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art 257 :: motion graphic design

Explore the theme of motion graphics through an introductory assignment using simple geometric shapes to convey visual messages in a 10-second Flash animation. Get ready to animate and learn the fundamentals of motion design.

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art 257 :: motion graphic design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. art 257 :: motion graphic design week 1 :: a

  2. INSTRUCTOART Matthew Vescovo - "Master of the Obvious”http://www.instructoart.com Online examples: http://www.boardsmag.com/articles/online/20030827/mtv.html Hornet Inc. http://www.hornetinc.com :: in-class example

  3. :: introduction • intro to the course • game plan for the semester • overview of the syllabus • weekly and bi-weekly assignments • two major projects (mid-term and final) • game plan for the semester • homework

  4. :: game plan • A and B Days • 1 on 1 meetings every week • Critiques • Critiquing both the presenter and the critic • “Post mortem” sessions • Teaching Assignment • 15 minute lesson

  5. :: homework due next tuesday :: 8.30.05 • No homework for thursday – come to class ready to animate • You may want to play around with Flash to get ready. • 10 second “black square problem”* flash animation • purpose/objective: To solve a time-based design problem using simple geographic shapes in order to communicate a thematic visual message. • assignment: Using only black squares create a 10 second flash animation that conveys one of the following themes: order, increase, bold, congested, tension, or playful. Pick one and. • format: 320x240, 30 frames per second, rendered in two different formats: • flash .swf • quicktime .mov *assignment adapted from Visual Literacy: A Conceptual Approach to Graphic Problem Solving by Judith Wilde, Richard Wilde

  6. :: post mortem • How smoothly did today’s class run? • What slowed us down? • What did we skip over? • How can we be more efficient in the future?

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