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<br> 17. Financial institutions are required to ensure the security and confidentiality of customer data through the<br> <br> 18. Automated data are more susceptible to destruction, fraud, error, and misuse because information systems concentrate data in computer files that<br> <br>
MGT 567 Entire Course+Final Guide For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com MGT 567 Week 1 Ethical Dilemma Analysis MGT 567 Week 2 Team Assignment Introduction to Company Culture Guide (Score 8/10) MGT 567 Week 3 Privacy and Security in the workplace (2 Papers) MGT 567 Week 4 Team Assignment CSR Model Presentation (2 PPT) MGT 567 Week 5 Social Initiative Evaluation MGT 567 Week 6 Team Assignment CSR Implementation Plan (2 Set) MGT 567 Final Exam Guide MGT 567 Week 1 DQ 1 MGT 567 Week 1 DQ 2 MGT 567 Week 1 Individual Assignment Legal and Ethical Responsibilities Paper MGT 567 Week 2 DQ 1 MGT 567 Week 2 DQ 2 MGT 567 Week 3 DQ 1 MGT 567 Week 3 DQ 2 MGT 567 Week 4 DQ 1 MGT 567 Week 4 DQ 2 MGT 567 Week 5 DQ 1 MGT 567 Week 5 DQ 2
MGT 567 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Corporate Social Responsibility Presentation MGT 567 Week 6 Individual Assignment Planning and Evaluating Social Initiatives Paper ****************************************************** MGT 567 Final Exam Guide For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Which of following observations is true of ethics ? Identify the statement that best describes the philanthropic model of corporate social responsibility. When you not get to know someone because you do not have to see that person to do business, you often do not take into account the impact of your decisions on him or her. This is the challenge posed by
Which of the following statements is true about ethical corporate cultures? Assume that you are a strong supporter of the deontological ethical tradition Identify the statement about manipulation that you would completely agree with Discussions in ethics about employee health and safety tend to focus on the relative risks workers face and the level of acceptable workplace risk because According to the article “corporate Citizenship Performance: Measuring(and Reporting) Success,” best practices in reporting the success in reaching CSR goals include which of the following? Some employers might decide to treat employees well as a means to produce greater workplace harmony and productivity. This approach is reminiscent of __ ethics. Defenders of the market approach contend that environmental problems are economic problems that deserve economic solutions. Fundamentally, environmental problems involve the Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH), which was developed by Ulrich and discussed by cordoba and Campbell in their article Implementing CSR Initiatives the contribution of systemic thinking, facilitates reflection on system boundaries and consists of twelve questions about a plan as a system . According to Ulrich, CSH does which of the following? According to the Economic Model of CSR , the responsibility of business manages is to When would a values-based organization rely on the personal integrity of its workforce when decisions need to made ? When of the following statement is true about ethical decision making in business ? According to Bhattacharya et al.., in the article ‘’Strengthening Stakeholder- Company Relationships Through Mutually Beneficial Corporate social Responsibility Initiative ‘’values are driven by both psychosocial benefits and stakeholder perceptions of and involvement in CSR initiatives . When stakeholders achieve desirable values though CSR initiatives, they are likely to
Sustainable business and sustainable economic, ethical and environment sustainability. This is often called the -------------- General vulnerability occurs when Identify the challenge faced by the acceptable-risk approach to health and safety. The distinction between compliance-based and integrity –based cultures is most evident in When professionals have a professional and ethical obligation to clients, duties that override their own personal interests, they are said to have The duty of care involves the exercise of reasonable care by a member to ensure that 21. The model advanced by bhattacharya et al ,, in the article Strengthening stakeholder –company relationships through mutually beneficial corporate social responsibility Initiatives, Proposes that CSR leads to behaviors directed not only toward the company and the cause but also toward other stakeholders. The authors suggest that future research on social initiatives should include which of the following? 22. From a utilitarian perspective, individual rights to privacy or the right to control information about oneself may be outweighed in cases where 23. According to porter and Kramer, in “the Link between compertitive advantage and corporate social responsibility,” each company must select issues that intersect with its particular business. They suggest three categories into which social initiatives be placed and then ranked based on their potential impact. These categories are 24. Which of the following statements reflects the deontological ethical tradition? 25. From the perspective of the narrow view of CSR, only philanthropy done for reputational and financial ends is ethically responsible. Identify the correct justification for this persopective. 26.In his article “ Getting sound advice on social initiatives,”Grover contends that companies today face a common challenge __ how to develop workable programs that will help them move forward
