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Evangelism Four The Letter. By Pastor Dan Domke. Topography of Faith. Topography of Faith . USATODAY.com - Topography of Faith. Topography of Faith. The Gospel Outline . The Gospel Out Line. Diagnostic Questions . Bridge 1. Heaven is God’s free gift to man.
Evangelism FourThe Letter By Pastor Dan Domke
Topography of Faith Topography of Faith • USATODAY.com - Topography of Faith
The Gospel Outline The Gospel Out Line Diagnostic Questions Bridge 1. Heaven is God’s free gift to man. 2. It is neither earned nor deserved. Have you come to the place in your spiritual life where if you were to die tonight, you would know for certain that you would go to heaven? 2. Suppose that you were to die tonight and stand before God and He were to say to you, “Why should I let you into my heaven,” what would you tell Him? THE MESSAGE A. MAN 1. Is a sinner 2. Is spiritually dead 3. Is unable to save himself
The Gospel Outline THE MESSAGE B. God 1. Is just - and must punish sin 2. Is merciful 2. Is He who lived and died and rose for us, to forgive us our sins and give us new life with Him now and hereafter in eternity. THE MESSAGE C. Christ 1. Is all powerful, all knowing, ever present God-man D. Faith Is more than mere intellectual assent or temporal faith Is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation 3. Is created in the heart by the Spirit through the Word
The Gospel Outline THE RESPONSE USING TWO QUESTIONS TO GET INTO THE GOSPEL A. The qualifying question: “Have I made myself clear to you?” B. The response: Question or Statement. C. The clarification of response. D. The prayer of thanks. E. The close 1. Have you come to the point in your spiritual life where if you were to die tonight you would know for certain that you would to go heaven? 2. If you were to die tonight and God were to say, “Why should I let you into My heaven?” What would you say?
The Gospel Outline SITUATION QUESTION IQUESTION II A Not sure Works B Not sure Grace C Sure Works D Sure Grace E I don’t know F I Wouldn’t Be That Presumptuous G I’m an Atheist, I Don’t Believe in God H I Don’t Believe in Heaven
Situation A “Not sure - Works” PD: Mary, may I ask you a question? Have you come to the point in your spiritual life, etc. Mary: No, I’m not really sure. I don’t really think anybody can be sure. PD: Mary, I have good news for you tonight, I can share with you that you can be sure and I’d like to do that. Would you let me? Mary: Sure PD: Before I do that, Mary, let me ask you another Question, O.K.? If you were to die tonight and stand before God, etc. Mary: Well, I suppose all I could tell Him was that I had tried my very best, etc. PD: Mary, when I came here tonight I knew that I had good news for you. Now that I have heard your answer to that second question, I really know that I have good news. You see, Mary, heaven doesn’t depend at all on what we do, because heaven is a free gift. It is neither earned nor deserved.
Situation B “Not sure - Grace” PD: Mary, may I ask you a question? Have you come to the point in your spiritual life, etc. Mary: I’m not sure. PD: May I share with you how you can be sure? Mary: Yes. PD: Before I do so Mary, could I ask you another question? If you were to die tonight and stand before God etc. Mary: I guess I would have to say that if God let me in, it would simply be because of His goodness. I certainly haven’t done anything to deserve it. PD: Mary, that’s the good news that I have come to share with you tonight. Heaven doesn’t depend at all on what we do. It does depend on God’s goodness. Heaven is a free gift which is neither earned nor deserved.
Situation C “Sure - Works” PD: Mary, may I ask you a question? Have you come to the point in your spiritual life, etc. Mary: Yes, I’m absolutely sure. There’s no doubt in my mind. I know I would go to heaven, etc. PD: Mary, that is really good news. I’m so happy to hear that. As a matter of fact, I don’t hear it very often. Isn’t it wonderful that we can sit here how and share the assurance we have of our relationship with Jesus and our certainty of heaven? Before we do that, however, let me ask you another question, O.K.? Mary: Sure.
Situation C, cont’ PD: Mary, if you were to die tonight and stand before God, etc. Mary: Well I’d tell Him that I certainly have done the best I could. I have taught Sunday school, etc. PD: I can understand how you feel about all of those things. They are indeed commendable. However, I must share with you that God in His Word informs us that what we do really has nothing to do with our certainty of heaven. You see, Mary, God in His Word says that heaven is a free gift. It is neither earned nor deserved. (There are other ways of handling this. You might, by personal testimony, assure Mary that you too would like to think that you have something to offer in terms of your relationship with God and your certainty of heaven. However, you have come to discover that works just won’t do the job.)
