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Best Cancer Hospitals in India this article explain about best cancer hospitals all over India. There are some world-renowned medical centers that offer the best acute myclogenous leukemia treatment and treatment for almost all types of cancers. Consider the facilities at the clinic to see whether all medical services are available under one roof or you may have to go elsewhere for tests. Take into account the cost of treatment also.
BEST CANCER HOSPITAL ININDIA BEST CANCER HOSPITAL ININDIA Cancer is a life-threatening disease if the treatment is delayed or if best treatment is not provided. This article includes some of the best cancer hospitals in India; we tried to cover hospitals in major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, and Kolkata. This articlealsocoverssomeofthegovernmentfundedhospitalsandprivatetrusthospitals. BEST CANCER HOSPITAL INMUMBAI Mumbai is renowned for its advanced medical care. It has some of the best multi-specialty hospitals and very renowned doctors practicing here. People across the country come here for varioustreatmentsand itisverypopularforcancertreatmentinIndia.Someofthetopcancer hospitals were found in thiscity. There aremany cancerhospitalsinMumbaithatofferfreecancertreatmenttopeopleinneed who cannot afford the treatment. Some of the cancer hospitals also offer medication and diagnosis at the subsidyrate. TATA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (GOVERNMENTHOSPITAL)
This is a government hospital in Mumbai, which is a pioneer in the treatment of cancer. Ittreats about a third of the country’s cancer patients. It is one of the leading cancer hospitals in India that provides world-class treatment, preventive care, education and cancer research. This Mumbai cancer hospital provides free primary care to patients who can not afford cancer. This hospital is among best cancerhospitals. Main Features: It is a 600-bed hospital with37 intensive care beds and 25 operating rooms. Itprovidesfreetreatmenttonearly70%ofpatients. Address: Tata Memorial Hospital, Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai, India – 400012 HINDUJA NATIONALHOSPITAL The P.D. Hinduja National Hospital is a state-of-the-art 402-bed hospital with a specialized oncology service for the treatment of cancer in India. International standards are followed when conducting all types of cancer surgeries in well-equipped operating rooms. It is a leading hospital in India that provides quality health care and treatment to its patients. The medical oncology unit offers psychosocial support and rehabilitation services. Treatment for all pediatric and adult cancers will beprovided. Important Features: latest 3D-CRT and IMRT system is present with Radiation OncologyUnit. A tumor counseling meeting helps patients gain the expertise of the entire oncology team. Larynx preservation of surgeries areperformed. Address: P. D. Hinduja National Hospital, Veer Savarkar Marg, Mahim, Mumbai, India –400016 KOKILABEN DHIRUBHAI AMBANI HOSPITAL AND INSTITUTE OF MEDICALRESEARCH The hospital and Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Medical Research Institute raises the bar in health care by focusing on excellence in research activities, diagnostic facilities and clinical services. The main strengths of this hospital are dedicated and cutting-edge technology, experienced physicians, state-of-the-art infrastructure and commitment that make it one ofthe best cancer treatment hospitals in India. The hospital have 750 beds in 17 floors and acquired thebestfacilitiesforcancertreatmentinMumbai. Main Features:
EDGETM,apowerfultoolforstereotacticradiosurgeryusedforthetreatmentof cancer. Novalis Tx, Trilogy for Radiosurgery and Radiation respectively. There are 180 intensive carebeds Address: Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital & Medical Research Institute, Rao Saheb Achutrao, Patwardhan Marg, Four Bungalows, Andheri (W), Mumbai, India –400053 BEST CANCER HOSPITAL INDELHI Delhi, the national capital has some of the best cancer treatment centers. Cancer treatment can be quite expensive, but there are few cancer hospitals in Delhi that receive government assistance, which helps a lot of people who can not afford this treatment. The Cancer Hospital in Delhi provides world-class treatment at a very affordableprice. