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Experience your dream wedding: learn how to plan and budget it

The wedding involves a big pomp and show now a days. The extra fun has become the demand of everyone. The services rendered to them requires a meticulous planning of the key aspects of catering, decoration, bridal procession, wedding attires.

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Experience your dream wedding: learn how to plan and budget it

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  1. Experience your dream wedding: learn how to plan and budget it- The wedding involves a big pomp and show now a days. The extra fun has become the demand of everyone. The services rendered to them requires a meticulous planning of the key aspects of catering, decoration, bridal procession, wedding attires, jewelry and multitude of the similar kind of the things requiring a huge sum of the money to be invested for the unforgettable memories. The photography along with the other expenses which come under the mandatory expenses is unavoidable. Let’s not delay or cut short the wedding celebrations, rather make some efforts to save by the help of meticulous wedding planning. Here are the few tips that you may use- 1. Wedding planners plan meticulously- (utilize the advice of the coordinators) The basic logic behind seeking the services of the wedding planners include the discounts that are obtained while the vendors are obtained at a single place with the help of the wedding planners. Apart from that the tedious and expensive process of booking the vendors separately is avoided, leading to the savings in the overall expenditure. The planners can merely advise you for the betterment, its entirely up to you adjust the amount of services actually you want or let them do completely. 2. Cost of caterers- while taking into the consideration of the likes and dislikes of the tastes of the gusts, it’s mandatory to inculcate the dishes which are cost effective and are easily available in the market. There is no need to pay for the drinks, if your guests are non- drinker too. 3. Plan your wedding at off season, not during the peak season- It’s understood to apply logic of not spending during the peak season, as the bookings and purchasing are done at relatively higher costs. The competition as well as the varieties available in the market tends to take more costs thus, increase the overall expenditure. The amount of money to be spent on the weddings can be significantly reduced by planning the wedding offseason. 4. Have the inexpensive wedding invites- I think it’s a fool proof idea to extravagant on the wedding invites if you want to have cuton the amount of total expenditure in the wedding. The best idea is to cut the cost of wedding invitations so that you can save money by having a standard envelope with one standard stamp. The amount of cost per card can be further reduced by printing the required information of the timings on a single card, thus avoiding having different card for the different occasions.

  2. 5. Select the cost effective venue for your big day rater spending tremendously over the venue- The wedding venue, which is the most important part of the wedding planning cannot be ignored. The cost of which can be significantly reduced by booking a government building or the community center, this would greatly reduce the expenditure and alternatively, the vacant lands of your residential or outside area can be decorated with lightings and the colorful tents to reduce tremendously the amount of money required to be spent on the wedding venues. 6. Spend less on the wedding jewelry as well as the dress- Its most valuable tip to decrease the amount of overall money on the wedding. The jewelry can be hired on the rent. The artificial jewelry is the best ways which can be decorated as well as a plethora of colorful options are available. Having done all these carefully, your marriage expenditure is surely bound to go down coupled with long lasting memories for everyone.

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