (ex: timing intercourse during ovulation) i.e.: having physical relation at the right time during your cycle increases your chances of getting pregnant •Non-conventional ways to prepare for pregnancy (ex: vegan diets, yoga) that can help couples conceive naturally Male factor infertility is often overlooked, yet it accounts for half of all cases of infertility. A semen analysis may be requested by your doctor. Those struggling with fertility should consider an holistic approach to conceiving before seeking out more invasive treatments like fertility medications or artificial insemination . Using alternative therapies can also make you less likely to experience negative side effects from these methods. The statistics regarding infertility are disheartening. In a given month, around 7% of women 15 – 44 years old have difficulty becoming pregnant staying pregnant. Those who have been diagnosed with infertility have a hard time dealing with the associated feeling of shame. The majority of those affected by infertility are women, and may feel like they’ve lost their femininity or that something is wrong with them.

  2. Fortunately, infertility affects not only those who are trying to conceive but their partners as well. Males involved in couples struggling with infertility may feel like they’re unable to provide for their family and protect them from harm. Sometimes males experiencing fertility issues will blame themselves and think that if they could just perform better or last longer during intercourse, their partner would become pregnant. They should know it takes two to tango and pregnancy isn’t always a result of one physical relation performance. Couples should remember that there is no magic formula or guaranteed way to get pregnant quickly naturally . Those who have been diagnosed with infertility should understand that the process may take time and that everyone’s body is different.

  3. Be patient, healthy habits can improve your chances of becoming pregnant as can having a positive outlook. How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant On Average? Most couples are able to conceive after 1 year of having regular unprotected intercourse . When trying to conceive, it’s important to remember that each woman is different and may have a different timeframe in which she can expect to become pregnant. The average time frame for becoming pregnant ranges from 6 months to 2 years however many women will get pregnant within the first few months. It all depends on how healthy you are, your age, if there are any medical conditions involved etc. If you’re over 35 , your chances of getting pregnant naturally drop by 4% every year (and this number increases with age). Female factor infertility such as irregular periods or ovulation , endometriosis , PCOS , uterine fibroids or polyps , uterine scarring, cervical stenosis , low sperm count (oligospermia), ejaculatory dysfunction , retrograde ejaculation, vaginal infections or STD like chlamydia and gonorrhea can all contribute to the amount of time it takes to get pregnant.

  4. Due to these factors couples will often times give up on trying after 6-12 months of trying without success since they haven’t fallen pregnant yet. If you’re over 35 this timeline is even shorter (3-6 months). Infertility specialists are in high demand today with many struggling to find an OB/GYN who specializes in fertility treatment . When treating fertility issues in women there are three main methods that may be recommended by your doctor: Clomid , IUI (artificial insemination) or IVF (in vitro fertilization). If you’re under 35 and experiencing infertility problems, your doctor may recommend Clomid, the most commonly used fertility drug. For those who are unable to conceive after 2-3 months of taking this medicine, artificial insemination is often the next step. With this method a health professional will insert the sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation. This process can be done at home or at a clinic depending on where you live however it’s usually performed by an OB/GYN . Artificial insemination is also known as intrauterine insemination (IUI) . Intrauterine inseminations are not just for couples who are struggling to conceive without assistance however. Women who have conditions

  5. which inhibit normal conception may be prescribed this treatment. It’s also recommended for same-sex couples and single women who want to become pregnant on their own. If you’re over 35, your fertility specialist will most likely recommend IVF (in vitro fertilization) before the other methods. This method is often used in cases where there are severe male infertility issues or when multiple procedures have not been successful. The process involves removing an egg from the ovaries, fertilizing it with sperm in a laboratory and implanting it back into the uterus of the female or into a surrogate . Although it seems like something out of science fiction, IVF has helped thousands of couples successfully start families of their own. Since each couple is different, one treatment may not be enough. For women who are unable to conceive after multiple rounds of Clomid or IUI , IVF may be the only option left available. The good news however, is that more than 70% of couples who undergo IVF will eventually have a successful pregnancy . V-Conceive is soft, comfortable and easy to use home insemination kit. The cup will keep the sperm in place and is designed to fit one’s lifestyle. V-Conceive prevents the back-flow of semen into the vagina. It aids in prolonged exposure of the sperms into the cervical mucus. It facilitates sperm to bypass the vaginal environment thereby reducing the risk of sperm loss in the vaginal tract. V-Conceive is a less invasive – low risk device that support in fertilization within the privacy of home. The stem may extend beyond the length of the vagina or it may sit just inside making it easy to reach for smooth removal. Getting pregnant is exciting news for any woman who has been trying to conceive. Unfortunately, the process can be lengthy and arduous. If you are looking for a way to get pregnant naturally without using fertility treatments or drugs, there are many things that you can do before consulting with your doctor about infertility treatment options.

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