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES AIIMS (GOVERNMENTHOSPITAL) AttheInstituteofMedicalSciencesofIndia,inNewDelhi,thereisaseparate specializedcenter that provides cancer treatment, the Dr. B. R. Rotary Cancer Hospital Institute. AIIMS being a government hospital provides cancer treatments in India at much lower rates. This hospital specializes in surgical, medical and radiological treatments for cancer. It is one of the few hospitals in the country offering a hematopoietic bone marrow transplant program. AIIMS is one of the best cancer hospital in India to provide a stem cell transplant program that even includes treatment for the myocardialschema. Main Features: It uses FISH and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to prognosis cancer patients. The hospital acquired withthe best radiotherapy and radio diagnostic machines. A screeningprogramhasbeenlaunchedatthehospitaltodetect canceratanearlystage. Address: IRCH, AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar East, New Delhi, India –110029 MAX HEALTHCARE,DELHI Max Healthcare group has 14 hospitals in the National Capital Region of Delhi and surrounding states like Uttarakhand, Punjab. The hospital’s oncology department excels in the education, medical and research fields and provides exceptional patient care. Experienced and skilled surgeons provide cost-effective holistic services according to international standards. The Department of Oncology is considered one of the famous cancer centers in India, attracting a considerable number of patients fromabroad
Main Features: State-of-the-art procedures such as bone marrow transplant, IGRT, molecular oncology and HIPEC areavailable. There are dedicated members of the table oftumors Max Hospitals provides personalized and comprehensive cancer care in locations such as Patparganj, Bathinda, Vaishali, Mohali, Saket and ShalimarBagh Address: Max Institute for Cancer Care, 26-A Lajpat Nagar, Ring Road, Delhi, India –1100071 DHARAMSHILAHOSPITAL The DHRC have long been serving cancer patients with comprehensive cancer treatments in India. It has super specialty centers for surgical oncology, medical oncology and radiation oncology, etc. There is powerful and accurate equipment that is used to diagnose and treat cancer.Patientslivingbelowthepovertylinebenefitfromtreatment,freeconsultation, and diagnosis,makingit oneofthebestcancertreatmenthospitalsinIndia. MainFeatures: DharamshilaHospital isthefirsthospitalinNorthIndiatoprovideVMATradiationtechnology. Uses sophisticated technologies to diagnose cancer such as HD CT scanner with LSO Crystal technology, digital mammography, gamma camera,etc. ThefirsthospitaltoinitiateabonemarrowtransplantwithhalfofthematchedHLAdonors. Address: Centre Dharamshala Road, Vasundhara Enclave, Near New Ashok Nagar Metro Station, New Delhi, India-110096 BEST CANCER HOSPITAL INBANGALORE Cancer, which is considered as a life threatening disease and requires specialized treatment and care. Cancer treatments require procedures such as surgery, biological therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiationtherapy. Cancer is becoming a cancer treatment center, while the Bangalore Cancer Hospital has the last treatment and highly experienced doctors under theirauspices. KIDWAI MEMORIAL INSTITUTE OF ONCOLOGY (GOVERNMENTHOSPITAL) Kidwai MemorialInstituteofOncologyisoneofthebestgovt.Hospitalaidedforcancer in India thatprovidesdiagnosesandsophisticatedtreatmentstocancer patients.Accordingtohospital
website, it says that this hospital is next to the Tata Memorial Center in terms of equipment, organization, accommodation, staff and patient turnover. It conducts research and promotes educational programs to bring awareness among people with cancer disease. Italso gives free service topatients who can not afford the treatment. MainFeatures: Anticancer drugs are sold at 40 to 60% cheaper than themarket freetreatmentwillbeprovidedtopoorpeople. Status oftheRegional Cancer CentergrantedbytheGovernmentofIndiain1980 Address: Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Dr. M.H Marigowda Road, Hombegowda Nagar, Bengaluru, India –560029 SRI SHANKARA HOSPITAL AND CANCER RESEARCHCENTER Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital and Research Center is a nonprofit organization founded with the goal of providing affordable cancer treatment in India to all patients, especially to the poor people.It isarenownedoncologyhospitalinIndiathatprovidesfree cancertreatmentstopoor people. This noble gesture is possible thanks to generous donations from the central government, the Karnataka government, individual donors, corporations and foreigndonors. The hospital provides complete treatment in all super-specialties ofcancer. MainFeatures: It’s a 360-bedhospital Providesahealthytreatforalltypesofcancers Well known center for psycho-oncology unit, rehabilitation and speech therapy, physiotherapy, palliative care unit,etc. Address: Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, 1st Cross, Shankara Matt Premises, Shankarapuram, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru Karnataka, India560004 BGS GLENEAGLES GLOBALHOSPITALS BGS Gleneagles Global Hospitals is one of the best cancer hospitals in India to offer comprehensive cancer treatments. The integrated approach is used to treat cancer of different typesofcancers.It aims toprovideworld-classcancertreatmentinIndiaatanaffordableprice with compassion, quality, andinnovation.
