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Happiness is your state of mind

Happiness is your state of mind

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Happiness is your state of mind

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  1. Happiness is your state of mind. Choose it every day! You heard it right, happiness is a state of mind, and you can choose to be happy. Yes, happiness is a choice, and you can choose it every day. People often spend their entire lifetime in search of peace, tranquillity and happiness, but they still fail. Why? The reason is they look for happiness in things that are just temporary like money, power or fame. While these things give some happiness to start with, they can't be a lifelong source of eternal happiness and peace. However, when you start to look within and your surroundings you can pretty well attain happiness that is long-lasting and fulfilling. Happiness can be found in many things in daily lives, and it is not rocket science to master. In fact, happiness is a choice, that you make deliberately, to attain your own nirvana. As the famous quote says: all the happiness you are seeking lies with you, all you need to do is explore within yourself and find your happiness. But simply knowing that happiness is a choice is not enough, you should consciously choose happiness every day. Yes, there are a lot of reasons to be unhappy, but there are an equal number of reasons to be happy as well. There will always be a point that you will be extremely unhappy. But that point not define your entire criteria of happiness. You have to make a choice to let go of the pain and let go of the past and work towards improving your happiness. How to choose happiness? Okay, now we understand that happiness is a choice and that we need to choose it every day, take decisions to make ourselves happy and develop new routines to manifest happiness, let us see how to choose happiness? Here are 10 things to follow to make yourself happy: 1.Let go of the resentment and anger that you are holding onto. Resentment, grudge and anger are the things that kill your happiness and destroy your present state of being. So there is no reason to hold them as it is like a poison that will eat you up! Once you decide to let it go, you lose all the bitterness and allow happiness to come into your life. 2.Choose to forgive people, not for anyone else but yourself foremost. When you do that, you become free of all the pain that you have been withholding in your life. And eventually, become happy. 3.Love yourself and focus on building a relationship with yourself. It means that you listen to your needs, desires and wants. And then work upon attaining them. As you attend to your needs and wants, you become more self-aware of your inner self and ultimately become happier. 4.Work on your mental and physical health. When you are not healthy, you can never be happy. So focus on building physical health, and work upon your mental and emotional health as well. Try to spend some quality me-time with yourself to reflect upon your life and think through your conflicts. And as you start doing this as a habit you start healing emotionally and you become emotionally healthy and mentally strong. 5.Try to be empathetic to people around you and help people around. Also, understand the difference between empathy, sympathy and compassion. Once you clearly understand the difference between all the three, you become better at empathizing with people, helping them out and focusing on a better cause. It also means that you

  2. will attach some meaning to life that will give you eternal satisfaction. And when you attach some purpose in life like helping the needy and for the upliftment of society, you work towards becoming a better version of yourself and become eternally happy. 6.Focus on yourself and learn to say no. It will make you attend to your needs and focus on what you want to invest time in rather than pleasing people around. Also this way you will put yourself first before others and therefore work on your happiness. 7.Do things that you like the most. If you like to dance, take some time to dance. If you like travelling, make sure you give yourself enough time to travel. If you like to go to coffee shops, sit and read a book, do that! Nothing should stop you from doing your favourite things. Once you indulge in things you love to do, you will become happier. 8.Do not relate money with happiness. Money cannot buy happiness. Yes, money is important only to a certain extent, it cannot be the basis of your happiness. Rich people often look for happiness. It means happiness is nowhere related to money beyond a point. So delinking both the things will give you the right perspective to seek happiness beyond money and materialistic things. 9.Do not compare yourself to others. When you compare yourself to others, you tell yourself that you are not good enough and it makes you unhappy. In fact, you should focus on your strengths and work upon them. Doing so will make you become a strong and positive personality. And it will eventually make you happy. So stop comparing yourself to others and make yourself happy. 10.Have a good social support system and invest in making friends who lift you up. Having a social circle that is your support system, and friends who can share your life with, certainly makes you happy. So, these are 10 tips to choose happiness every day. As they say that happiness is a choice, and you should choose it every day! Here is a very beautiful resource you can read: happiness is a choice and how to choose is every day.

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