strategically on corporate social responsibility initiatives that matter to customers and employees. An approach that worked well for his organization was to 27. The Triple bottom line approach measures the business success of sustainable businesses and sustainable economic development in terms of which three factors? 28. Kathy, you best friend and classmate, asks you to help her with a challenging ethical predicament. Which of the following would be your first step in the decision –making process? 29. CSR literature assumes a tension between the pursuit of profit and social responsibility. How can organizations overcome this tension? 30. Which of the following explains the term Satisficing ? ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 1 DQ 1 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
What might be some benefits and costs of acting unethically in business? Distinguish between benefits and harms to the individual and benefits and harms to the firm.Describe an event or decision that you would judge to be clearly unethical. What circumstances, if any, might exist in which this situation would be ethical? ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 1 DQ 2 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com What might be some benefits and costs of acting unethically in business? Distinguish between benefits and harms to the individual and benefits and harms to the firm. ******************************************************
MGT 567 Week 1 Ethical Dilemma Analysis For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com You are the VP of Human Resources for the company where you currently work or a medium-sized company with which you are familiar. Sales and profits have dropped sharply because of a downturn in the economy. The company owner wants you to take immediate action to reduce incentive payments for salespeople and implement a month-long layoff for all production workers. He does not want to affect management employees in any way. Although his requests are within the letter of the law, you try to determine if they are also ethical. Select a pro or con position for the situation. Pro would support the owner's position as ethical, while con would be against it as unethical. Compose a 1,100-1,400 word situation analysis to be directed to the owner outlining your concerns. In your analysis, be sure to include the following: Differentiate between the company’s legal and ethical responsibilities. PRO: Analyze the ethical reasons for the owner’s decision. CON: Develop an alternate approach for the owner’s consideration that might be more appropriate from both a legal and ethical standpoint.
Examine the ethical decision-making process used to arrive at either the owner’s approach or the alternate approach and discuss this as evidence for the owner. Use appropriate examples to illustrate your points. Format assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 1 Individual Assignment Legal and Ethical Responsibilities Paper For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Imagine you are the VP of Human Resources of a medium-sized, privately held manufacturing company. Sales and profits have dropped sharply because of a downturn in the economy. The company owner wants you to take immediate action to reduce incentive payments for
salespeople and implement a month-long layoff for all production workers. He does not want to affect management employees in any way. Although his requests are within the letter of the law, they do not seem to be ethical in your opinion.Compose a memo of no more than 900 words to the owner outlining your concerns and emphasizing the difference between legal and ethical responsibilities.Use appropriate examples to illustrate your points.Include an alternate approach for the owner’s consideration that would be more appropriate from both a legal and ethical standpoint. ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 2 DQ 1 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Organizational cultures are typically identified as compliance-based or values-based. Describe the type of tradition at your organization. Which type of tradition would you prefer to work in and why?The statement has been made that employers cannot be responsible for
providing an ideally safe and healthy workplace. Instead, discussions in ethics about employee health and safety tend to focus on the relative risks workers face and the level of acceptable workplace risk. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 2 DQ 2 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com One element that affects a firm's culture is its employee population. While a corporate culture can shape an employee's attitudes, it will do so more easily if people with those attitudes are hired in the first place. How would you develop a recruitment and selection process that would most successfully allow you to hire the best workers for your particular culture? ******************************************************
MGT 567 Week 2 Team Assignment Introduction to Company Culture Guide (Score 8/10) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Select a place of employment of one of the team members or an organization in an industry the team members are interested in. The team is tasked with doing an evaluation of the organization in order to create a new “Introduction to Our Company Culture” guide for employees. Prepare a 1,050-word evaluation for the selected organization. Include the company’s mission statement, vision statement, and any applicable code of ethics. Evaluate the cultural values of the organization. Discuss whether this is a value-based or compliance-based culture and support this with examples. Examine the employee relationship values of the organization.
