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Stop comparing to others

Stop comparing to others

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Stop comparing to others

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  1. Stop comparing to others- Do these five things instead! We all have this habit of comparing ourselves to others, especially in today's world, where everyone shows their best versions on social media. However, many of us try not to compare and compete but sometimes it is impossible to avoid comparing ourselves to others. You may often find yourself making statements such as "I wish I had that kind of money to holiday every day, or I wish I could live in Alberni street downtown Vancouver." This thing is often unconscious, but we can train our brains to stop comparing ourselves to others. And it is essential to prepare ourselves to stop comparing. When we do that, we motivate ourselves to be a better version while avoiding negative thoughts when we indulge in comparisons. Yes, too much comparison leads to negative thoughts, unhappiness, and eventually to low self-esteem. And then you realize that you become frustrated because you feel that you are not good enough. So how to stop comparing yourself to others? To break this habit of making comparisons, you should focus on improving yourself and boosting your confidence. It would help if you reminded yourself to stop making unfavorable and unfair comparisons. So how to go about it? Here are a few things you should do to take the initiative and stop comparing yourself to others. 1.Understand what your triggers are, and then avoid those triggers. Trust me; this works very well. The first step is to list down what makes you feel low and puts you into the comparison mode. What is it that makes you cynical and puts your self-esteem down? It is not just social media; it can also be other situations and people. Try to find the people who try to put you down, intimidate you, or make you feel inadequate. When you realize this, you can take steps to avoid such situations and people. 2.Avoid spending too much time on social media, as most comparisons start from social media. The main purpose of social media is to keep in touch with friends and family, express your opinion and personality, and even be updated on recent events. But it can soon become a competition with people flaunting the best part of their lives. So, do it in moderation. When you consume too much beauty and lifestyle content from those Instagram models, it reduces your self-worth. So, the first step is to unfollow people who make you go into a comparison zone. 3.Always remember people always flaunt the best aspect of their lives, be it financial, personal, emotional, or physical. You may come across people who seem to be the happiest of all and who fault the most extravagant lifestyle, but you don't know what the reality is. So, you start to make comparisons based on what you see and not on what is happening behind the scenes. You have to remember that everyone has their own struggles. You may not be financially very stable, but you may be the luckiest of all in your relationship dynamics. And you never know if your friend who flaunts the luxury lifestyle is jealous of your relationship status of the things. So, stop comparing yourself to others financially, as money doesn't buy permanent happiness. It can buy people temporary joy but not long-term or eternal bliss.

  2. 4.Another thing to break this habit of making a comparison is to count on your blessings. Once you start to count your blessings, you will feel abundant and feel grateful for what you have in life. You may wish to buy things that others have, but when you count on your blessings, you will realize that others wish to have a lifestyle that you are leading. 5.And the last tip to break this habit of making comparisons is to use comparison as a tool of motivation that has the power to keep you going. So, instead of getting envious of others' achievements or wealth, focus on how they amassed these things and then take steps to achieve them. When you get inspired rather than being jealous, you become a better person. So these are the top 5 things that will help you break this habit of making comparisons.

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