SITUATION D “Sure - Grace” PD: Mary, may I ask you a question? Have you come to the point in your spiritual life, etc. Mary: Yes, I’m absolutely certain that if I were to die tonight I would be with God in heaven. No question about it. PD: Mary, that’s really fantastic, and I thank God that we can sit here now to spend the next few minutes sharing with each other how we might be so sure of heaven and our continuing beautiful relationship here and in eternity as God’s children. May I do that? Mary: Sure. PD: Mary, before I do that may I ask you another question? If you were to die tonight and stand before God, etc. Mary: I would simply say that Jesus is my Savior who died for me, paid for all of my sins, and assures me of new relationships with God forever and ever. PD: Mary, that is really great to hear. Now we can truly rejoice as we share together the Good News that heaven is a free gift which is neither earned nor deserved.
SITUATION E “I don’t know” (There are three ways to handle the “I Don’t Know” answer) 1. What do you think you would say? 2. What has been the position of the Christian Church down through the ages in relation to this question? 3. Let me share with you what the Christian Church down through the ages has said…
SITUATION F “I wouldn’t be that presumptuous” (This is really a works answer, and would indicate that a person is relying on something other than the great grace of God.) Accordingly when question 1 is answered with a nonpresumptuous attitude, a good answer is, “that’s precisely the truth!” We cannot presume on such certainty except by God’s grace. It is His love and mercy alone which gives us that certainty - and nothing we ourselves can do.)
SITUATION G “I’m an Atheist, I don’t believe in God” (You have already blown it! You should not ask the question, if you have not earned the right to do so. If we discover that a person has no belief in God, we will ask the question, how do you believe that man gets right with his fellow men?” Of course, we know that he can get right with his fellow man only after he is right with God. We will seek an opportunity to share that with the callee, by way of testimony.)
SITUATION H (You’ve already blown it! You shouldn’t have asked the question, if you have not earned the right to do so. In situations such as this we switch the entire questioning process to something like this: What have you discovered to be the most important thing in your life?” After the person shares and we have opportunity to affirm, we will ask this question: “May I share with you some of the things that I have discovered to be very important to me?” At that point we will seek to get into a Gospel presentation, again by way of personal testimony and the Gospel outline
Choosing a real person… In preparing to witness or evangelize Christians often conjure in their minds a mythical person – there are, however, no mythical people. Now give some thought about a real person. Heavenly Father, lead me to the person You wish me to write to or speak to. In Jesus Name. Amen! Write their name on the line and keep it to yourself.
Building the strategy Ask the important questions…. Ask yourself…. Does not know the Lord Jesus Christ or, Does not care about the fellowship of the church. A Christian who is hurting. A person who faces difficulties in life. What does this person say about God and Religion? How do you think this person really feels about God and the Church? What do you think this person is afraid of? Is this person aware of anything missing in his or her life? Take 5 minutes to begin thinking about this and use the notes space to record your thoughts.
Communicating the Gospel Consider the following Alone, Think of a time when you felt close to the Lord…or about a time or event that has influenced your life with the Lord. Write down a few notes about it…how it effected and perhaps continues to effect you. Writes notes to the right….
Communicating the Gospel Consider the following Alone, Think of a person or some people who have had a spiritual influence o your life...write down their names—and a few notes about their influence on your life with the Lord till now. Writes notes to the right….
Communicating the Gospel Consider the following Alone, Out of all the Scriptures, which passages (s) or section is a favorite of yours? Why? What does it say to you? Write down a few thoughts about it. Writes notes to the right….
The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Heaven Hope Fulfillment Acceptance and Love Peace Contentment God The Benefits of the Gospel!
Chalk Talk The Pains of life! Hell
Chalk Talk Please turn to --Psalm 8:3-5 1. We believe in God. He made us and everything belongs to Him. Father Is Not Is Not God Holy Spirit Son Is Not
Chalk Talk The Circle represents a person one of God’s Creatures.
Chalk Talk Please read Matthew 22:35-40 The book represents the fact that God knows how each individual lives, and keeps a record of man’s love or lack of it. Man’s basic separation from God shows itself in thought, word and deed.
