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Hajj 2022 Platinum #1 Makkah 1st

5 Star hotels<br>Duration: 15 days<br>Departure: 3rd July 2022<br>Return/Arrival: 17th July 2022<br>Makkah Hotel: Hilton Convention Center (Near the Haram)<br>Madinah Hotel: Movenpick Anwar Al-Madinah (1 Minute Away from Haram)<br>Ziyarahs in Madinah<br>Price<br>4 in a Room: $13,500<br>3 in a Room: $14,500<br>2 in a Room: $15,500<br>Departure & Return Location<br>Air Flights from NY, LAX, SFO, CHI, IAH, IAD, SEA<br><br>Package Dates<br>Departure: 3 July 2022<br>Arrival: 17 July 2022

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Hajj 2022 Platinum #1 Makkah 1st

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sara International Travels US Explore Our Best Hajj Package – July 2022

  2. Sara Interntional Travels US presents Best Hajj Package – July 2022

  3. Price per Person: $13500 per person 5 Star hotels Duration: 15 days Departure: 3rd July 2022 Return/Arrival: 17th July 2022 Makkah Hotel: Hilton Convention Center (Near the Haram) Madinah Hotel: Movenpick Anwar Al- Madinah (1 Minute Away from Haram) Ziyarahs in Madinah HAJJ PACKAGE DETAILS

  4. Breakfast and dinner buffets are provided in Makkah and Madinah hotels Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided during the days of Hajj Dedicated to Sara Travel Medical Assistance by the medical team Ground staff of locals assisting you throughout the trip Over 5 Hajj seminars online/in-person, PDFs, and a personalized guidebook Ground Transport via private Bus 24/7 On-Call Support (Local & SIT Staff) Scholarly Guidance and Mentorship Premium tents in Mina in NA Tent Ministry of Hajj buses during Hajj HAJJ PACKAGE DETAILS

  5. SARA TRAVEL EXCLUSIVES & GIFTS PRICE Complimentary Items: Ihram, Musallah, and other items Educational training and books before you depart Exclusive WhatsApp group Personalized ID badges 4 in a Room: $13,500 3 in a Room: $14,500 2 in a Room: $15,500

  6. CONTACT US info@sarainternationaltravel.com

  7. THANK YOU Y O U R H A J J 2 0 2 2 E X P E R I E N C E B E G I N S H E R E www.sarainternationaltravel.com

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