

The Development of Online Naturism and Communicating On The World Wide Web Felicity Jones and I were talking about social networks yesterday, and it got me thinking. Back in the good ole days we used to make an effort to sit back and write letters. I remember the times of pen pals and how I used to run to the box and the excitement that ensued when I my pen pal's letter came in. Then came the short lived fascination with phone call groups. People would phone a number and for $0.99 a minute, they could talk to like minded individuals. Naturism Websites and Naturism Online The following measure was the web. First we'd NetScape & ICQ and through these tools we could chat with random people from all around the globe. As technology evolved, it ushered in the era of the chat room. Individuals could speak to other people from all around the world about a fundamental topic. I recall how I use to spend hours chatting with folks about a complete bunch of topics and could not wait to get home and continue the dialogue in the night before. But that too became too much work and so started the age of the newsgroup. The good thing about a forum is that with a click of a mouse we all could read articles which were written by strangers about topics we cared about and then we're able to also add our own comments and thoughts. Creating small discussion groups that were triggered by an interesting initial question or opinion. But that too became too much maintenance and luckily for all us OCD people we could now connect with those we cared about and forge new connections with all types of individuals. But as the years go by our attention span has become even shorter. And now comes the age of Twitter. Twitter is a great example of how people believe now. Yes they want to know what exactly is going on, and yes they want to have their opinions heard, but they do not need to have drawn out conversations by individuals who share too much info. Folks simply need the talking points, opinions, suggestions and thoughts without any of those pesky extra words. Merely the gist of people's opinions in 140 characters or less is all that people genuinely want, and if it might be restricted down to your straightforward yes or no then that would be ideal. This clarifies the fascination with texting at the same time. Individuals feel as if they do not have time nor the energy to spend discussing issues or coordinating their daily lives, so texting and twitter are perfect. Naturist nude guy on a laptop Nudism Online and How Are Naturists Communicating Over The Internet On the planet of naturism now I keep feeling as though the general public is a Twitter fan, while the nudism business all together is still writing letters. My personal view is that I wish folks would take some time before remarking or saying something online, but in our tech savvy world it might be asking too much of folks. From day one, FKK continues to be reaching out to the influential members of the nudist movement. Part of the problem that we confront is that on the one hand, naturism as a movement is run by people who haven't yet made the jump that so many others have. And on another side of the spectrum you have young naturists that simply don't take the time to think of the repercussions of what they are saying. The principal groups that promote naturism were stuck in a time warp and have now been slow to adapt. It appears to be that the dearth of urgency on their parts is one of the core problems people have with them. The news cycle is a minute by minute thing now. Individuals are signed up and constantly receive alerts about issues they hold dear with their hearts, but the insufficient constant stimulation seems to cause quite a bit of discouragement. Young Naturists and Communication Problems The young nudists out there that have already been dispersing negative energies are a problem also. They feel that since they know the best way to pull individuals using the tools of today, they are masters of their domain name. The dearth of appropriate online existence has created a vacuum which gives them a sense of omnipotence that they could never have gotten with so little work, time, money or energy. It truly is like they won the lottery and now believe they possess the power, knowledge and means to preach to others who might be more educated than they are. So in closing I would really like to leave you with this notion. In the world today, the human mind is in desperate need of constant stimulation. It is as if our brains are on crack and the advice and alerts are our quick fix. So what can naturists and the naturist movement do to correct its present class? Is naturism actually going to die out because they can't accommodate quick enough? Can it be time to restructure the complete nudist movement and if that's the case, could it be even possible? Or will there just be a brand new organization that will have to replace the old to be able to usher in the new period of nudists? Maybe time will tell, but hopefully we will not have to wait too long. This post about on-line naturism was printed by Young Naturists and Naturists America - FKK Tags: sites, young naturists and naturists Class: Naked Censorship and Censoring Of On-Line Nudity, Social Activism About the Writer (Author Profile) Author of Nudist Site. Cofounder of Naturist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. Feminist. 70% vegan, 30% vegetarian. After I'm not active eating, I'm writing about http://www.animuj.pl/wiki/index.php?title=Naturists-cannot-likely-prevent-ambitious-politicians-from-turning-a-localized-societal-issue-into-a-headline-catching-international-media-circus-m , censorship, topfree equality, body image and other interesting topics. I like feedback, so plz leave http://schnupper.vfl-wiki.de/index.php?title=A-Rundown-Of-Nudity-in-the-Movies-Throughout-History-b when you have got something to say!


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