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Chemical Reaction Balancer for Equilibrium Calculations

Balance chemical reactions with species on each side. Swap basis species to balance equations automatically. Calculate equilibrium constants at various temperatures. Model equilibrium in brine with specialized reactions.

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Chemical Reaction Balancer for Equilibrium Calculations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Balance chemical reactions. Start by choosing a species to appear on the left side of the reaction. Rxn will automatically add its default set of species. Move to the Results pane. Rxn writes a reaction with Pyrite on the left side, balanced by the default basis species

  2. Recast the reaction by performing basis swaps. Click to swap out an entry, then choose a species to replace it Fe(OH)3(ppd) has been swapped in for Fe++ O2(g) swapped in for O2(aq) The reaction is automatically rebalanced in terms of a ferric iron mineral and O2(g).

  3. Rxn can calculate equilibrium constants at any temperature Log Ks for the above reaction at the principal temperatures Log K at the specified temperature

  4. You can use Rxn to calculate equilibrium lines, such as those appearing on activity diagrams. Start by balancing the reaction Constrain the activity of species in the reaction. Choose pH and Eh units Set temperature

  5. Click to expand output Equation for equilibrium line is written in terms of Eh and pH

  6. You can use Rxn to calculate the temperature at which a reaction is in equilibrium. Set the water activity to model equilibrium in a brine. Reaction for the dehydration of gypsum Do not set temperature

  7. Anhydrite, a dehydrated mineral, is the stable phase above 11.8°C in the brine.

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