Two Hearts What kind of kind of heart do you have? Ezekiel 36:26-27 A stone heart is a symbol of a depraved heart, a heart hardened against the Lord.
Chalk Talk S Matthew 15: 18-19 S S O.S. represents original sin – that basic self-centeredness and lack of trust in God, that is the motivation for all sinful action. The S’s represent the actual sins of the individual. Their sinful thoughts, words and deeds – sins of omission and commission. Sin O.S. S S S S
Chalk Talk 2 Corinthians 5:10 The right side of the book is a record of sin, the left side is a record of love. This division becomes helpful in a description of what forgiveness means.
Chalk Talk Matthew 25:41-46 Hell represents the suffering, now and in the hereafter, which the sinner bring upon himself. The words above “hell” describe some of the suffering the sinner brings upon himself in this life. They are the symptoms of sin, “pain of life.” They are real!
Chalk Talk John 3:16 The cross represents the death and resurrection of Jesus, sent by God out of love for man. Note, He does not love us because we are so lovable, but because He is gracious.
Chalk Talk 2 Corinthians 5:19 Each “Circle” represents one “package of forgiveness” earned by Christ for everyone who has ever lived upon the earth.
Chalk Talk Romans 10: 14-17 The circle and the arrow represent the message of the cross to the individual – the Words and Sacraments – The Means of Grace. It is the message of God coming to us, calling us to Himself, loving us, having mercy on us, identifying with us through Jesus Christ our Savior.
Chalk Talk H. S. I Corinthians 12:3 The H.S. represents the Holy Spirit who comes through the Gospel in Word and Sacrament to work saving faith. He applies God’s grace, Christ’s forgiveness to our lives. He creates and sustains us in the one true faith and in a new life with the Lord.
Chalk Talk Ephesians 2:4-10 The lower portion of the circle represents faith, always imperfect and partial. Forgiveness is full and perfect but faith, trust, believing God’s promises grows more firm and sure as we walk with the Lord in daily life, use His Word and Sacraments and service others. Faith
Chalk Talk 2 Corinthians 5:21 Sin When forgiveness is applied, sin is erased and the acts of love of Jesus Christ are applied to the individual. That’s what forgiveness means, a perfect record before God in heaven. In God’s eyes, Christ’s perfect record is applied to the person. This gift of God changes our attitude and the way we live with our fellowmen. It is the motivation for all Christian service and witness. Love X
Chalk Talk Heaven Matthew 25:31-34 The Word Heaven represents the fact that the believer now forgiven receives blessings both in this life and the life to come. The word “Heaven” describe some of the blessings the Christian receives in this life. They are foretastes and glimpses of God’s eternal gifts yet to come.
The GATY Communicating “The Gospel According to You” • This is another part of the “building block” to prepare to communicate the Gospel to the friend your thinking about. • 1. Consider: If that “special friend” gave you an opportunity, or if you wrote him/her a letter…what would you say to help him/her see what the gospel of Christ offers?
The GATY Communicating “The Gospel According to You” • a. Remember what you have leared in the previous slides. • b. Consider thinking in terms of a “spiritual biography” or journey with the Lord to tell or write of what Christ means for you and your salvation. • 1. Consider: If that “special friend” gave you an opportunity, or if you wrote him/her a letter…what would you say to help him/her see what the gospel of Christ offers?
The GATY Communicating “The Gospel According to You” • c. Consider the use of some of the ‘key words’ of the Christian faith that may be helpful, …words like sin, peace, hope, freed, mercy, grace, and forgiven. • 1. Consider: If that “special friend” gave you an opportunity, or if you wrote him/her a letter…what would you say to help him/her see what the gospel of Christ offers?
The GATY Perfect Goodness Failure Sin Jesus US
The Letter Spend the next few minutes, praying and think about what you would like to say to the person your writing . Build on the previous discussions. Your communication of the Gospel might well contain aspects of the following outline.
The Letter Your own personal witness, how the Lord has been in your life. Key events and /or people that the Lord used to influence you or helped your faith in Christ begin and grow. Include a message about sin. Include the content of the Gospel. An application or declarative statement so your friend knows Christ has forgiven the person you are writing.
The Letter Without revealing who you have written, would care to read your letter?