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Aspire to performance!. How are my employees? Who are the key employees? How about the “let-go” ones? These are current issues for every manager. Historically speaking, every successful leader was interested in the quality of the people he or she worked with:.
How are my employees? Who are the key employees? How about the “let-go” ones? These are current issues for every manager. Historically speaking, every successful leader was interested in the quality of the people he or she worked with: • Jack Welch -former CEO of General Electric between 1981-2001, is known for his extremely efficient management style, mainly based on knowing the available human resources. Welch used to fire, every year, the least performing10% of managers and to award the first 20% of managers. • The well known leader defined the employee types and the management ways that need to be applied to them starting from 2 axes: Competence and Commitment. Here are the described typologies: Committed - Competent. A true leader, he can and he does! Type of management: delegation, meaning: we say, you do, I monitor! Needs to “be taken good care” of, motivated with challenges, or else he leaves. Committed - Incompetent. Wants to do the tasks but doesn’t know how to! Type of management: directive, meaning: I say, you do, I evaluate! Needs to be given exact directives, precise instructions. Uncommitted - Incompetent. Doesn’t know, doesn’t do! Type of management: coaching, meaning: I say, you learn to do! Needs to be given tasks that fit his strength. Uncommitted - Competent He knows but doesn’t want to do! because: “He is too good for this” Type of management: facilitative Needs to be given new challenges or to be isolated.
And Jack Welch wasn’t the only one who staked on people and on knowing their qualities: • Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the best-known entrepreneurs stated that people are the key to all problems: • “If you show people the problems and you show people the solutions they will be moved to act.” • Warren Buffet, one of the best-known American investors, says that the main way to success are the people on whom you build your businesses: • “It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.” • Lou Holtz, American coach, well known TV personality and motivational speaker, has a simple solution for the motivation problem, applicable not only to coaching sports teams but also to human resources management: • “Motivation is simple. You eliminate those who are not motivated.”
About ITEX: We are a recruitment, consultancy and HR software company founded in Romania, in 2006. Our mission is to help companies achieve their long term strategic objectives. We can discover those elements that determine compatibility between employee and employer by identifying talent and value. Started as a recruitment and consultancy company, ITEX expands in 2008 its portfolio by launching MyRecruiter – an application which manages recruitment and selection projects intended to help both recruitment departments inside companies and agencies from this field of work. 2009 represents a new challenge for us! ITEX launches 440 – a seamless instrument which manages the whole evaluation process, developed from the need expressed by all managers we interacted with, directly or indirectly throughout the time: that of knowing their employees and directing their attention and resources to those on whom they can count.
What is ITEX 440? • ITEX 440 is a managerial instrument that helps discover the quality of the human resources, which competences or abilities are still necessary, how strongly the company’s values are interiorized, what results your employees obtain, therefore predicting future accomplishments orinterventions. • ITEX 440 is a main piece in performance management in every step: in its beginning as a diagnosis instrument, or in the final stage as a self-regulation instrument. • ITEX 440 is more than an employee evaluation software because besides vital information regarding key employees and dispensable ones, it offers possible causes for their non-performance.
What does ITEX 440 do? • The base is that of a multisource feedback: each person can be evaluated by more evaluators in various positions and by himself/herself or by other stakeholders (internal/external clients, partners, providers). • The application is based on the Software as a Service model. ITEX 440 is therefore a web tool that doesn’t imply any infrastructure costs from you. The data are secure and can be accessed ubiquitously with the help of only a web browser. • Being an application with extremely generous functionalities yet easy to use, ITEX 440 offers the possibility to manage with minimal effort the evaluation processes or projects from your organization or group. The questionnaires or evaluation grids can be easily inserted in the application or built with the help of ITEX 440. • In case you don’t have a HR background or don’t have the necessary skills to set some evaluation indicators and to create a questionnaire, our consultants offer you a standard grid. Based on a rich practical experience and structured in four sections: competences, motivation, adhesion towards the company and results, the standard grid covers a wide area of performance indicators, both for managerial positions and for executive positions.
What can you evaluate with the help of ITEX 440? Depending on the structure of evaluation grid or questionnaire, ITEX 440 can offer relevant informationabout: • Your employees’ abilities and behaviors, relevant for the job they have: communication, team spirit, orientation towards results or process, client orientation and many others; • Level of professional knowledge of each employee or groups/teams; • Employees’ motivation; • Their results; • Adhesion towards the company or the values promoted inside it; • Leadership abilities; • Employees with potential of performing in other jobs than in the one they already have; • Any other indicator which reveals performance and can be measurable.
The advantages of using ITEX 440: The management of key person inside the organization becomes efficient. ITEX 440 helps you in identifying those four typologies described by Welch or any other typology suiting your company. ITEX 440 helps you identify the “let-go” people inside your company who can’t improve their performance in time. Budgets and time allocated for each evaluation process become optimal and efficient. ITEX 440 doesn’t require investments in the hardware and software infrastructure, only a simple web browser being sufficient. Improves communication inside the organization, offering employees the possibility to provide objective feedback;
The advantages of using ITEX 440: It facilitates the evaluation processes and projects: printed documents are no longer necessary, all information is recorded in the database being available ubiquitously, reports are generated automatically; Since the most valuable asset of a company are its clients, the evaluations made by them or by the business partners have a greater importance. ITEX 440 enables you to see how client-oriented are your employees, from the source itself; With the help of ITEX 440 you can evaluate employees in accordance with some scenarios and indicators adapted to the organizational environment and culture of each company; the information you have access to Offers real feedback over the quality of recruitment processes and selected candidates, through their subsequent evaluation.