MainFeatures: Highly qualified medical oncologists provide advanced cancer management through chemotherapy and stem celltransplantation. The Oncology Department has the most advanced technology and expertise to manage hematological malignancies such as multiple myeloma, acute and chronic leukemia, lymphoma and all solidtumors Address: BGS Gleneagles Global Hospitals, 67, Uttarahalli Road, Fort Kengeri, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India –560060 BEST CANCER HOSPITAL INCHENNAI Chennai is considered the health capital of India and attracts international and national health tourists. Chennai has some of the best hospitals for cancer treatment. Cancer patients prefer to come here because the cost of cancer treatment is low, the waiting period is negligible and hospitals have the latest technology and state-of-the-artinfrastructure. APOLLO CANCERINSTITUTE Apollo Cancer Institute is the first ISO-certified oncology hospital in India that ranks among the top super specialty hospitals in the country. The 300-bed hospital is run by internationally renowned specialists who provide comprehensive cancer treatment in India. This hospital is equipped with the latest equipment and offers treatment of international standards to its patients. There are 41 hospitals located at various locations in India and abroad that are managed by Apollo Group ofHospitals. MainFeatures: Is the first hospital in Southeast Asia to get 64 Slice PET-CT Scan. Itis a pioneer in the implementation of stereotactic radiosurgery. Thishelpstofacilitatethesearchfordonorstoofferatransplant. Address: Apollo Cancer Institute, Chennai, No. 320, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Nandanam, Chennai, India – 600035 INSTITUTE OF CANCER (WIA)ADYAR The Institute of Cancer (WIA) Adyar is one of the most renowned cancer hospitals in India. This hospital of 535 beds has an international and national stature. The hospital provides free accommodation and boarding for 60% of patients. Comprehensive cancer treatment isoffered
toallpatientsatanominalcostand40%ofthemaretreatedfreeofcharge.toallpatientsatanominalcostand40%ofthemaretreatedfreeofcharge. MainFeatures: Ithas real facility of beam radiotherapy and MRI scanning They are famousforprovidinganexcellentcancertreatmentinIndiatomorethan15,672new patients and 140,935 follow-up cases ayear. TheinstitutewasthefirsttostartmanydepartmentsasthefirstcenterinIndiatoestablisha molecular oncology, nuclear medical oncology department, center for pediatric oncology, global hereditary cancerdetection. Address: Cancer Institute (WIA), Sardar Patel Road, Adyar, Chennai India –600020 VS HOSPITALS AND MADRAS CANCERINSTITUTE Dr. S Subramanian, a renowned medical oncologist is the founder of the multi-specialty hospital.Thehospitalprovides oneofthebestcancertreatmentinIndiawiththehelpofworld- class empathic physicians, world-class facilities and state-of-the-art infrastructure. Treatment quality is available at an affordable price. The oncology team is supported by experienced experts in radiology, imaging, andpathology. Main Features: IMRT / IGRT / SRS /SRT Support services available such as a scanner, TMT, mammography, physiotherapy,etc. Various specialties available in cancer care such as palliative oncology, psycho-oncology, smoking cessation, uro oncology and muchmore Address: VS Hospitals and Madras Cancer Institute, East Spurtank Road, Chetpet, Chennai 600031,India BEST CANCER HOSPITAL IN HYDERABAD AMERICAN INSTITUTE OFONCOLOGY American Oncology Institute is the flagship center of the International Cancer Treatment Services, this is an American based hospital. This is one of the leading cancer hospitals in Hyderabad thatoffersthehighestleveloftreatmentwiththehelpofexcellenttechnology and advanced medical facilities such as Bright Digital Mammography, Acupulse DUO, 4D PET CT Imaging, Calypso Rapid Arc and Brachy Therapy, MRI and Truebeam Stx. The hospital hasa
