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Book An Appointment Heart Specialist Jabalpur

The top heart specialist in Jabalpur ought to be reached when you become mindful of an issue or torment in your chest on the grounds that doing so can forestall more serious repercussions.For details click on the link. https://posts.gle/tmiXZKLnBg6oEEiR6

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Book An Appointment Heart Specialist Jabalpur

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  2. EASY WAYS TO KEEP OUR HEART HEALTHY DURING WINTERS Cold weather is the most common health risk you encounter in the winter, but people often view the danger in the extreme, as hypothermia or frostbite. However, the drop in temperature can impact your health, specifically your heart, in ways you may not expect. But the vulnerability of our heart also increases during the winter season. Incidence of human casualties due to heart disease and stroke increases during the winter season. 72249-99799 aalindheartcentre@gmail.com

  3. HOW DOES WINTER AFFECT HEART HEALTH? In cold weather, the probability of people getting sick with the common cold, fever, and flu increases. Winter can be more severe for heart patients. A decrease in temperature may result in many changes in our body, such as: The heart has to work twice to maintain blood supply and keep our body warm. The reduced temperature may cause constriction of blood vessels. Chances of developing blood clots also increase in winter. Blood pressure and blood cholesterol level may also increase in winter.

  4. HOW DOES THE WINTER AFFECT HEART PATIENTS? Decreased temperature causes an increase in the body’s sympathetic nervous system activation resulting in constriction of blood vessels (vasoconstriction). This vasoconstriction may increase blood pressure, making it difficult for the heart to pump blood to body parts. This increased pressure may cause an increased risk of angina, heart attack, arrhythmia, and other cardiovascular diseases in people with ongoing heart conditions. The emotional stress of the holiday season has also been shown to increase the level of stress hormones and, consequently, the risk of heart attack or stroke.

  5. PREVENTIVE MEASURES IN WINTER DURING THE WINTER SEASON, LOW TEMPERATURE, POLLUTION, AND OTHER FACTORS MAY INCREASE THE RISK OF HEART DISEASES. FOLLOWING ARE SOME PREVENTIVE MEASURES TO KEEP IN MIND TO KEEP YOUR HEART HEALTHY: Keeping yourself warm is of utmost importance. If you are prone to cold weather, try to cover yourself with a sufficient layer of clothes to keep your body warm. Stay active physically. It is not necessary to exercise outdoor. You can do indoor activities like light aerobics, yoga, home workouts, dancing, or meditation. Regular exercise keeps your body warm and helps in staying fit. Eat a healthy diet in winter. Avoid fried, fatty, sweet food, and high cholesterol food that can increase the risk of heart diseases.

  6. Keep a close watch on medical conditions like diabetes, blood pressure, kidney, and vascular problems. These conditions, if left unchecked, make you more prone to heart conditions. Don’t overexert yourself. Try to avoid heavy and strenuous work if you are a heart patient and take small intervals between work to rest. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Quit smoking as it increases the risk of heart conditions. Consume warm food during winter to maintain your body warm. If you are a heart patient, you should stay indoors on chilly days to prevent sudden cold strokes.

  7. HOW TO DETECT IF YOU ARE HAVING A HEART PROBLEM? Not all heart condition comes with warning signs. Always remain vigilant about any signs and immediately seek medical attention. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, get an immediate check-up: In the cold, your heart works extra hard to maintain a healthy body temperature. Winter wind can make this more difficult because it causes your body to lose heat more quickly. If your body temperature drops below 95 degrees, hypothermia can damage your heart muscle.

  8. Pain or any discomfort in the chest Some people may experience heartburn, indigestion, and stomach pain during a heart attack Sometimes chest pain is not evident, but the pain in the shoulder and arm is present. Dizziness Shortness of breath and wheezing Long-lasting cough in a heart patient Easily get tired Sweating without physical activity The cold weather can be difficult for your heart. But with a proper lifestyle, you can make your heart enjoy this beautiful season. Also, do not ignore any symptoms and immediately consult your doctor.

  9. CONTACT US Address: Aalind heart centre, 2 nd floor , Adi Shankar hospital, Between Angadh Mahaveer hanuman Mandir and Gorakhpur police station aalindheartcentre@gmail.com KEEPING YOUR HEART HEALTHY 72249-99799


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