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What to do after IUI success-Tips and tricks for better pregnancy

After successfully undergoing intrauterine insemination, or IUI, there are a few things you should do in order to improve your chances of getting pregnant. One of the most important things is to make sure you follow all the guidelines and recommendations your doctor has given you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to asku2026<br>

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What to do after IUI success-Tips and tricks for better pregnancy

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  1. What to do after IUI success: Tips and tricks for betterpregnancy After successfully undergoing intrauterine insemination, or IUI, there are a few things you should do in order to improve your chances of getting pregnant. One of the most important things is to make sure you follow all the guidelines and recommendations your doctor has given you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them – your doctor would be happy to help you out. Additionally, it’s a good idea to take preventative measures such as getting enough exercise and eating a balanced diet. And finally, make sure to celebrate your success – after all, you’ve worked hard for this! so many factors such as age , infertility condition , stress levels play an important role in the success of IUI process. Men should abstain from ejaculation at least for 3 days before the procedure of IUI procedure has to take place , it increases the semen which helps in getting a good sperm count for IUI High stress level reduces the possibility of conceiving , as the procedure requires frequent visits and early morning appointment because you want it to interfere in your day , you should set aside 1-2 hours for the treatment. Include fertility boosting foods with antioxidant , fibers, diary and protein in your diet and take up light yoga exercise , avoid the package food and sugary foods and stressful workouts. Your doctor may advise you trigger shorts which stimulate the ovaries and result In 2-3 eggs for IUI procedure , if you have PCOD or endometriosis , you may need hormonal support post IUI. The chances of conceiving increases with each attempt but you should know when to stop and reconsider , if you are not able to conceive after three IUI cycles then your doctor would suggest to do some further tests.

  2. What to eat after the IUI for success The things one take in as their diet influences a lot for the success rate of IUI , you need to add more protein rich foods to your diet and cut down on carbs, having a balance diet always makes a way for a better pregnancy Some things you should eat after the success of IUI Fruits needs to be avoided are grapes , papaya and pineapple because they are capable to break down the endometrial layer and make you bleed , which can lead to miscarriage Things to avoid after IUI procedure You should know about the things you should avoid after IUI procedure it’s very important to avoid some things after the procedure which can cost you to get your chance of being pregnant less. If you are wondering why does it goes on the top of the list it is because it is very common for women who had undergone the procedure to get cramps and to avoid the pain they go for pain killers , these meds reduce your chance to get pregnant , you can consult a doctor before using them.

  3. Do not life any heavy objects , any object higher than 4-5 kgs should not be lifted by the woman who just went through and IUI procedure , it can cause cramps in some cases and others can damage the uterus lining which reduce the success rate. This is one of the most important things , because the stress and anxiety can cause the process to fail and some internal hormones that are released in the body after the procedure depend on your mental state and if you are not in a good mental state and stress then it can harm the procedure fertility is highly affected by smoking and drinking and if done by a pregnant woman they causes complications in the pregnancy or also cause deformity or abnormal growth of the child. Conclusion Intrauterine insemination is a relatively low-risk treatment that can be a wonderful option for many women or couples trying to conceive. Timing, egg quality and sperm quality are pretty important when it comes to the process of insemination, while , after the process had occurred it is best to lay on your back for a little while , which can result in 10% more likely for you to conceive, it is a good starting treatment for many women and couples who particularly are having problems with fertility or dysfunction ovulation and also helps the same sex couples. Remember to follow the tips , you may not be able to conceive in first cycle but be patient during the entire procedure , it isn’t a short way to achiever pregnancy but can boost chances of conceiving and relatively in expensive non- invasive manner.

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