team of highly experienced physicians, supported by thequalified medical physicist, well- trained nurses, dosimetrists and other supportstaff. Address: American Oncology Institute, Near Aparna Sarovar, Nallagandla, Serilingampally, Hyderabad530019 YASHODAHOSPITAL Yashoda Hospital is an excellent medical center providing high-quality treatment to all sections of society. The Yashoda Cancer Institute offers comprehensive cancer treatment in Hyderabad to patients across the country and abroad. All types of treatments are offered under one roof. The multidisciplinary tumor boards will conduct cancer treatment to the best result with minimal side effects. This hospital is considered one of the best cancer treatment hospitals in Hyderabad for its excellent medical expertise, revolutionary technology, and advanced procedures Address: Yashoda Hospitals, Rajbhavan Road, Somajiguda, Hyderabad500082 KIMS HOSPITAL,KONDAPUR KIMS Hospitals in Kondapur is a multi-specialty health care hospital with other branches in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It is an accredited health care provider NABH and NABL. The Institute of Cancer Sciences provides comprehensive cancer care to adults and children using a four-step approach – preventing, detecting, treating and caring. All types of cancer such as tumors of the head and neck, melanoma, brain tumors, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, biliary cancers, kidney cancer, sarcomas, neuroendocrine and hepatoma cancers are treated here. Address: Kims Hospital, Beside Andhra Bank, Near RTA Office, Kondapur, Serilingampally Mandal, Hyderabad 500084 BEST CANCER HOSPITAL INKOLKATA NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE OF CHITTARANJAN(CNCI) CNCI is located near the Jatin Das Park subway station in Hazra. It was founded in the year 1950 in the memory of Chittaranjan Das. Over the years, the CNCI has grown and eventually the research wing has been developed and funded by the Government of India. Over the last five years, there has been a significant development in the institute that has increasedthe popularity of CNCI. It’s one of the best cancer care centers in Kolkata, withworld-class equipment like a fully computerized simulator and a linear accelerator to name a few. The institute also boasts modern diagnostic techniques. This institute funds are provided bythe
government, the cost of treatment is comparatively lower. CNCI is well connected toother partsofthecitywithallkindsoftransportavailable. TATA MEDICALCENTER The Tata Medical Center (TMC) was built with an alliance with the Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai.It iswellconnectedtodifferentpartsofthecity and islocatedinNewtown,Rajarhat. TMC Kolkata has all the facilities for high-quality treatment, early diagnosis and everything a modern cancer institute can have. With modern equipment and highly qualified personnel, itis one of the best cancer-fighting institutes in Kolkata, managed by a Trust. 50% of the beds are reserved for disadvantaged sections of society. The research facilities are also worldclass. APOLLO GLEN EAGLESHOSPITAL The Apollo Gleneagles Hospital Cancer Service is the new addition to the list of cancer hospitals in Kolkata. The hospital is privately owned and is located in Kadapara, Phool Bagan. It has state- of-the-art equipment and the latest technologies combined with superior diagnostic techniques and highly qualified medical personnel. The Novalis Tx machine used for radiotherapy has been introduced in this hospital which can destroy cancer cells with minimal damage to surrounding livingtissue.Asaprivatehospital,thecostoftreatmentmaybeabithigher,buttheyoffer high-qualityfacilities