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Virtual Environments in Communication and Rehabilitation. Ileana Hamburg, I.A.T, Gelsenkirchen, Germany Adina Ionescu, The Romanian Foundation for Quality Promotion & “Octav Onicescu” National College, Bucharest, Romania. Collaborative virtual learning environments (CVE).
Virtual Environments in Communication and Rehabilitation Ileana Hamburg, I.A.T, Gelsenkirchen, Germany Adina Ionescu, The Romanian Foundation for Quality Promotion & “Octav Onicescu” National College, Bucharest, Romania
Collaborative virtual learning environments (CVE) • CVE :computer-based distributed environments where people can meet and interact with others; • CVE : are used for collaboration and interaction of possibly many participants situated at big distances one by another; • Multimedia and virtual learning environments (VE) are used in the teaching process, for people with or without disabilities; • VE encourages users to active participation and give them some control on learning process; • Examples of CVE: 3D games and online simulations, virtual learning platforms, the use of the individual avatar.
Examples of European projects • The Leonardo da Vinci Partnership: “Bringing new approaches to vocational education and education period of autistic children in Turkey and European Countries” • Some objectives of the partnership: • to exchange experience and practices in rehabilitation and learning of autistic children in Europe • to improve skills and competences of people with autism by using new methods and technologies • to improve the knowledge of trainers and parents of autistic children about new rehabilitation’s modalities - to contribute to the introducing of innovative methods in rehabilitation of autistic children in Europe.
VR in rehabilitation of autistic people • VR is a safe environment, less threatening than face-to-face communication in real world. Avatars with facial expressions can help people with autism to build their self-awareness. • The users with autism can share their own feelings states with other by using the avatar representation of emotions. • VR technology could promote the mental simulation of social events, stimulating participants to practice behaviours in role-play situations, determining them to have a more flexible approach to social problem solving. • VR supports autistic children to develop their communication and socialization skills and to interact with the real world.
VR in the training process • Comenius in-service training activities for staff involved in school education (www.anpcdefp.ro) • “EURODIDAWEB” training course, “Europa Club” Association, University “La Sapienza” from Rome, 22/10/2007-26/10/2007 • “Multimedia Based Presentations”, “European Initiative for Education” Association, 15/11/2008-19/11/2008 - http://adinasite.angelfire.com
Comenius in-service training activities • Creating E-learning courses – Hands-on Tools and Practical Tips, “Acrosslimits Ltd” organization, Malta, April 2010 • The main objectives of the training course: • To make participants familiars with realization of an E-learning course, with the use of the avatars, simulation and games, on-line assessment and different virtual classroom applications like Dimdim, ooVoo, WiZiQ, Hot Potatoes. • To explain to the participants how to blend traditional and on-line courses, how to transfer course materials in on-line modules, creating a virtual educational community. - To disseminate the results obtained by the participants in previous E-learning projects and to make contacts on theme of common interest, in order to develop new European projects with the L.L.P Programme.
CREATECH – A New Grundtvig project • “Creativity – New Technology in Intercultural/Multilingual Education”, Grundtvig Partnership, 2009-2011 • Partners: - The Association “Europa Club”, Rome, Italy • The Romanian Foundation for Quality Promotion, Romania • Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus • The Association “European Initiative for Education”, Wiener-Neustadt, Austria • Centre for School and Vocational Orientation, Egaleo, Greece - Secondary Vocational School “Andras Fay Blszszk”, Batonyterenye, Hungary.
CREATECH – A New Grundtvig project • Objectives: • To stimulate the creativity and language learning through the modern information and communication technology • To realize an intercultural exchange by ICT • To organize intercultural activities having the aim to increase the social integration of different disadvantaged groups (e. g. emigrants) • To strength the conscious of social cohesion, of the active local and European citizenship, of the intercultural dialog, of the equality between man and women, of the tradition respect, of the historical values of a people. • To create a virtual learning environment, discussion forums between learners from different countries. • To pay attention to some vulnerable social groups and to organize for them activities of: - computer’s use for obtaining multimedia products - language learning (interviews with emigrants, creative writing).