Discuss whether the culture is team-based or individual based. Discuss whether or not the values are articulated in the company’s mission and vision statements. Analyze the importance of the code of ethics. Discuss how the code of ethics relates to the cultural values of the organization. Format consistent with APA guidelines. Create an “Introduction to Our Company Culture” guide in an appropriate format for the organization based on the evaluation performed by the team. This can be done as a presentation with speaker notes using Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Publisher®, Word, or sites such as Glogster® and PiktoChart®. The guide should convey the company culture and values in a visual and interesting way. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 3 DQ 1 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Organizations are increasingly monitoring employees' work using various types of technology. What types of monitoring does your organization use? What, if any, issues have arisen from these practices? How were they (or should they have been) resolved? ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 3 DQ 2 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Drug testing in the workplace is a somewhat controversial issue in terms of employer responsibilities and employee rights. What are some of the elements of controversy regarding this issue? What is your opinion regarding those elements? ******************************************************
MGT 567 Week 3 Privacy and Security in the workplace (2 Papers) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com You are working as a human resource consultant at your current place of employment or one in an industry in which you are familiar. The organization is facing privacy and security issues. While there, an employee of the company was fired after sharing a photo of himself engaged the use of illegal drugs while wearing a shirt with the company logo on it. This photo was shared over social media and viewed by clients of the company as well as other employees. Prepare a 1,100-1,400 word analysis of the situation on the potential legal and ethical implications. Include the following: Examine the ways in which the company differentiates between the employer’s right to protect its interests and the employees’ rights to be free from wrongful intrusions into their personal affairs.
Discuss the effects of social media on the ability of organizations to differentiate between employee privacy and company interests. Recommend an approach to take if the organization does not currently have a differentiation in place. Evaluate the uses of technology that affect employee privacy. Examine ways in which the organization monitors employees. If the company does not have a specific policy in place, what are possible processes that might be implemented? Analyze the methods the organization uses to protect employees’ personal information. If the company does not have a policy in place, how might they do this? Analyze the manner in which the company’s policies regarding privacy and technology are reflected in their company values. If the policies are not aligned with the company values, what are some ways they might change this? Recommend changes the company can make to align these policies with the organizational values and goals. Include a rationale for these recommendations. Cite a minimum of three scholarly sources. Format consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 4 DQ 1
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Many people contend that the primary question of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the extent to which a business has social responsibilities that go beyond producing needed goods and services within the law. How then, should an organization go about identifying its social responsibility values? ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 4 DQ 2 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
The Federal Trade Commission regulates advertising on the basis of two criteria: deception and unfairness. How can an ad be unfair? Who gets hurt by deceptive advertising? ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Corporate Social Responsibility Presentation For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com http://www.snaptutorial.com/MGT-567/product-31549-MGT-567- Week-4-Team-Assignment-CSR-Model-Presentation
Imagine that ABC Company, a medium-sized business-to-business manufacturing company in the United States, has hired your team as consultants to help the company develop and implement social initiatives. Select a company in the manufacturing industry. This can be a company a team member works for or one with which the team members are familiar. The organization should be medium sized and has hired the team as consultants to help the company develop and implement social initiatives. The team has decided that the best starting point will be to benchmark practices employed by local organizations in the team's selected location and use that information to help the company articulate its position regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ensure its marketing and environmental approaches are consistent with that position. Research a local manufacturing organization and locate the following: The corporate social responsibility (CSR) values The CSR model (economic, philanthropic, social web, integrative) most closely associated with the values The benefits and drawbacks of the organization's CSR initiatives Marketing values and examples of ethical and unethical means the company could use to influence people through advertising--including ethical and unethical target markets Product safety guidelines employed by the company Marketing methods that promote sustainability Accounting/Financial compliance measures Environmental values and whether they are in the market, regulatory, or sustainability category Methods used by the company to protect the environment--including green initiatives, guidelines for green products, and animal treatment guidelines Develop a 16- to 20-slide presentation including detailed speaker notes or voiceover in which you include the following: Determine which of the 4 primary models of corporate social responsibility (CSR) would be most applicable and beneficial to the team's selected company.