The advantages of using ITEX 440: ITEX 440 helps you identify, for each professional role inside the company, the people that are most suitable and motivated to assume it by defining the matching coefficient; ITEx 440 helps you strategicallyplan processes involving professional and personal development of each employee or that involving learning/training and establishing the human resources necessary; Our application is a valuable instrument in establishing contingent forms of remuneration (determination of wage and benefits packages),starting from the most relevant indicator :employee’s performances! With the help of ITEX 440 you can keep performance records of employees and groups of employees, offering relevant information about the future; ITEX 440 is a safe, stabile and secure application.The information inserted in the database is encrypted and then decrypted using special keys, unique for each client, making the access to information impossible for any unauthorized person.
ITEX 440 functionalities: ITEX 440 is structured in two functional areas, both sustained by specific reports: • The area in which the evaluation projects are administered, accessible to the application administrator, in which the data are inserted and the necessary settings for an evaluation project are made; • The area of the evaluations, dedicated to employees and external evaluators (clients, partners, suppliers), in which they answer the questionnaire and have access to evaluations that concern them. ITEX 440 offers the possibility of data import as well as inserting them into the application directly. Here are the most important functionalities: • Managing employees, external clients, roles inside the organization (jobs) and the organizational charts; • Managing questionnaires/evaluation grids, specific indicators and questions; • Managing evaluation projects; • Changing predefined settings in the system. Fig. 1 Lista angajatilor introdusi in aplicatie
Examples of functionalities: • ITEX 440 records the organizational architecture, employees and their roles, establishing the evaluated-evaluators relationship; Fig. 1 List of employees inserted in the application
Examples of functionalities: • ITEX 440 can insert in the evaluators role people outside the company or group (internal and external clients, suppliers, partners): Fig. 2 – List of external clients with the role of evaluator
Examples of functionalities: • ITEX 440keeps the record and does the management of performance indicators and of afferent questions from the questionnaire or grid and configures the evaluation questionnaire/grid; Fig. 3 – Management of performance indicators
Examples of functionalities: • ITEX 440 offers the possibility of recording answers for employees depending on the score obtained at the end of the evaluation process: Fig. 4 – Set of predefined answers
Examples of functionalities: • ITEX 440 offers the possibility of weighting the evaluators in the evaluation process (for example: direct manager – 20% from total score obtained in evaluation, auto evaluation – 10%, external client’s evaluation – 40%,second level manager -20%, colleagues -10%): Fig. 5 – Inserting evaluators power percentage in the final evaluation
Examples of functionalities: • ITEX 440 offers the possibility of setting optimum values for each evaluation indicator: Fig. 6 – Inserting optimum value optima per role
Examples of functionalities: • ITEX 440 optimizes communication ways, by offering the possibility of sending emails to employees or groups: Fig. 7 – Sending messages as emails
Examples of functionalities: • Evaluation of every role inside the organization chart, in accordance to the relationship “Evaluator – Evaluated” set inside the application:
Reports generated with ITEX 440: ITEX 440 offers you a great number of reports which are very relevant in managerial practice, both in the administration area, as well as in the one of evaluation: • Reports concerning inserted data or the status of the evaluation activities: sections, questions, indicators report and the report concerning all evaluation projects managed with ITEX 440. • Reports on evaluation per project, which can be individual (every employee’s evaluation) or by group. • Comparative reports(comparisons between employees, groups or between evaluations over a period of time), which supports decision making, presenting a broader image over individual performances or non-performances, in group or organization. In order to correctly instrument managerial decisions, the reports delivered by ITEX 440 should be correlated with data obtained from other areas of human resources management (wages, motivation, organizational diagnosis, employee satisfaction).
Reports examples: The Top/ Worst Performers report will indicate a top of the highest and lowest scores obtained in the company’s evaluation project. It is an essential report in planning training activities and making decisions concerning employees cost-cutting. Fig. 8 – Generating Top/ Worst Performers report
Reports examples: The individual report is the one that presents the scores obtained by each employee and the matching between him/her and his/her role inside the company (balance scorecard) (see the percentage written in red): Fig. 9 – Example of individual report
Reports examples: Comparative reports have the role of correctly instrumenting managerial decisions, placing in a more wider context individual performances. There can be made historical comparisons (between two evaluations made in different time periods), per employee: Fig. 10 – Comparative report between two evaluations of the same employee in different time periods
Licensing and contact data: ITEX 440 is an application developed as a SaaS. There are two ways in which a company can acquire ITEX 440: • ITEX 440 Myself – which offers the possibility of acquiring access for you company on a period corresponding to the evaluation process, being able to administer it, inserting data inside the system and setting available options, all of this being made by a Manager designated by your company. • ITEX 440 You and Us – in which a440 Consultant will be available 100% of the time, doing all the configuration and administration part as well as reporting.
Thank you! For more details email: sales@itex440.com tel: +4 021 252 40 75. Web: www.itex.ro www.itex440.com ITEX 440 – More than 360°