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Your Work From Home Health Checklist

The following article behaves like a checklist for everyone who is working from home.

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Your Work From Home Health Checklist

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  1. Your Work From Home Health Checklist Working remotely from our own residences has now become a way of life for us. And we have all been doing it long enough to realize the pros and cons associated with it. One of the most important aspects has to do with looking after your health while working from home. Consume a nutritious diet - Although you may have started cooking at home, it is extremely difficult for you to get all the re- quired daily nutrients and minerals from the food you eat. While fresh fruit juices and spiced nuts work as a great pick-me-up during a hectic workday, they won’t help fill your nutritional gaps. In come multivitamin tablets that help us meet our daily nutritional requirements. A tablet that has all the essential vitamins and minerals like zinc, vitamin C, calcium, and vitamin D is the best vitamin tablets for immune system and overall health. Get regular exercise - We get it, it’s difficult to make time for exercise now that work hours have gotten longer and you hardly ever have the time to step out for a run and we can’t even go for a swim or to the gym. While exercising, our body pumps blood to all the parts of our body, our cells receive more nutrients and oxygen that makes them stronger in turn. It also helps release feel-good hormones aka endorphins. Whether it’s following along a workout video or simply doing yoga, don’t forget to get in some exercise during the day. Fit in a few breathers - Your days are so filled with the monotony of work that at times it feels like you’ve just started work and it’s suddenly dinner time. During this work from home phase, the days melt into nights, and the next thing you know you’re doing it all over again. A situation like, where you don’t get any time to yourself, isn’t healthy for anyone’s mental health. You need to conscious- ly walk away from your dedicated work station and take a few minutes out every few hours to do a bit of meditation, write in your journal, speak to your family and friends, play with your pets, or simply take a few deep breaths and look out of your window. Get a good night’s rest - Getting good sleep is essential to the optimal functioning of every hu- man’s mind and body. It not only helps refresh and recharge your mind and body but also helps you stay focused, happy, and stave of certain diseases. If you have trouble falling asleep or if the quality of your sleep has deteriorated, then try having some chamomile tea before bedtime or try one of the new-age sleep supplements that contain melatonin and L-Theanine. Any supplement that contains these two ingredients is a medicine for good sleep. Form a skincare routine - This might sound odd to a few but apart from the great benefits it has on your skin, having a skincare routine can have a positive impact on your mental health as well. From slapping on a nutrient-rich face mask, popping a good biotin and collagen pill, to applying a soothing hyaluronic acid serum, a skincare routine can help you feel pampered and release mood- boosting neurotransmitters in the brain. In fact, even the sheer act of putting on your skincare can help calm your mind.

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