Develop a corporate social responsibility statement for the selected company based on the model selected. Provide examples from the team's research to support the approach for the statement. Recommend marketing and environmental sustainability values the selected company should adopt that align with its CSR policy. Provide examples from the team's research to support the approach. Examine the accounting and financial compliance values the company engages in and relate this to the CSR policy. Provide examples from the team's research. Justify all recommendations using research and examples. Cite a minimum of 3 scholarly sources. Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 4 Team Assignment CSR Model Presentation (2 PPT) For more classes visit
www.snaptutorial.com Select a company in the manufacturing industry. This can be a company a team member works for or one with which the team members are familiar. The organization should be medium sized and has hired the team as consultants to help the company develop and implement social initiatives. The team has decided that the best starting point will be to benchmark practices employed by local organizations in the team's selected location and use that information to help the company articulate its position regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ensure its marketing and environmental approaches are consistent with that position. Research a local manufacturing organization and locate the following: The corporate social responsibility (CSR) values The CSR model (economic, philanthropic, social web, integrative) most closely associated with the values The benefits and drawbacks of the organization's CSR initiatives Marketing values and examples of ethical and unethical means the company could use to influence people through advertising--including ethical and unethical target markets Product safety guidelines employed by the company Marketing methods that promote sustainability Accounting/Financial compliance measures Environmental values and whether they are in the market, regulatory, or sustainability category Methods used by the company to protect the environment--including green initiatives, guidelines for green products, and animal treatment guidelines Develop a 16- to 20-slide presentation including detailed speaker notes or voiceover in which you include the following:
Determine which of the 4 primary models of corporate social responsibility (CSR) would be most applicable and beneficial to the team's selected company. Develop a corporate social responsibility statement for the selected company based on the model selected. Provide examples from the team's research to support the approach for the statement. Recommend marketing and environmental sustainability values the selected company should adopt that align with its CSR policy. Provide examples from the team's research to support the approach. Examine the accounting and financial compliance values the company engages in and relate this to the CSR policy. Provide examples from the team's research. Justify all recommendations using research and examples. Cite a minimum of 3 scholarly sources. Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 5 DQ 1 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Kenneth Dayton, former Chairman of the Dayton-Hudson Corporation, as said that "if business does not serve society, society will not long tolerate our profits or even our existence." This logic suggests that CSR benefits not only society but the business as well by securing its place within a society. What other reasons are there for a business to engage in social responsibility activities? ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 5 DQ 2 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Pick a company with which you have done a substantial amount of business over the past year (personally or professionally). Find a CSR or CSR statement for the company. To what extent are the company's social initiatives described? Are meaningful elements of these initiatives provided? If not, what elements would you want to see to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiatives? ****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Corporate Social Responsibility Presentation For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Imagine that ABC Company, a medium-sized business-to-business manufacturing company in the United States, has hired your team as consultants to help the company develop and implement social initiatives.Your team has decided that the best starting point will be to
benchmark practices employed by well-known publicly held organizations and use that information to help ABC company articulate its position regarding corporate social responsibility and ensure its marketing and environmental approaches are consistent with that position.Select and research a well-known publicly held manufacturing organization. Some examples include the following:Procter and GambleJohnson and JohnsonColgate-PalmolivePepsiCoCoca- ColaIdentify the following for the selected organization:The corporate social responsibility (CSR) valuesThe CSR model (economic, philanthropic, social web, integrative) most closely associated with the values The benefits and drawbacks of the organization’s CSR initiativesMarketing values and examples of ethical and unethical means the company could use to influence people through advertising— including ethical and unethical target marketsProduct safety guidelines employed by the companyMarketing methods that promote sustainabilityEnvironmental values and whether they are in the market, regulatory, or sustainability categoryMethods used by the company to protect the environment—including green initiatives, guidelines for green products, and animal treatment guidelinesDetermine which of