

Discover How My Club Betting Can Help Grassroots Sports Clubs If has a lot of advocates it is likely that a fair quantity of them will possess wagering accounts with other bookmakers online. If their bets lose then all of the cash goes to the bookie. Wouldn't it be better to have a share of those losing bets and make money for your club? The concept of My Club Betting is not to promote gambling. It is based upon the assumption that a lot of people bet anyhow, so why not provide the chance to do this and create profits for the club that they support? A lot of clubs are family based and there is no way that kids under 18 years old will be permitted to wager utilizing the service. What Are The Advantages To Your Club? There are a number of advantages. The very first is that the service is complimentary to join. All you have to do is supply your club logo and colours to My Club Betting and they will provide your customised club betting website nearly immediately for you. The site can be used on personal computers, mobile phones and tablets. Your club will get 20% of the profits made by the service. is great news for clubs that are looking to grow additional revenue streams. If people connected with your club prefer to wager then they will be willing to assist you by moving to your wagering service. Everybody wins when they sign up for this service. Likewise My Club Betting will give you club kit and equipment for free. Promotional Aids Can Be Provided This mainly is dependent on the setup of your club. If there is a club house or other meeting point then posters about the service can be offered. You may likewise receive business cards that have actually been personalised to include the wagering service. Your needs will be totally talked about and the appropriate promotional aids offered depending on your situation. Is This A Legitimate Wagering Service? My Club Betting has contracts with a certified bookmaker in the UK to provide this service. All brand new accounts and bets placed are dealt with directly by this bookie. They likewise offer all of the much needed assistance to holders of betting accounts. Reporting On Bets Placed And Profits Made After your service has been personalised and set up you will have the ability to log in to your club account and view the earnings that you have made. At the end of each month the profit pot will be reset. You will be offered with statements every month which reveal the bets placed for the last month and the monies that you are due. All you then need to do is send an invoice to My Club Betting and payment will be made within twenty one days of receiving it. Future Additions To The Service There are plans to present a casino function to the service where account holders can utilize this gaming platform to provide extra profits for your club. A lot of individuals that wager on sports likewise enjoy playing online slots, roulette and blackjack.


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