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Amazon’s Product Ranking Algorithm

Amazonu2019s Product Ranking Algorithm

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Amazon’s Product Ranking Algorithm

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How does Amazon determine product rankings with its search algorithm? Top Secret ● Better than Google ● Constantly changing ●

  2. Here’s what we’d like to point out as most relevant: The relevance is in the eye of the customer ● The ranking algorithms learn automatically ● The improvement is continuous ●

  3. This tells us two simple things: 1. Relevant results are pulled from Amazon’s catalog of product listings. 2. Results are scored and placed into order of what is most relevant to the user.

  4. The question of social media & external links factoring into the algorithm

  5. Amazon’s internal factors human judgments programmatic analysis ● ● key business metrics ● performance metrics ●

  6. Performance metrics Sales Rank - The higher your sales rank the better your relevancy score when customers search for products they want to purchase. CTR (Click Thru Rate) - Once the customer sees the list Amazon tracks what they click on next. ● ● Conversion Rate - if a purchase is made or not as well as time spent on the page, bounce and exit. ●

  7. Performance metrics Customer Reviews - Amazon tracks both the number and quality of customer reviews. Customer Questions - not to be skipped - it’s just good customer service. ● ● Price - the algorithm does use price information when scoring and ranking relevancy. ● Negative Feedback - In regards to algorithm relevancy, negative feedback kills your score and ranking, and all negative feedback is equally bad. ● Brand - Using the brand’s name in the title which helps customers when they are doing their search. ●

  8. Performance metrics Image ● Title ●

  9. Performance metrics Variations - Combines many aspects of similar products, and the most evident is combining all of the customer reviews into one centralized listing. This allows for all of those reviews to obtain a much higher collective total. ● Amazon Optimization - The main point is to provide as much clean data for product listing and avoid conflicting information in the title, main image, product description, and bullet points. ●

  10. Performance metrics Order Processing - if products are FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) or not might actually be a part of the algorithm. ● Account Health - If account is healthy and meeting targets for different criteria also affects the algorithm. ● Stock Outs - Customers and Amazon both hate it when a listing is made unavailable due to being out of stock. Some believe re-ordering above a set number of units can help your algorithm score. ●

  11. Conclusion

  12. Thank you for your attention!

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