the four primary models of CSR would be most applicable and beneficial to ABC Company and explain the reasons behind the selection.Write a CSR statement for ABC Company based on the model selected. Provide examples from the team’s research to support your approach.Recommend marketing and environmental sustainability values ABC Company should adopt that will align with its CSR policy. Provide examples from the team’s research to support your approach.Compile the information and your team’s recommendations into a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to be delivered to ABC Company’s leadership team. Justify your recommendations with examples from the team’s research.Include the following in your presentation:15 to 20 slidesDetailed speaker notes with supporting informationAt least four reference citationsFormat your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 5 Social Initiative Evaluation For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com The company you work for is interested in expanding their involvement in social initiatives, but they are looking for direction on how to do this and what initiatives might be best for the organization and reflect their values. Research your company's mission, vision, values statements, Code of Ethics, and current CSR statement. Complete the Social Initiatives Evaluation Worksheet. Prepare a 550-700 word statement for your organization's values. The statement includes: Discuss how your identified initiatives relate to the company's values. Determine ways the initiatives might benefit the organization in nontangible ways such as image. Format consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
****************************************************** MGT 567 Week 6 Individual Assignment Planning and Evaluating Social Initiatives Paper For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com http://www.snaptutorial.com/MGT-567/product-31551-MGT-567- Week-6-Team-Assignment-CSR-Implementation-Plan Implementation Plan Template; University of Phoenix Material:Social Initiatives Worksheet Use the information developed by the team in Week Five regarding the recommended approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR) for ABC Company. Develop an implementation plan of no more than 1,050 words including actions, persons responsible, and timelines for the selected initiatives. Use the Social Initiatives Worksheet to identify one to three social initiatives and outline key points and action steps. Complete the
Social Initiatives Implementation Plan using the template provided. Required elements of the project are included in the template in red. Insert your information in the appropriate places, deleting the red instructions prior to submitting the final Implementation Plan. Be sure to include the following as noted on the template: What social initiative(s) should ABC Company embark on to support its organizational values and model of CSR? Of the initiative(s) selected, what aspect(s) would be most appropriate to evaluate and why? What are the goals for those initiatives? What actions need to be taken to implement the initiatives? Who is responsible? What is the timing? Who are the internal and external stakeholders and what effect does the specific initiative have on them? How will the initiatives’ success be measured? By what methods? What resources will be necessary? Create tools to evaluate the results of the social initiatives. Consider surveys, interviews, focus groups, and so forth. Provide a sample in the appendix section of your paper of at least one tool you will use to measure the success of an initiative. Describe how that tool will be used and the resources that will be necessary to use the tool. Discuss how results will be evaluated and recommendations made based on those results. Cite at least five references in your paper. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines ******************************************************
MGT 567 Week 6 Team Assignment CSR Implementation Plan (2 Set) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Use the information developed by the team in Week 4 regarding the recommended approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR) for the team's selected company. Prepare an Implementation Plan, either as a 1,100-1400 word plan or a 20- to 24-slide presentation including detailed speaker notes or voiceover which will include actions, persons responsible, and timelines of the initiatives. The Implementation Plan should include all elements shown in the Social Initiatives Implementation Plan Outline. Identify 2-3 social initiatives. Outline key points and actions steps. Analyze social initiatives that the company should embark on to support its organizational values and model of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Discuss those aspects that would be most appropriate to evaluate and include a rationale as to why this is. Identify the goals for the identified initiatives. Recommend actions to be taken to implement the initiatives. Determine who is responsible and the timing.
Identify the internal and external stakeholders. Discuss the effect the initiatives might have on the stakeholders. Determine how the success of the initiatives will be measured and what tools and resources will be necessary. Create tools to evaluate the results of the social initiatives. Consider surveys, focus groups, and so forth. Provide a sample of the tools in the appendix section of the Implementation Plan. Describe how the tool will be used and the resources necessary to use the tool. Discuss how results will be evaluated and recommendations made based on those results. Cite a minimum of five scholarly references. Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ******************************************************